Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia A retrospective study C.S. (Charlotte) de Lege, BSc Supervisors: Mw. Dr. I.D. Wijnberg Department of Equine Science Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Utrecht University Mw. Drs. W. Bergmann Department of Pathobiology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Utrecht University Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc Abstract Objective: Spinal ataxia or lameness in the horse can be caused by lesions of the cervical spine. Clinical signs can be caused by compression of the spinal cord or spinal nerve roots. In addition to clinical neurological and orthopaedic examination, electromyography (EMG) can be a helpful tool in determining the nature, localisation and severity of the problem. The aim of this study was to examine if EMG is a reliable predictor for the site of histologically visible neurological damage in horses with neck problems. We also examined whether lower motor neuron abnormalities based on EMG results can be indicative for the sites of upper motor neuron damage in horses with spinal ataxia and we examined the predictive value of EMG for the site of gross spinal pathology. Methods: The study was done in retrospective. EMG results of thirteen horses with spinal ataxia were compared to results of gross post mortem examination of the cervical spine and histological examination of the cervical spinal cord, nerve roots and spinal nerves Gross post mortem examination and histological examination were also compared to each other. Neuropathic or reinnervation motor unit action potentials (MUAP’s) were defined as MUAP’s with increased duration, amplitude, number of turns or number of phases, or a combination of any number of these. The histological samples of the spinal cord and nerve roots were all re-evaluated for this study. Results: All patients had neuropathic or reinnervation MUAP’s in the cervical area. The prevalence was highest at the levels of C5 – C7 (85-100%). The prevalence of morphological UMN changes was highest at the levels of C3-C5 (86-100%). The prevalence of morphological LMN changes was highest at C6 (44%). Changes consisted mostly of Wallerian degeneration. Pathological changes of the cervical facet joints were found in 12 patients (92%) and pathological changes of intervertebral discs or ligaments were found in 6 patients (46%). The highest prevalence of spinal column deficits was in the joints between C3-C4 (85%) followed by C5-C6 (77%). No significant associations were found between EMG and histological changes or between histological changes of the nervous tissue and gross changes of the spine. No statistical model could be fitted to compare EMG results with gross spinal changes, due to little variance in results. Conclusion: In this study we could not demonstrate significant associations between EMG and post mortem examination results. However, the retrospective and exploratory character of the study provided some limitations and this gave us insight in what changes in methodology could be made in future study designs for this subject. With the right adjustments, significant results may be obtained in future studies. 1 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc Introduction Spinal ataxia or lameness in the horse can be caused by lesions of the cervical spine, that compromise the spinal cord or nerve roots, causing damage to the upper- or lower motor neurons in the spinal cord or to the peripheral nerves. When clinical signs are caused by compression of the spinal cord, this is called cervical vertebral stenotic /compressive myelopathy. In young horses (≤18 months old) this is often dynamic compression and located at the site of C3-C4 and C4-C5. In older horses (≥ 4 years old) it is usually static compression, caused by arthropathy of the caudal cervical articular process joints (‘facet joints)’. This is mostly located at the site of C5-C6 and C6-C7.1-3 This will usually lead to signs of upper motor neuron (UMN) disease, like ataxia and hypermetria. When lesions of the vertebra or facet joints compromise the ventral grey matter and/or the spinal nerve roots there will be signs of lower motor neuron (LMN) disease, like focal muscle atrophy.4,5 To determine the nature and location of the problem, thorough clinical neurological and orthopaedic examination has to be performed. Additional diagnostic tests, such as electromyography and diagnostic imaging, can be very helpful in further defining the nature, localisation and severity of the problem. 