Balochistan Youth Policy 2015: Empowerment & Development

Balochistan Youth Policy 2015
Environment, Sports & Youth Affairs Department
Government of Balochistan
Draft: 2015-08-04
Draft: 2015-08-04
Balochistan youth policy envisions an empowered youth that is
economically active with developed and quality competencies; is
socially progressive, gender-friendly, sensitive to diversity and to
the collective needs; and is engaged in peer and community
interactions and decision making for uplift of civic and political
affairs in Balochistan.
Draft: 2015-08-04
Table of Contents
Preamble ................................................................................................................................. 5
Rationale ................................................................................................................................. 7
Youth Demography .......................................................................................................... 8
Situation of Youth in Balochistan ..................................................................................... 8
Economic challenges: .............................................................................................. 10
Social challenges: .................................................................................................... 11
Governance: Youth Affairs in the Post 18th Amendment Era ........................................ 14
Strategic Direction ................................................................................................................ 16
Vision .............................................................................................................................. 16
Mission and Goal ............................................................................................................ 16
Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 16
Principles of Policy.......................................................................................................... 17
Mission Orientation and Priority Youth Groups ............................................................ 18
Employment and Livelihood........................................................................................... 18
Education for Youth Development................................................................................. 21
Integrated Health, Population and Gender Parity ......................................................... 23
Sports, Art and Culture ................................................................................................... 24
Protection of Youth .................................................................................................... 26
Youth Engagement and Participation ......................................................................... 27
Institutional Mechanism and Capacity Building ................................................................... 28
Annexure: Results of Perception Survey for Formulation of the BYP 2015 ......................... 30
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Government of Balochistan
Balochistan Youth Policy 2015
Youth offer the key human resources for future. Their productivity, social outlook and
engagement indicate the outcome a country has to achieve, and whatever the results are they
are the most important beneficiaries of national development. In Pakistan and Balochistan,
they are, additionally, the largest demographic group in an age of the youth bulge. The
commitment to their active participation to the development processes and holistic and crosssectoral empowerment in a systemic way have prompted the Government of Balochistan to
formulate the Balochistan Youth Policy (BYP) 2015. It was also necessitated after induction of
the 18th Amendment to the Pakistani Constitution, which transferred authority over the Youth
Affairs from the Centre to the Provinces.
The BYP 2015 is in line with parameters of the Balochistan Comprehensive Development
Strategy (2013-2020) and the (proposed) Development Vision and Strategy (2015). This synergy
will further consolidate planning and development work of the present Government that has
taken upon over-due tasks of development planning and sought to expand from project and
scheme-based development into a province-wise framework for development.
The BYP 2015 pursues a course to engage youth of a province, which is generally marred by
extreme poverty, lack of infrastructure and services and connectivity issues, making them
vulnerable to risks attached with vulnerabilities. Based on an empowerment model, the policy
is a comprehensive tool to uplift holistic situation of youth in economic, social and civil/political
Through the policy, the Government will support youth achieving their personal
development and help them build their economic competencies and lifeskills.
Thrust areas of the policy are employment and entrepreneurship; education for economic and
social competencies; lifeskills; gender; integrated health and sports; tourism; peacebuilding,
and youth engagement. A matching institutional mechanism will be set at place to integrate
youth work undertaken within different sectors; while youth organizations will be made the
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Balochistan Youth Policy 2015
mobilizing arms of the Government. The Environment, Sports and Youth Affairs Department will
be the focal point and coordinating agency for implementation of the policy.
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Government of Balochistan
Balochistan Youth Policy 2015
The Government of Pakistan defines ‘youth’ as those young persons who are between the ages
of 15 to 29 years. They form the largest section of Pakistani and Balochistani population. It is
time that their group identity is recognized in public policy and all related work spread over
sectors of education, finance, health, women, sports, youth affairs, etc., is integrated into a
systemic package of youth empowerment in Balochistan. By this policy coherence, the youth
can be brought at the center of provincial and national development. Such need is doubly
emphasized in case of Balochistan which is marred by resource deficit, under-development,
poverty and a sense of deprivation pervading especially in the educated youth who find fewer
opportunities to absorb themselves into narrow base of job markets and tapered democratic
and civic spaces for mobilization of their rights and organizations.
The basic function of the BYP 2015 is to prepare grounds in economic, social and political/civic
fields to engage rising expectations of the Balochistani youth for actual mobilization of their
potential in operation; so that they are active, hopeful, enlightened and be part of their own
making in personal and socio-economic development and the gap between youth aspirations
and actual youth efforts is gradually decreased.
While recognizing the macro-level constraints been historically prevalent – physical
infrastructure, connectivity, population density and consequently expansive development,
poverty and planning frameworks, the BYP 2015 puts premium on youth and
customized actions according to the needs of a diverse youth of Balochistan. It envisages
complementing the regional clustering/corridor approach, especially in economic sphere, as
proposed by the Balochistan CM’s Policy Reforms Unit (CMPRU).
