Decline of Feudalism Reading Notes Answers

Section 1 Questions:
1. What changes did Henry II make to the English legal system and how did these changes affect feudalism?
People were tried by royal judges and had to have a court trial. Royal courts power strengthened and the power of
the feudal lords was weakened.
2. What changes did Magna Carta bring about in English Government?
Monarch could no longer collect special taxes without the consent of the nobles. “No free man” could be jailed
without judgment by his peers or the courts.
3. What was the Model Parliament, and why was it created?
It was an English governing party that included commoners, lower-ranking clergy, church officials, and
nobles. It intended to include more people in government.
4. In the cause-and-effect box on the back of this page, describe the political developments in Europe that
contributed to the decline of feudalism and the rise of democratic thought.
Section 2 Questions:
Fill in the blanks to explain the spread of the bubonic plague: “The plague probably originated in central Asia,
traveled along the trade route to The Black Sea, was carried on a ship to Italy, and then spread north and west
to the rest of Europe.
2. Why was the plague called the “Black Death”? What were some of the common symptoms?
The black and blue spots that were on their skin. Symptoms included fevers, vomiting, coughing and sneezing, and
3. How was the plague spread?
It was spread by fleas on rats because the conditions of the time were very dirty.
4. In the Bubonic Plague box of your cause-and-effect diagram, list example of how the outbreak of the bubonic
plague in Europe contributed to the decline of feudalism and the rise of democratic thought.
Section 3 Questions:
1. How did the Hundred Years’ War start?
The war began because English Kings claimed land in France, which was also claimed by French Kings (dispute over
2. Why were the English able to defeat the French in early battles, such as the one at Crecy?
The English army relied on archers armed with long bows which were more accurate and flew farther.
3. Who was Joan of Arc? What did she do for the French during the Hundred Years’ War?
She was a 17 year-old peasant girl who fought for France. She led the French army to victory and inspired loyalty for
the French King.
4. In the Hundred Years’ War box of the cause-and-effect diagram, list examples of how the outbreak of war in
Europe contributed to the decline of feudalism and the rise of democratic thought.
Cause-and-Effect Box
Political Events
Bubonic Plague
Magna Carta – limited power of
1/3 of population dies, which causes:
Labor shortage
Legal reforms strengthened common
law, judges, juries
Model Parliament gave a voice to
some common people
Serfs abandon feudal manors and
moved to towns
Peasant revolts
Hundred Years’ War
Shifted power from lords to
monarchs & common people
Military technology made
knights/castles less important
New feeling of nationalism shifted
power away from lords
Peasants who survived war were
in more demand which gave them
more power
Decline of Feudalism and Rise of Democratic Thought
Commoners gain power, lords lose power