5 In human medicine, electromyography was first used in the 1950’s. Since then a lot of research has been done and it has become a valuable and often used diagnostic tool.6 Its possibilities and limitations are wellexplored in humans. In horses however, the technique is not quite as commonly used yet. With concentric needle electromyography (EMG) the electric activity of the muscle is recorded during contraction or at rest. It does not involve muscle or nerve stimulation.6 It is used to evaluate the functionality of the lower motor neurons and the motor unit. In horses, shape and duration of motor unit action potentials (MUAP) can help to determine if a disorder is neurogenic or myogenic of nature5,7 Fig. 1: Motor unit action potential of a) mature healthy horse and b) mature neuropathic horse 6 In this study, we compared EMG results to histological visible damage of the nervous tissue. When nervous tissue is focally traumatised, chromatolytic, atrophic or necrotic neurons can be found at the site of the lesion, as well as spheroids and gliosis. Myelin loss and vacuolated degeneration of the white matter of the spinal cord have also been reported. At a distance of the primary lesion, Wallerian degeneration of the axons can be found.2,8 When the trauma directly causes death of the cell body or if the axonal damage is close to the cell body, the entire neuron will die. It is also possible that an axon only becomes non-viable distal from the injury and regeneration will take place through collateral sprouting.8 In studies about chronic nerve root compression in pigs and rats, degenerative changes were found in the myelinated axons of the nerve root, both at the site of compression itself and more proximal and more distal to the spinal cord then the compression site. These changes included a reduction in axonal volume with 2 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc condensation of axoplasm, separation of the myelin sheath from the axon, fragmentation of the myelin and severe wrinkling of the myelin sheath. Most changes occurred in large myelinated axons (>10 µm). 9,10 When regeneration through collateral sprouting occurs, electromyographical signs of reinnervation can be seen as early as a few weeks after injury. In this early stage, there is decreased duration and amplitude of the MUAP’s6. As the process continues, MUAP’s become more complex and polyphasic. When reinnervation is complete, the MUAP’s are polyphasic and of increased duration and amplitude. This is because larger motor units are formed by the reinnervation. 6,11 Not all nerve injury will lead to axonal damage. In mild lesions, there may be only demyelination, even though the nerve is unable to transmit signals. When EMG is performed in the corresponding affected muscle, a decreased number of active motor neurons can be found, while evaluating the interference pattern. The neurons will fire more rapidly, since the unaffected motor units must compensate for the motor units that are temporarily not receiving stimulation. Summarized, al lot of factors need to be taken into account when interpreting EMG results. The amount of literature on the use of EMG in horses is starting to extent, now the use of it as aid in orthopaedic and neurologic examination is emerging. There is however not a lot of literature on the predictable value of EMG for the point of origin of orthopaedic or neurological problems in horses and as far as we know, no study has been published that describes which abnormalities are actually visible in the nervous tissue in horses with abnormal EMG results. In this study we are comparing the EMG results of patients with cervical spinal ataxia with the results of histological and gross examination of the cervical spinal cord and the cervical spinal nerves. We hypothesized that EMG will be a reliable predictor for the site of morphologically visible neurological damage in horses with neck problems. Another of our aims is to see if lower motor neuron abnormalities based on EMG results can be indicative for the sites of UMN damage in horses with spinal ataxia. If during pathological examination any abnormalities of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs or the facet joints were found, we also compared these to the EMG results to evaluate the predictive value of EMG for the site of gross spinal pathology. 3 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc Materials and Methods Study design The study was performed retrospectively. Medical records were reviewed to select ataxic patients that fulfilled the inclusion criteria based on clinical neurological examination, EMG and post-mortem examination, including histopathology of the spinal cord. Data on the patients clinical signs and outcome of EMG examination, macroscopic examination of the spine and histology of nervous tissue were all extracted and reviewed. Horses Thirteen horses at the age of 13 months to 11 years old (mean age 5.3 y ± 2.8 y) with cervical neurological problems were used in this study. The group consisted of 12 Royal Dutch Sport Horses and 1 Standardbred; 7 geldings, 2 stallions and 3 mares. The horses were all presented as patients at the Department of Equine Science at the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Utrecht, in the period from March 2006 to January 2013. The horses had a variety of problems, such as lameness of unknown origin, muscle atrophy, poor performance or resistance at work. The clinical signs were listed and categorized to determine the prevalence among the patients used in this study (appendix I). Lameness that is listed among these signs is considered of neurogenic origin, if orthopaedic problems were excluded by thorough examination by European specialists in Equine Orthopaedic Surgery. Two horses had relevant lesions in other parts of the spine and/or nervous tissue besides the cervical region