The BYP 2015 is also cognizant that the province has a diverse youth population in terms of
ethnicity and sub-cultures and regional geography and location along with gender and
education differentials. Unlike other parts of the country, Balochistan’s vulnerable youth make
a sizable portion as in ratio of its total population.
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Balochistan Youth Policy 2015
The policy will seek to address needs of this diverse youth in a comprehensive manner and
envisages programming guidelines that are unique to its different cohorts. The basic function
would be to activate youth for its empowerment.
Youth Demography
According to projected data, mid-year 2015, youth between 15 and 29 years of age are 30.6
percent amounting to around 61 million (31.5 million boys; 29.5 million girls) in Pakistan. All
persons in 0-29 years of age are 126 million (64.9 million boys; 61.1 million girls) making it 63.1
percent of the total population of Pakistan. In Balochistan, the number of youth (15-29 years)
amounted to 26.8 percent, while the number of persons between 0-29 years of age reached
70.2 percent, according to the 1998 census. This implies that the next cohorts of young people
entering into youth category (15-29 years) have actually increased in both numbers and
percentages (29 percent in 2005, according to the Economic Survey of Pakistan). This is coupled
with data of the housing survey completed in 2011 that found a phenomenal increase in both
population and housing in the province. The survey indicated that 139.3 percent increase in
population was witnessed in Balochistan from 1998 (last census) to 2011, which surpassed in
ratio than any other province and region in Pakistan. In numbers, the population was amounted
to 13,162,222 not including the districts of Khuzdar, Kech and Panjgur districts. The province
also witnessed highest increase of 109.2 percent in households across Pakistan. Roughly 74
percent of the population in Balochistan lives in rural and mountainous area. Apart from ruralurban/hilly and male-female divisions, this population is composed of diverse linguistic and
cultural sub-groups and spread over a rate of 19 people per square kilometers.
Situation of Youth in Balochistan
Balochistan in its present geography was formed a province after the former Balochistan States
Union and former Chief Commissioner's Province of Balochistan were merged in 1970. The
Government incorporated the coastal enclave of Gwadar later in 1977, which was purchased
from Oman in October 1958. Being the largest province, it accounts for 44% of Pakistan's total
land mass and is spread over 347,190 square kilometers (134,050 sq mi).
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Balochistan Youth Policy 2015
The province is enriched with natural resources. 50 metallic and non-metallic minerals have
been found in Balochistan, of which 41 are being mined. Despite this, it is an under-developed
province with infrastructure deficit and dependence upon primary sector economy – to the
extent that some analysts put Balochistan in the horticultural and pastoral age, where minor
crops and livestock are the largest sectors accounting for a quarter of the provincial economy.
Manufacturing and finance together account for a mere 9%. Human development indicators
are on a proverbial low and water for irrigation and drinking is scarcely available. Overall
poverty incidence in Balochistan (48 percent) was estimated to be 13.5 percentage points
higher than the other provinces of Pakistan in 2001/02. Urban poverty amounted to 44 percent
with a relative decrease in the city of Quetta.
Balochistan: District-wise Ranking in Indices of Multiple Deprivations (IMDs)
Deprivation Level
Deprivation Level
Deprivation Level
Killah Abdullah
Jhal Magsi
Killah Saifullah
Dera Bugti
Jamal, Haroon. "Districts’ Indices of Multiple Deprivations for Pakistan," Social Policy and Development Centre: Karachi: 2012.
43 percent of children in the province are estimated to be underweight due to malnutrition and
food security reasons. Employment rates show a significant gender differential, estimated at
66.2 percent for males in Balochistan and 11.4 percent for females. Literacy is only 45 percent
lagging behind the national average by 12 percentage points. Gender disparity is highly evident
in both urban and rural areas and so is the infant mortality rate for Balochistan (@72 deaths per
1000 live births). There has been an increase, from 5.8 to 7.06, in the total fertility rate between
1991 and 2004 and contraceptive prevalence rate was recorded at an average of 14.7 percent.
Balochistan data on HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases is largely unavailable.
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Balochistan Youth Policy 2015
Balochistan is further mired in security issues, militancy, sectarian killings and widespread
violations of human rights; which directly affects youth as the main causality of security risks
and an uncertain future.
The BYP 2015 recognizes the pressing situation of security and is committed to make spaces for
political and civil engagement of youth in Balochistan.