and their clinical signs were not included in the results displayed in figure 1. All of the horses were clinically examined first. This included orthopaedic and neurological examination. If neurological abnormalities were found, a needle EMG examination was performed. After euthanasia, gross and histological pathological examination of the spine and spinal cord were performed. EMG examination A portable EMG apparatusa was connected to a laptop computerb to register, visualise, measure and store the EMG signals. The activity of the resting muscle was recorded with an amplifier gain of 50 µV/division and a sweep speed of 20 ms/division. Filter settings were 5 Hz and 10 kHz. For the recording of motor unit action potentials (MUAP), the amplifier gain was 100 to 500 µV, depending on the size of the MUAP. The sweep speed was 20 ms/division. A 26-gauge concentric needlec was used as recording electrode. A surgical pad was attached to the horse with a girdle and served as a ground electrode. The correct sites for measurements in the neck were estimated by palpating the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. Insertional activity of the muscles was measured at least 3 times. After this it was checked if spontaneous activity was present in the muscle. For MUAP sampling, the needle was inserted in at least 3 areas of each muscle and it was redirected several times in each area, without passing the skin. The needle was withdrawn in steps of 3 mm, to make sure there was sampling throughout the entire muscle. Only reproducible MUAP’s with a risetime of less than 0.8 ms were analysed. All examinations were performed by a specialist in Equine Internal Medicine. This examination procedure has been described previously by Wijnberg et al. 12,13 The electromyography was performed on indication, based on the results of the clinical examination. In this study we only included the outcomes of muscles that are innervated by nerves that originate from the cervical spinal cord. Other results were ignored. 4 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc Neuropathic or reinnervation MUAP’s are defined as MUAP’s with increased duration, amplitude, number of turns or number of phases, or a combination of any number of these. Reference values were used from previous research. 13-15 Post mortem examination During necropsy, the nervous tissue of the neck was examined grossly and histologically. The histological slides could include cervical spinal cord, exiting nerve roots, spinal nerves and/or spinal ganglia. The variation in content of the slides is due to the fact that the study was done in retrospective and no strict protocol was in place at the time of the necropsies. The nervous tissue samples were taken from between adjacent vertebrae. Which segments were sampled varies between patients and is dependent on requests for examination and on gross findings during necropsy. Examination requests were based on either physical examination, radiography and/or EMG results. Sampled segments for each patient are described in appendix III. Tissue samples of the nervous tissue were fixed in 10 % neutral buffered formalin and sections were routinely embedded in paraffin. Slices of 4 µm were stained with haematoxylin and eosin. For this study, all the samples were re-examined by a board certified veterinary pathologist. When clinical and/or EMG examination indicated problems with the plexus brachialis, this was also included in the examination. Also the cervical vertebrae, facet joints and intervertebral discs were grossly examined in all the patients. Special attention was paid to the alignment of the vertebrae and discs and the integrity of the discs and ligaments. The facet joints were examined thoroughly for any form of arthropathy. Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was performed by a statistician, with a commercially available program, R.16 A logistic regression model was performed with random patient effects and the Akaike information criterion (AIC) was used for model building. When comparing site of lesion indicated by EMG results with site of histopathology and with site of gross spinal anomalies, anatomical site in the neck and EMG results were used as fixed effects and, respectively, presence of histopathology and presence of gross spinal anomalies were used as variables. When comparing site of gross spinal anomalies with site of histopathology, anatomical site in the neck and presence of gross spinal anomalies were used as fixed effects and presence of histopathology was used a variable. Significance was set at P < 0.05. For descriptive statistic, SPSS17 was used. a: Nicolet Meridian EMG apparatus, Nicolet Biomedical Inc, Madison,Wis. b: Topline 8000,Topline, Hoevelaken, The Netherlands. c: EMG concentric needle electrode, Nicolet Biomedical Inc, Madison,Wis. 5 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc Results Clinical signs In appendix I the horses’ clinical signs are described. The prevalence of observed clinical signs in the patients with only cervical problems is displayed in figure 2. Two horses also had lesions in the thoracic and/or lumbar part of the spine and were therefore not included in the data displayed in figure 2. Figure 2: Prevalence of specific clinical signs in eleven ataxic neckpatients 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% EMG examination Neuropathic or reinnervation MUAP’s were found in all 13 patients. An detailed description of abnormalities can be found in Appendix II. Segments C5, C6 and C7 were examined in all patients. C5 was abnormal in 11 patients (85%), C6 was abnormal in 12 patients (92%) and C7 was abnormal in all patients. Segment T1 was examined in 4 patients and was abnormal in 3 patients (75%). Both segments C3 and C4 were examined in 6 patients, C3 was abnormal in 2 patients(33%) and C4 was abnormal in 3 patients (50%). Segment C2 was examined in 2 patients and was abnormal in 1 patient(50%). Segment C1 was not examined. This data are displayed per segment in figure 3. Since not every segment was examined in all horses, a percentage is displayed instead of an absolute number. 6 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc Percentage of abnormal results per segment Figure 3: Abnormal EMG results per cervical segment 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 Histopathology of the nervous tissue In 11 patients, mild histological changes were found in various parts of the examined nervous tissue and in two patients moderate changes were found. A detailed description of the changes can be found in Appendix III. The plexi brachialis were examined in one patient, but no changes were found. Segment C1 was examined in 7 patients, of which 5 (71%) had changes in UMN on this level and 2 (29%) had changes in the LMN on this level. C2 was examined in 7 patients, of which 5 (71%) had UMN changes and 0 had LMN changes. C3 was examined in 8 patients, all of which had UMN changes (100%) and 2 (25%) had LMN changes. C4 was examined in 7 patients, 6 (86%) had UMN changes and 0 had LMN changes. C5 was examined in 9 patients, 8 (89%) had UMN changes and 2 (22%) had LMN changes. C6 was examined in 9 patients, 6 (67%) had UMN changes and 4 (44%) had LMN changes. C7 was examined in 8 patients, 6 (75%) had UMN changes and 1 (13%) had LMN changes. T1 was examined in 4 patients, 2 (50%) had UMN changes and 0 had LMN changes. The exact nature and location of the changes is described in Appendix III. This data is displayed in figures 4a (UMN) and 4b (LMN). In some of the patients swollen, basophilic axons were found in the spinal and/or peripheral nerves (Appendix III). These are highly suspected of being artefacts, since they were also found in other studies in stillborn foals (W. Bergmann, personal correspondence). Therefore they were not included in the results. Prevalence of morfological UMN abnormalities per segment Figure 4a: Histopathology of the upper motor neurons 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 7 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc Prevalence of morfological LMN abnormalities per segment Figure 4b: Histopathology of the lower motor neurons 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 We compared the locations of histologically visible UMN lesions and histologically visible LMN lesions (fig. 4c). 59 locations in the neck were examined, in 11 horses. In 12 locations (20%), both UMN and LMN lesions were present. In 10 locations (17%) there were no lesions at all. In 36 locations (61%) we did find UMN lesions, but no LMN lesions. In only 1 location (2%)we found LMN lesions, but no UMN lesions. Figure 4c: Comparison histopathology LMN vs UMN LMN No lesion UMN Lesion Total No lesion 12 1 13 Lesion 36 10 46 48 11 59 Total Comparison EMG – histopathology Both EMG and histopathology results were available for 32 locations in 11 patients. EMG results and histopathology results of the LMN agreed on the absence or presence of abnormalities in 9 of 32 locations. (fig. 5). Presumed artefacts in histology are not included in this comparison. When these data were statistically analysed, no significant association was found between locations with abnormal EMG results and locations with abnormal histology of the LMN. Figure 5: Comparison of EMG and histopathology of LMN LMN No lesion EMG No lesion Lesion Total Lesion Total 4 3 7 20 5 25 24 8 32 8 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc When EMG results and histology results of the UMN were compared, they agreed on the absence or presence of abnormalities in 21 of 32 locations (fig. 6). When these data were statistically analysed, no significant association was found between locations with abnormal EMG results and locations with abnormal histology of the UMN. Figure 6 : Comparison of EMG results and histopathology of the UMN UMN No lesion EMG No lesion Lesion Total Lesion Total 1 6 7 5 20 25 6 26 32 Gross pathological examination of the cervical spine In 12 patients (92%), changes of the cervical facet joints were found. 