The secondary data about Balochistan is telling but for the purpose of formulating the BYP 2015
it was deemed necessary to generate primary data to map issues from the youth perspective
and research was conducted. By using the empowerment model, a perception measuring
instrument was developed; whereby the three key youth challenges were divided into subissues and perception ranking was sought to level of the provincial regions. Field research of
this youth mapping exercise involved 18 consultative sessions in sample 11 districts, 700
participant youth from all 30 districts, 452 filled forms of a perception survey, 57 indepth
interviews with experts and practitioners and around 150 organizations during this mapping
exercise. Results of the perception survey research are annexed at the end of this policy
document. The BYP 2015 is informed by this collective articulation of youth challenges that has
helped identifying areas and appropriate strategies for the policy intervention
There are three broader challenges faced by youth: (i) economic empowerment, (ii) social
empowerment, and (iii) political/civic engagement; under these three main categories, there
are multiple sub-issues which need to be addressed through the policy. It is also important to
note the variations in results along gender, rural-urban, age-groups and regional lines.
2.1.1. Economic challenges: The youth in Balochistan face multiple economic challenges. A
variety of such issues will include unemployment, lack of required skills for employment, lack of
structures for labor development, poverty, feudal and tribal system and inflation.
Both urban and rural youth rate unemployment as the biggest problem faced by the youth.
However, the problem is severer in rural areas as compared to urban centers. The female youth
rate unemployment as higher as compared to males (74%). Youth in the age-groups of 20-24
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and 24-29 rate unemployment highest. Poverty and lack of structure are rated as second and
third, while lack of necessary skills, inflation and feudal system are rated lowest.
Total number of employed and unemployed people has increased in Balochistan over the past
few years indicating an increase in the workforce. Total civilian labor force in 2012-13 was 2.58
million which has increased to 2.85 million in 2013-14. Moreover, youth living in low deprived
areas such as Quetta, Pishin, Jaffarabad and Sibbi rank unemployment highest. This youth
group comes from first and third proposed economic corridors and areas of highest population
densities. This shows that there is a need to develop infrastructure and increase employment
opportunities in these areas.
About 51% of the total people employed are working in agriculture, forestry, hunting and
fishing industry. The province produces fruits and vegetables. Due to lack of irrigation systems
and arid climate, it is difficult to practice year round sowing and cultivation. In some areas,
'Karez' system is still used for limited irrigation. Wholesale and retail trade, employing about
15.2% of the employed people, is the second biggest sector. Initially the government's focus is
on developing the primary sectors which will in turn lead to development of secondary and
tertiary sectors.
The single largest employer in urban areas is wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels.
It is important to note however that manufacturing employs just 8% of urban residents while
public administration and health and education sectors each employ around 10% of the urban
workforce. Female employment is extremely low in urban areas and mostly in agriculture,
health and education services.
Local market analysis and skills mapping is another question, which has to be addresses; while
the availability of trained and quality labour force is also intrinsically linked with the state of
quality education.
2.1.2. Social challenges: It is imperative that the economic empowerment of youth is
synergized with social uplift of young individuals who are progressive, egalitarian and sensitive
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to common good of the society. Given under-development and diversity of youth in the
province maintaining this equilibrium is a must.
Social challenges being faced by the youth of Balochistan include education for youth
development, integrated health and sports, drug addiction, gender biasness and barriers for
male and female youth, peacebuilding and cohesion, sense of corruption/nepotism/social
injustice, youth physical and psychological insecurities, promotion of culture and local art,
discrimination against minorities/ marginalized youth, suicide among youth and lack of youth
activism and volunteerism.
Education is the key driver of socio-economic development. However, for the purpose of youth
development those aspects of education are directly relevant which cause to inculcate social
and economic competencies in youth. This is primarily the realm of quality education, including
lack of education for skill development; enhanced learning outcomes; institutional framework
i.e. regulation and standardization; curricula issues; non-academic programming and extracurricular activities; career counseling, and socially-sensitive and enlightened envisioning of
education enabling youth to practice the values of peace, gender, equity and critical thinking.
The rural youth rate issues such as lack of education for skill development and lack of quality
education and curricula issues higher as compared to their urban counterparts signifying major
rural-urban gap. Lack of institutional framework is rated highest by both rural and urban youth.
While transport and travel issues are rated lowest among rural and urban youth as well as
among all age groups. However, Females rate transport issues slightly higher as compared to
So far the focus of education has been the access issues. Overall there has been a rise in the
literacy rate in the province. The combined female/male literacy rate in 2012-13 was 49.8%
which has risen to 51.8% in 2013-14. Initially, there is a need to develop primary and secondary
school infrastructure as well as skill development schools in rural areas while universities and
research facilities must be constructed in urban areas especially in southern Balochistan in
corridors four and six.
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However, the main issues related to youth development remain at large. The policy decisions
need to consider issues with the current curriculum. It must be ensured that content of
textbooks is free of any biases, stereotypes and aggression promoting material as well as should
avoid defining gender roles in static ways. Furthermore, instead of opting for a uniform system
of education, special emphasis must be laid upon standardization of evaluation tools. The
design of curriculum must include learning outcomes that must be achieved at each progressive
level of education. The curriculum should focus on developing logical and critical thinking rather
than memorization of facts and rote learning.
While unavailability of health centers and facilities is rated highest, females rate pro-youth
legislative measures on (early) marriage higher as compared to males. On the other hand,
youth health and sport is rated higher by males as compared to females. This can be attributed
to historical continuity of sports facility for boys. Also youth health and sport is rated highest by
the youngest age group, which is 15-19 years old.
Integrated health and population related problems for youth mainly concern reproductive
health. The communication gap related to reproductive health education currently exists due to
cultural norms and stigmas attached to discussing own bodies and physical changes. Integrated
health issues extend from physical to psychological and social aspects of well-being and gender
parities in societies. There is a dire need to impart knowledge related to these topics to youth
so that they can know themselves more and improve their decision making process. The
particular areas that need to be covered should include naturalization of puberty,
contraception and sexual health, sexual rights and choices, inappropriate touching and sexual
abuse, etc.
In Balochistan around 7% of women aged 15-19 had already started motherhood.
In vulnerabilities, males rate drug addiction higher as compared to females) while
corruption/nepotism/feudalism and social injustice is rated higher by females. A significant
difference exists when it comes to the issue of gender biasness and barriers for male and
female youth, the females rate this issue much higher as compared to males. This shows the
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gravity of problems faced by females and lack of awareness on part of males regarding this
issue. Similarly, physical and psychological insecurities are rated higher by females than males
as social set up makes females more vulnerable to physical and psychological attacks. Linguistic
differences and suicide among youth is rated lowest by both females/males and among all age
2.1.3. Political participation and engagement: Finally, the issue of political participation
and engagement of youth has been identified during field research for the BYP 2015. The
problems under this category include: civic responsibility and citizenship, lack of political
awareness, political participation to gain power, misuse of youth by political parties and lack of
participatory platforms for youth.
Almost all the categories are rated higher by urban participants showing a higher degree of
political awareness. Females also rate civic responsibility/citizenship and lack of participatory
platforms for youth higher as compared to males. Among all age groups, lack of participatory
platforms for youth is rated highest.
2.3. Governance: Youth Affairs in the Post 18th Amendment Era
There are two basic factors that have radically changed policy and implementation of youth
affairs in Pakistan: (i) induction of the 18th Amendment to the Pakistani Constitution that has
abolished Youth Affairs from the Concurrent List and transferred authority over youth affairs
from the Centre to the Provinces, and (ii) the emerging realization of youth bulge in Pakistan
that demands a matching policy and implementation response and multi-sectoral integration of
youth development. The business is no more as usual! The latter factor has brought out the
Youth Affairs Department from its peripheral role to the limelight of public policy, development
programming and political nuisance.
As a focal point of youth development in the province of Balochistan the Youth Affairs
Department is now responsible for youth mainstreaming into all levels of policy and
programming in the province. It is required to be more vigorously involved in line with the new
constitutional arrangement. Formulation of the BYP 2015 indicates the emerging realities;
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starting from its formulation, which will provide a comprehensive framework for youth
development in the Balochistan.
The Department was created as a wing for youth under the ministry of Culture and Sports in
1984. It was created with an aim to harness, guide and channelize youth’s potential towards
positive activities by providing structural support as well as technical and social training. Its
functions traditionally included tapping and utilizing the talents of mainly two youth groups –
the illiterate and school dropout youth.
Recognizing the youth bulge and the need for effective policy implementation regarding youth,
the Department was upgraded to a full time ministry in 2005. However, it still works with one
officer and within meager resources. Its key asset is a Youth Development Centre at Quetta
which was constructed with the help of then Federal Ministry of Youth Affairs in 2008 with an
estimated cost of Rs. 24.6 million. The Centre was expected to cater to needs of the youth of
Balochistan by providing facilities such as debating hall, indoor games, boarding and lodging
facilities, etc. The center is not fully functional as yet.
After having adopted the BYP 2015, it is envisaged that the Department will duly expand into a
comprehensive regime of youth empowerment in Balochistan.
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Balochistan Youth Policy 2015
Strategic Direction
Balochistan youth policy envisions an empowered youth that is economically active with
developed and quality competencies; is socially progressive, gender-friendly, sensitive to
diversity, peace and to the collective needs; and is engaged in peer and community interactions
and decision making for uplift of political and civic affairs in Balochistan.
Mission and Goal
The policy will foster a culture of youth empowerment and participation in socio-economic
sphere of Balochistan by providing an enabling environment, which mobilizes youth for their
due rights and responsibilities as progressive, enlightened and lawful citizens and decreases
their vulnerabilities, and enhances capacity of Government, private and social service providers
to deliver accessible, relevant and high-quality youth-friendly services. By integrating multisectoral youth work, the policy will build synergies among different stakeholders in service of
youth as partners of development processes in Balochistan. It will promote the values of
respect for law, culture, diversity, gender, equity, peace and nation building. This policy effort
will be to make grounds for Balochistan’s prospective entry into a new realm of national
development, in the medium term, through peaceful mobilization of youth resources and on
the longer run to strive for maximum equality close to national average indicators of
employment, quality education, health and food security, gender equality and youth actions.