11 of these patients had degenerative changes of the cartilage, varying from mild to severe, and one patient had osteochondrosis in one facet joint. A detailed description of the changes can be found in Appendix IV. In 6 patients (46 %) deficits of intervertebral discs or intervertebral ligaments were found. In all 6 of these patients there were abnormalities between C6-C7. In none of the patients abnormalities of discs and/or ligaments were found between C1-C2 and C2-C3. (Appendix IV) Figure 7 displays the prevalence of abnormalities per anatomical location. prevalence of gross anomalies per segment Figure 7: Gross anomalies of the cervical spine 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% C1-C2 C2-C3 C3-C4 C4-C5 C5-C6 C6-C7 C7-T1 Comparison EMG – gross pathological examination of the cervical spine Both EMG results and results of gross examination of the cervical spine (including ligaments, intervertebral discs and the facet joints)were available for 50 locations in 12 patients. EMG results and results of gross examination of the spine agreed in the absence or presence of abnormalities in 29 of 50 locations (fig. 8a). Due to little variance in results, no statistical model could be fitted and analysis was not possible. 9 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc Figure 8a: Comparison of results of EMG and gross examination of the cervical spine Spine Normal EMG Normal Abnormal Total Abnormal Total 4 7 11 14 25 39 18 32 50 We also looked at the facet joints separately from the rest of the spine, so we could further differentiate the locations in left side and right side of the patient. We then had 86 locations for which both EMG results and pathology results were available. The EMG results and results of gross examination of the facet joints agreed on the absence or presence of abnormalities in 51 of 86 locations (Fig. 8b). Due to little variance in results, no statistical model could be fitted and analysis was not possible. Figure 8b: Comparison of results of EMG and gross examination of the cervical facet joints Facet Joints Normal EMG Abnormal Total Normal 14 13 27 Abnormal 22 37 59 36 50 86 Total Comparison gross spinal anomalies – histopathology nervous tissue Both results of histopathology of the nervous tissue and results of gross pathological examination of the cervical spine were available of 59 locations in 11 patients. Results of LMN histopathology and gross examination of the spine agreed on the absence or presence of abnormalities in 27 of 57 locations (fig. 9a) Presumed artefacts in histopathology were not included in this comparison. When this data was statistically analysed, no significant association was found between locations with abnormal LMN histopathology and locations with gross spinal anomalies. Figure 9a: Comparison of gross spinal anomalies with histopathology of the LMN Spine Normal LMN Normal Abnormal Total Abnormal Total 17 29 46 1 10 11 18 39 57 10 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc Results of UMN histopathology and gross examination of the spine agreed on the absence or presence of abnormalities in 36 of 57 locations (fig. 9b). When this data was statistically analysed, no significant association was found between locations with abnormal LMN histopathology and locations with gross spinal anomalies. Figure 9b: Comparison of gross spinal anomalies with histopathology of the UMN Spine Normal UMN Normal Abnormal Total Abnormal Total 4 7 11 14 32 46 18 39 57 11 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc Discussion The primary aim of our study was to examine if EMG is a reliable predictor for the site of neurological damage in horses with neck problems. We did this by comparing the EMG results of patients with cervical spinal ataxia with the results of post mortem histological and gross examination of the cervical spinal cord and spinal nerves. Besides this, we also compared the histological findings of the spinal cord and spinal nerves, with the results of gross examination of the spinal column and its joints and ligaments. Unfortunately, we were not able to demonstrate any statistical significant relation between the EMG results and the changes we found during necropsy. Neither did we find any statistical significant relation between histological findings of the nervous tissue and gross examination of the spinal column. However, in the course of this retrospective study we found some issues with the methodology that influenced the results and the outcome of the statistical analysis. These issues will be discussed here and in further research, the methodology will be adjusted according to the results in this study. All subjects had neuropathic or reinnervation MUAP’s in the cervical area. The prevalence was highest in C5 – C7 (85-100%). Wijnberg et al (2004) also found the highest prevalence of neuropathic EMG results in the caudal neck (C5-T1). 5 In the nervous tissue of our subjects, there was mostly a mild number of histological changes. In 2 patients a moderate number of changes was found. Unfortunately there was no standardised scoring system used in the evaluation of the histological slides. The prevalence of histological UMN changes was highest at the level of C3-C5 (86-100%). The prevalence of histological LMN changes was highest at C6 (44%). This is in agreement with the fact that we found the highest prevalence of abnormal EMG results in the area between C5 and C7. The histological changes consisted mostly of Wallerian degeneration. Also some necrotic neurons and hypereosinofilic, swollen axons (spheroids) were found. In a few horses we found gliosis or neurons with lipofuscin in the cytoplasm. In several slides we found swollen, basophilic axons. We suspected that these were artefacts, since in axonopathy and Wallerian degeneration, the swollen axons become hypereosinophilic.8 This is supported by the fact that these swollen, basophilic axons have also been found in a study with stillborn foals (W. Bergmann, personal correspondence). For completeness, they are mentioned in appendix III, but they are further ignored in the results. Overall we found low prevalences of LMN changes. This is surprising, since neuropathic EMG results were found in all patients. This can also be seen in appendix V, which summarizes for each patient which of the from EMG, histology of LMN and UMN and pathology of the spinal column, were abnormal in which cervical segment. No histological LMN changes were discovered at the levels of C2, C4 and T1 in any of the horses, while there were several patients with neuropathic EMG results at this levels. An explanation for these unexpected results is that nearly all examined nervous tissue came from within the vertebral canal, while nerve root compression mostly affects the dorsal root ganglion or exiting nerve root. Previous studies about chronic nerve root compression in pigs and rats has been focused on the compression site of the dorsal root ganglion or exiting nerve root itself and its close proximity (≤ 18 mm). Here they found a reduction in axonal volume with condensation of axoplasm, separation of the myelin sheath from the axon, fragmentation of the myelin, severe wrinkling of the myelin sheath and a reduction in (large) myelinated axons. 9,10 However, in these studies a controlled amount of compression was applied to the nerve roots. This was not the case in our patients, so we can assume that a difference existed in the amount of compression of the roots between our patients themselves and with the subjects in these previous studies. 12 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc This may influence the presence and visibility of histological changes. We should also take into consideration that in nervous tissue functional deficits can precede any morphological changes that would be visible with light microscopy. 8 We found no significant association between the location of histological LMN abnormalities and abnormal EMG results. This is most likely caused by the small number of LMN abnormalities that was found, as discussed earlier. Also, in human medicine there is known to be significant overlap in EMG results between C5 and C6 radiculopathy and C6 and C7 radiculopathy.18 Such overlap could also exist in cervical radiculopathies in horses, which would create more room for errors in defining which precise nerve root is affected with help of EMG. Another factor in this is that the sites for EMG measurements in the neck were estimated by palpating the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, which can also lead to errors in defining of which exact nerve root the functionality is tested. In horses with nerve root compression caused by facet joint malformation, concurrent central compression can occur on the same location. Besides encroaching in the intervertebral foramen, the facet joints can also enlarge towards the spinal cord.4,19 With this in mind, we wanted to examine if lower motor abnormalities based on EMG results could be indicative for the site of UMN damage in horses with cervical spinal ataxia. In appendix V we can see that histological UMN abnormalities were found in all patients. This was to be expected, since the presence of spinal ataxia, which is caused by UMN problems, was an inclusion criterion for this study. EMG and histopathology of the UMN agreed on the presence or absence of abnormalities in 21 of 32 examined locations. This result is statistically not significant. Therefore we could conclude that EMG results of the neck are not indicative for location of histological visible UMN damage in the cervical spinal cord. However, a factor in this non-significant result could be that EMG was not performed on the entire neck of most subjects, but only on locations were abnormalities were expected, based on clinical examination. This leads to an incomplete data set, since different segments were examined in different subjects. The same holds for the histopathological examination, since in only a few subjects slides were taken from all segments of the cervical spinal cord. If during pathological examination any abnormalities of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs or the facet joints were found, we also compared these to the EMG results to evaluate the predictive value of EMG for the site of gross spinal pathology. In 12 out of 13 patients, deficits of the cervical facet joints were found. Six patients had deficits of intervertebral discs or soft tissue. The highest prevalence of gross spinal column deficits found with necropsy, was in C3-C4 (85%) followed by C5-C6 (77%). This seems to be in agreement with our histological findings in the nervous tissue, were highest prevalences of UMN changes were found in the nervous tissue of C3 – C5 and highest prevalences of LMN changes at