The policy will also contribute to lay out an institutional framework for youth empowerment in
the province.
To support youth for invoking the spirit of volunteerism and adherence collective
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Balochistan Youth Policy 2015
To create an enabling environment for sustainable, rightful and gainful employment,
livelihood, training, financial credit and other services.
To promote a youth that is socially sensitive, egalitarian, pro-peace and gender-friendly.
To promote education as a vehicle for youth development inculcating social and
economic competencies for future roles in youth.
To facilitate integrated healthcare ensuring reproductive health programming and
To promote healthy lifestyle and mobility through sports and tourism and engage youth
in preservation and promotion of art, culture and heritage.
To engage youth in political/civic activities and encourage their organization and
mobilization for personal, social and national development.
Principles of Policy
That the youth will demonstrate respect for diversity of Balochistan and for youth and
citizens from different perspectives other than their own i.e. language, gender, culture,
orientation and socio/political loyalties, etc.
That the youth energies be put in service of volunteer and political/civic activism and for
full realization of citizenry.
That the youth work has to be inclusive, free of discrimination until breach of lawful
actions, and is sensitive towards social and economic protection of the vulnerable youth
That the rights and aspirations of youth require matching actions on part of the youth.
That the youth have to be dynamic and brought out from the mindset of traditional jobs
and into independent choice makers and entrepreneurs. Their ability and freedom to
exercise choices is desirable.
That the universal access to education will transform into the youth development
sphere when qualified with value, quality and standards.
That the youth health needs will also consider their psychological, social and economic
vulnerabilities and its integration with gender equality.
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That the holistic needs of youth imply coordination and integration of multi-sectoral
efforts of the Government.
Mission Orientation and Priority Youth Groups
The policy will pursue developing youth into active and responsible citizens and promote teamplaying and leadership skills among them for personal and socio-economic development. The
Government will create opportunities and platforms for youth, especially rural and tribal youth,
for increased participation in development programmes. Special efforts will be made to support
initiatives of Boy Scouts and Girl Guide movements and link youth to public campaigns related
to education, health, sports, environment, gender and peacebuilding and commemoration of
national and international days. The government will also ensure that youth volunteers manage
extra-curricular events and gain hands on experience of using skills like communication,
coordination, event management, documentation and action-planning, etc.
Public and private universities will be encouraged to initiate volunteer programmes for partial
fulfillment of their degree programmes. In the social sector, NGOs and youth groups will be
inspired to run youth-involving internship programmes with proper certification.
Involvement in volunteer activities will enhance confidence and personal and professional
interactions of the youth preparing them for their future social and economic roles.
Another thrust of the policy is to strategically use the opportunities and platforms provided
under its framework for peacebuilding and balanced gender-relations among youth.
The priority youth groups of the BYP 2015 are:
 Literate youth, female youth, rural/tribal youth, youth from religious minorities and
those addicted to substances.
Employment and Livelihood
The Government will create an enabling environment of employment and livelihood
opportunities for the youth; so that they are economically active on sustainable basis. It is
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envisaged that the current mega-development projects in Balochistan will have the potential to
accommodate Balochistani youth people with acquisition of better professional, technical and
entrepreneurial skills. This will also result in minimizing regional disparities in the province.
The current Government proposals of regional clustering and marking economic growth nodes
will also ensure that all regions of the province contribute to economy according to their
potential niche.
Proposed Economic Corridor
Non-Staple/high value
Districts in the Corridor
Zhob, Killa Saifullah, Loralai, Sibbi, Musa
Khel Ziarat
Gas and crops in irrigated areas
Gwadar-Mustung Corridor
Port-Mineral Corridor
Dera Bugti, Nasirabad, Jaffarabad, Jhal
Lasbela, Khuzdar, Kalat, Quetta, Pishin
Gwadar, Panjgur, Washuk, Kharan
Chagai, Washuk, Panjgur, Kech, Gwadar
Gwadar, Lasbela
The BYP 2015 recognizes that with skill development and vocational training the proposals of
regional clustering and economic corridors can be duly implemented. For that, the policy is
committed to carry out skills mapping studies preferably under the Balochistan TETVA to
ascertain district-level skill-set in a given economic corridor. The public and private universities
will also be encouraged to assign exploratory studies and student projects on skill mapping and
market analysis in Balochistan. These assessment studies will highlight top-needed skills in
respective economic corridors and be part of the existing TVET institutions. Based on these the
Government will run regular and weekend programmes for skill development and technical
training. The Government, private sector and relevant development agencies can fund such
programmes. The Government will further run crash programmes in Training of Trainers (TOT)
mode to the unemployed educated youth and link them with existing micro-credit facilities
extended by private and social enterprises.