C6. Although most degenerative joint changes are usually found in the caudal neck, it is not completely unexpected that we also have a lot of changes more cranial in the neck. The degenerative joint changes in the caudal neck are often seen in older horses, due to wearing from work.3,19 But in this study there were also a lot of younger patients (mean age 5.3 years). It is plausible that some of the abnormalities we found in the patients were actually caused by some form of trauma, leading to different locations of abnormalities than just the caudal neck. EMG and pathological examination of the spinal column, and its joints and ligaments, agreed on the presence or absence of abnormalities in 29 out of 50 examined anatomical sites. When we excluded the abnormalities of the intervertebral discs and soft tissue and only focussed on the facet joints, EMG and pathological examination agreed on 51 out of 86 examined anatomical sites. Both results were statistically not significant. The higher number of examined sites when we focussed on facet joints is caused by the fact 13 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc that here we also made a left and right distinction instead of looking at the whole segment. A noticeable observation was that in both cases, EMG showed slightly more abnormalities than pathology. In other studies, degenerative joint disease was also found in control horses or was not related to clinical signs.19,20 Therefore it could have been expected that in this study we found more spinal column abnormalities than EMG abnormalities. A possible explanation for the unexpected result is that the spinal column, and especially the facet joints, has not been checked equally thorough in all of our patients. The research was done in retrospective and no scoring protocol was used in earlier patients. In these patients, the spinal column was mostly examined for changes in vertebrae, ligaments and intervertebral discs, and less attention was paid to the facet joints. In patients that were admitted later in the time frame, a closer look was taken at the facet joints and more abnormalities were found. When we compared the results of gross examination of the spinal column with histopathology of the LMN and UMN, we found no significant association for abnormal anatomical locations. Issues that probably have a part in this lack of significance are discussed in earlier paragraphs. These include the location of which histological samples were taken, the absence of a protocol for examining the slides and the fact that gross examination of the facet joints was not done by a protocol in earlier patients. Little research has been done to the direct relation between gross pathology of the spinal column and histological changes in the spinal cord and exiting nerves. Moore et al 4 found that contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) correctly identified 10 out of 10 histopathological confirmed compressive lesions of the cervical spinal cord and falsely identified 1 histopathologically normal site as a compressive lesion. Also, the CT measurements of minimal sagittal diameter (MSD) in that study were strongly correlated (r =0.92)to necropsy measurements of the MSD. However, necropsy of the spinal column and histopathology were not directly compared, so no relations were established between these. In a cadaver study by Claridge et al 21, extending of the articular process joints into the vertebral space was not severe enough to directly cause compression of the spinal cord, in absence of other spinal column pathology. This is consistent with our finding that spinal column changes were not significantly associated with histologically visible UMN changes. Unfortunately, we were not able to get statistically significant results in this study. This is most likely due to the above mentioned limitations that were caused by the retrospective and exploratory character of the study. For future studies on this subject, it is first of all important that complete data sets are available. This would mean that with EMG examination, all cervical segments have to be examined instead of only the segments with suspected problems. Also, at least one or a few slides from all cervical segments will have to be available for histological examination. Second, the locations from which the histological slides are taken should be extended to further outside the vertebral column, including more of the nerve roots , exiting nerves and spinal ganglia, so that damage of the exiting nerve roots can be detected and a full examination of the LMN’s can be established. Also a standardized protocol has to be used for evaluation of the histological slides. Last, it would be preferable to have more patients in the study, to get solid statistical results. This research will continue with changes in methodology, mostly in the protocols for EMG examination and histology sampling, based on the results of this study. 14 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc Acknowledgements I want to thank my supervisors for their help, feedback and support. They really helped me with understanding the sometimes difficult matter and with collecting all the data from different systems in different departments. They also made time, if necessary, to go over the EMG results again with me and to re-evaluate the histological slides. Also I want to thank Jan van den Broek for helping me with the complicated statistics of this project. 