Accordingly the Government will update curriculum of the vocational training institutes in
accordance with clustering requirements and job-opportunities in the agriculture, livestock,
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veterinary, mining, fruit processing and fisheries fields and will prepare a phased expansion
programme of such training facilities to other growth nodes in Balochistan.
Workforce in Balochistan
The Government will arrange soft loans for technical and vocational training recipients, when
needed on merit basis, with the help of national and international agencies which are already
implementing such programmes in other provinces of Pakistan. Female youth will be especially
provided greater access to loaning facilities.
To break taboos attached with technical and vocational education, the Government will arrange
public service messaging, campaigns and Information Education Communication (IEC) materials
to underscore the need for decent work especially among the literate youth. Youth will be
made part of such dissemination. Moreover, the Government considers it equally important
that both literate and illiterate trainees of technical and vocational programmes are properly
certified; to duly win over access to national and international markets.
The Government will strengthen institutions like the Balochistan TEVTA by striving to make the
best use of its facilities and services. Private sector will be especially aligned to activate it.
The Government will ensure to promote entrepreneurship and management skills among youth
in cottage industry, local crafts and handicrafts, local trade fairs, hotel management, IT,
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accounting and finance, marketing and branding, company registration, and office services, etc.
To make the maximum practical use of such skills the public and private institutions will be
encouraged to having access to credit facilities, market linkages and business planning as part
of their regular programmes. The principle is to impart employable skills to the local youth and
to encourage youth-led small enterprises for income-generation at village and urbanneighborhood level. Otherwise anonymous female workers may also avail such opportunities
in local products and can directly reach out to the markets. Use of IT (social media) for youth is
an area that can especially cut through physical handicaps and bring local products to the
national and international markets.
The Government of Balochistan is visible inclined towards expanding information access to its
programmes, services and facilities through the IT interface and websites of its institutions. This
is especially beneficial for literate youth and provides them leverage to make use of the public
programmes, services and facilities in the districts that may remain outside knowledge of local
Education for Youth Development
The Government is constitutionally bound to provide right to education across the country. The
provincial Education Department is making efforts to improve literacy, enrolment, retention,
drop-out reduction, provision of missing facilities, school location, scholarships, education
subsidies, girls’ education and other access issues. Nevertheless, this is technically the area of
education sector to intervene. For the purpose of youth development, we have to be focused
on quality education, including lack of education for skill development; enhanced learning
outcomes; institutional framework i.e. regulation and standardization; curricula issues; nonacademic programming and extra-curricular activities; career counseling, and socially-sensitive
and enlightened envisioning of education enabling youth to practice the values of peace,
gender, equity and critical thinking.
The Government will upgrade the status of Curriculum Wing and make it more pro-active; so
that the required skill-sets in students are clearly spelt-out and acquired. They may include a
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combination of hard skills (i.e. mathematics, problem solving, reading and information
technology) and soft skills (i.e. oral and written communication, critical thinking, team work)
and non-academic indicators (student-student/teacher interaction and platforms for selfexpression). So have to be learning outcomes at various stages of education and disciplines
articulated and pursued. Pedagogy and the way to imparting knowledge is essential marker for
success of education for youth development.
The Government will ensure that design phase of such endeavour is made transparent and
participatory; having proper call for public discussions and review on curriculum with a wide
range of stakeholders.
Quality teaching and student-centered methodologies are the key to groom students. For that
teachers have to be updated with refresher courses in knowledge imparting methodologies.
The syllabus in schools will further provide for curricular and co-curricular activities.
Social sector will be encouraged to provide information and interaction opportunities for skill
development and help youth to participate in democratic and civic processes. The Government
will open doors of the prestigious institutions like Balochistan Assembly and the Governors
House for visiting youth groups from schools, colleges and universities and provide them
opportunities to interact with government personalities.
Literate youth will be made essential part of the campaigns and during commemoration of
national and international days.
The curriculum will include special components on art, music and local geographies along with
life skill education as part of the syllabus from class 5th. A system of invoking non-academic
programming will be at place in schools and colleges to enhance competencies of the youth.
The schools and colleges will be bound to prepare their curricular and extra-curricular calendars
for the academic year.
Inter-provincial exchange and scholarship programme by the Government of Punjab will be
further extended to other provinces of Pakistan.
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Specially designed vocational courses for girl students will be run in educational institutions.
Rural/tribal groups will be provided crash courses on livelihood, life skills and health in nonformal settings. Given long distances and location issues, out of school and non-formal
education and curricular activities will be promoted. Another policy guideline is to strengthen
educational institution-community linkages.
Integrated Health, Population and Gender Parity
The Government of Balochistan pledges to provide youth-friendly primary healthcare that are
in line with integrated health framework and practices, delivering programmes, facilities ad
services to match youth needs and aspirations.
The Government recognizes adolescence and youth health rights that secure physical, mental
and social growth of youth and boost their social, economic and political development.
The Government will insure that systems are in place, in coordination with other private
operators, for information and counseling of adolescents in the areas of gender relations and
equality, violence against adolescents, responsible sexual behavior, responsible family planning
practices, family life, reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV infection and AIDS
prevention are important to tackle the youth rights issues. It is however underscored that while
delivering sexual reproductive services, the cultural sensitivity issues will be taken into
consideration. Availability of facilities to support changes in youth bodies and physical condition
are critical for individual youth and their families. Such services will include information and
counseling on sexuality, safe sex and reproductive health; Contraception and protective
method provision; STI diagnosis and management; counseling (and referral for testing and
care); Pregnancy testing and antenatal and postnatal care; Counseling on sexual violence and
abuse (and referral for needed services); and Post-abortion care (PAC) etc.
The Government is cognizant that Pakistan has endorsed ICPD (International Conference on
Population and Development), which has shifted the emphasis of population planning to
promoting rights and sustainable development. Furthermore, Pakistan is also a signatory to
several international treaties and conventions including Convention on Rights to Children (CRC),
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the international covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Such international treaties
and conventions commit the country to right of young people.
National commitment to the Convention on the Rights of Child also provide the framework to
the provincial government to adolescents and youth rights, based on gender equity and
equality. Such integrated health approaches are crucial to protect vulnerable and
disadvantaged youth. The question of gender discrimination is also linked with it.
The policy frames its commitment to integrated health rights of youth in the context of a youth
bulge in Balochistan and Pakistan. The government will coordinate youth researches, events
and debates on the scale and depths of youth bulge in the province and mass awareness
campaigns for promoting family planning in the province. Youth groups and organizations will
be encouraged to disseminate information regarding healthful practices and health services.
Promotion of healthy lifestyle and protection from harmful addictions such as tobacco and
drugs would be important components of integrated healthcare. They will also be made active
part of education programmes on nutrition, anaemia, early age marriages and reproductive
health. The more information they get the more they can make responsible choices on sexual
and reproductive matters. The policy will give priority to sharing information and building life
skills in youth-led campaigns. This will also be complemented with formal education curriculum,
non-formal education, and peer education approaches.
The Government of Balochistan is specially inclined to promote formation of women youth
groups and organizations.
On the provincial level, the Government also commits to allocate 15 percent quota for women
in entering jobs.
Sports, Art and Culture
The Government of Balochistan will include physical education and sports will be included in
the school and college curriculum. Standards will be designed and maintained for schools and
colleges for provision of sports and recreational facilities and yearly calendars for sports will be
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implemented. With activation for sports it is expected that a cadre of qualified sports trainers,
communicators, umpires and referees will also be created especially in football.
The Government will help sports associations to bring national events to Balochistan, creating
opportunities for sports volunteers and engagement of youth in sports.
The Government will review performance of its sporting associations and revamp their systems
for incorporation of dynamic personalities who have entrepreneurial skills and linkages with the
sports related corporate sponsors and bodies in Pakistan.
Youth groups and organizations will be linked with sports associations to raise profiles of
Balochistani players and create sports icons at the national and international levels through use
of social media.
The Government of Balochistan has held a successful sports and youth festival and intends to
consolidate this mega event. It will be designed in a manner that a pool of youth event
volunteers is every year established. Their hands-on experience of assisting events is a valuable
asset for the future alongwith healthy competitions of the event.
Art and Culture. The policy supports and encourages local arts and culture and to protect,
preserve and promote rich cultural heritage and traditions efforts in Balochistan. Showcasing
and exhibiting of local work will be supported with an aim for media visibility across Pakistan.
Traditional crafts, performing, visual and fine arts will be promoted at the provincial, national
and international level.
The Government recognizes the potential of community-based enterprise for local artifacts.
Local textiles and handicrafts will be promoted through micro-credit facilities at the community
level and training will be imparted to the entrepreneurs for branding and marketing their
Outreach programmes at the Local departments of fine arts will be set up to to undertake and
facilitate training programmes. The departments will house facilities to exhibit arts and crafts. A
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committee comprising of journalists, intellectuals and experts on folk and tribal culture will
advise the Government.
The Department of Youth Affairs will provide linkages of national theatre houses in the social
sector to the universities, colleges and youth groups and organizations to form local theatre
groups. Such theatre groups can add value to awareness campaigns within local communities.
Youth Tourism. The Department in collaboration with the Balochistan Tourism Directorate will
devise a “See Balochistan Programme” and promote its itinerary with the help of youth groups
and organizations for visitors.
The Government will also form a Backpackers Club consisting of youth for group tourism and
guiding facilities.
3.10. Protection of Youth
The Government will work to ensure protection of its youth from physical, mental, social, and
psychological abuse. It will curb use of drugs, tobacco, and other toxic substances. The
Government will mobilize its relevant departments to conduct youth-led awareness
programmes and campaigns. Civil society organizations and youth groups and organizations will
be encouraged to be part of these community education programmes. They will also be
involved in registration of refugee adolescents and youth in the public documents.
Special attention will be given to prevent youth entering into militancy. Activities to build
peace, promote a culture of peace, and ultimately prevent conflict will be strengthened and
supported. Youth who have shunned militancy will be provided with platforms to express
themselves and to get into discussions on positive youth development.
The Government will seek public and private universities and media persons to record case
studies of those youth who have returned to normalcy from involvement in conflicts.
The Government will also involve youth in public service messaging and campaigns against
hate-speech and celebrating diversity of Balochistan.
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3.11. Youth Engagement and Participation
The predominant approach behind the BYP 2015 is to engage youth in different dimensions of
public life in Balochistan. Its theory of change is built on the premise that if the formal systems
allow youth to positively develop in economic, social and political/civic arenas risks of youth to
engage in risky behavior are minimized.
The political/civic arena implies choices offered beyond party politics and more is concerned
with democratic and community participation of the youth. In this sphere, the Government will
help creating platforms and forming groups and organizations both within communities and
campuses. On campuses this would translate into associational work according to the choices,
interests and affiliations of the literate youth. The Government also particularity supports the
ideas of class representation and establishment of student councils on campuses for those
aspiring students who are eligible with prescribed qualifications for leadership positions having
no academic arrears. Within communities, the BYP envisages a robust role of youth groups and
organizations and youth partnerships with local government institutions particularly in the
fields of sports, arts, culture and mass awareness campaigns.
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Institutional Mechanism and Capacity Building
The Youth Affairs Department will be the focal point for coordinating activities related to youth
development. The Government will expand its staffing base also absorbing technical personnel
to implement the policy. Given resource constraints in Balochistan, a two-pronged focus will
guide the policy implementation for systemically synergizing work of existing organization,
bodies and groups (provincial departments, NGOs, youth groups, international donors,
philanthropists, corporate bodies and community-based organizations). First is related to the
establishment of a Balochistan Youth Development Commission and the second is to encourage
growth and government patronage of youth groups in Balochistan.
Housed in the Youth Affairs Department as its secretariat, the proposed Balochistan Youth
Development Commission will be the supervisory arm of the implementation of the BYP 2015.
It will be a multi-stakeholder body to monitor policy contours and progress of youth work in the
province. It will help ensure that adequate action-planning and financing is at work and will
support the Department to build public-private partnerships. It will also submit an annual
report to the Chief Minister on the status of youth work in Balochistan.
The Department will maintain database of youth groups and organization and will encourage
them to work within framework of the policy. For that, a Balochistan Youth Development
Resource Centre will be made functional, whose main tasks are to coordinate youth groups ad
organizatios, help in registration of new and informal groups, conduct research and
documentation, undertake information dissemination, and promote convergence of
government and nongovernment programmes. Measures will be taken to increase the
membership of youth groups and organisations with focus on gender balance.
Balochistan Youth Development Resource Centre will also act as a hub to share information on
youth training, conferences, scholarships and other opportunities.
The policy implementation will be facilitated by a detailed operational plan.
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The Government recognizes that the policy will be evaluated in the light of actual performance
made for realizing a resourceful, progressive and egalitarian youth: by the economic
opportunities it creates; hopes and sensitivity it socially generates; operatizes education to
develop youth; health, well-being and gender equality it promotes; provides opportunities for
sports and culture; guarantees to protect youth against vulnerabilities; and engages them in
actions and decision making of political and civic affairs in Balochistan.
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Annexure: Results of Perception Survey for Formulation of the BYP 2015
Cumulative Score
Economic Challenges
a) Unemployment
b) Lack of Required c) Lack of Structures
Skills for Employment and Programs for
Labor Force
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d) Poverty
e) Feudal System
f) Inflation
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Social Empowerment
Cumulative Score
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Cumulative Score
Education for Youth Development
a) Lack of Institutional
b) Travel & Transport Issues
c) Education for skill
d) Quality Education
Cumulative Score
Integrated Health and Youth Population
a) Unavailability of
b) Pro-youth
c) Lack of awareness d) Youth health and
Health Centres & legislative measures about Sexual and
on marriage
Reproductive Health
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e) Curricula Issues & Peace
Government of Balochistan
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Political Participation and Engagement of Youth
Axis Title
a) Civic responsibility
and citizenship
b) Lack of political
awareness among
c) political
d) Misuse of youth by e) Lack of participatory
participation to gain
political parties
platforms and youth
does realize its
towards the state.
Axis Title
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f) Others