15 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc APPENDIX I: Clinical data of thirteen horses with spinal ataxia Patient no: 1 Age Sex Breed Clinical signs 8 yr Gelding Royal Dutch Sporthorse 2 2 yr Stallion 3 6 yr Gelding Royal Dutch Sporthorse Royal Dutch Sporthorse 4 1 yr Stallion Carries tail to the left. Abduction RH. Atrophy of neck muscles, painful on C3-C4 R. Decreased tail tone. Delayed postural reactions LH+RH. Knuckling LF, atrophy of biceps and triceps, decreased neck mobility, caudal 1/3 of neck is painful Lameness LF + RF. Resistance at work when going clockwise. Incoordination and dysmetria when walking with lifted head and tail-pull. Decreased mobility of the neck. Delayed postural reactions on RH+LH> RF+LF Shivers (hypermetria) on hindlimbs 5 5 yr Mare 6 6 yr Gelding Royal Dutch Sporthorse 7 9 yr Mare Royal Dutch Sporthorse 8 6 yr Mare Royal Dutch Sporthorse 9 4 yr Gelding Royal Dutch Sporthorse 10 3 yr Gelding Standardbred 11 4 yr Gelding Royal Dutch Sporthorse 12 4 yr Gelding Royal Dutch Sporthorse 13 11 yr Gelding Royal Dutch Sporthorse Royal Dutch Sporthorse Royal Dutch Sporthorse Hypermetria LH. Muscle atrophy of caudal neck, both sides, C6/C7 painful. Delayed postural reactions LF+RF, absent LH+RH Hypermetria, abduction and knuckling LH+RH, weakness in hindlimbs when going backwards. Problems with tight circles, lack of coordination when trotting. Slips on hard surface. Atrophy of neck muscles, swelling around C3. C5 mildly painful. Decreased mobility of the neck. Strongly delayed postural reactions in all limbs. Abduction of LH + RH on circle, standing on own feet while spinning. Decreased mobility of the neck and painful neck. Bunny hop. Delayed postural reactions RH. Resistance at work, hypermetric front. Decreased neck mobility, C3-C4 painful. Postural reactions delayed in all limbs, decreased control on tail-pull. Stumbling, hypermetria LH. Abduction of hindlimbs. Decreased neck mobility, C7 painful. Delayed postural reactions LH + RH Gait and stance deficits, including hypermetria. Abduction of hindlimbs. Delayed postural reactions LH + RH Problems with spinning clockwise, hypermetria LF+RF when walking with head lifted. Poor muscularity caudal neck, C6+C7 painful, decreased mobility of neck. Delayed postural reactions LH+RH. Mild lameness RF, C5-C7 painful, decreased neck mobility to the left. Delayed postural reactions RF+RH, decreased control on tail-pull Lameness RF, intermittent hypermetric + abduction RH, bunny hop on clockwise circle, problems with spinning clockwise, amble when walking with head lifted Decreased neckmobility L+R. Delayed postural reaction RH. RH: Right hindlimb; LH: Left hindlimb; RF: Right frontlimb; LF: Left frontlimb; Cx: Cervical vertebrae x 16 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc APPENDIX II: Electromyographical results in thirteen horses with spinal ataxia Patient no. Examined muscles Findings 1 Unknown 2 Scl, pect.desc, pect.trans, serr.v C6-C7, tric.brach, splen.cerv C2-C3 Scl L&R, Serr.v C4-C7 L&R, splen.cerv C3 R, brceph C7 L&R Scl L&R, serr.v C6-C7 L&R, pect.desc R Scl L&R, serr.v C6 L&R Scl L&R, serr.v C4-C7 L + C5-C7 R Scl L&R, serr.v C6-C7 L&R Scl L&R, serr.v C4 L + C5-C7 L&R, splen.cerv C3 L C3-C5 L reinn MUAP’s, but also some high, narrow MUAP’s. Scl, C6, C7 L some reinn MUAP’s, but mostly normal. Neuropathic MUAP’s on C7, tric. brach, pect. trans. Pect.trans poor i.p. Neuropathic MUAP’s scl, C6, C7 L&R, C3-C5 R. L>R Neuropathic MUAP’s on scl, C7 L+R, C6 R Reinn MUAP’s on scl R Neuropathic MUAP’s on C6, C7 L>R, C4 L Neuropathic MUAP’s on C6,C7 R>L, Scl R. Abnormal on C7>C6>C5, L>R. MUAP’s are complex, high and narrow. Sometimes broad or polyphasic. Neuropathic MUAP’s on C7,T1 L&R, C5-C6 L. Neuropathic MUAP’s on C4-C5 R + C2, C5-C7 L. L>R Neuropathic MUAP’s on scl L&R, C6 L&R, C7 R. C3 normal. R>L Neuropathic MUAP’s on C5 + C7 L+R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Scl L&R, serr.v C4 R + C5-C7 L&R, pect.desc L 10 Serr.v C4 R + C5-C7 L&R, Splen.cerv C2 L&R + C3 R 11 Scl L&R, serr.v C6-C7 L&R, splen.cerv C3 R 12 Scl L&R, serr.v C5-C7 L&R+C4 R, Brceph C7 L 13 Scl L&R, serr.v C5, C7 L&R + C6 R, Scl L&R poor ip, delt & inf.spin R PSA, pw, splen.cerv C3 L, inf.spin L&R, sup.spin fib & nmyot. Neuropathic on C3, C5, C7 L + L&R, delt L&R C5-C7 R. Scl: m. subclavius; Serr.v: m. serratus ventralus ; Ext.rad: m. extensor carpi radialis; Splen.cerv: m. splenius pars vervicalis; Pect.desc: m. pectroralis descendens; Pect.trans: m. pectoralis transversus; Tric.brach: m. triceps brachii; Sup.spin: m. supraspinatus; Inf.spin: m. infraspinatus; Brceph: m. brachiocephalicus; ip:interference pattern; Delt: m. deltoideus; PSA: pathological spontaneous activity 17 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc APPENDIX III: Histopathological findings in thirteen horses with spinal ataxia Patient No. 1 Examined nervous tissue C3-T1 2 C1, C3, C5, T1 3 C1 – C3, C5, C7 4 C2, C6, C7 5 6 Spinal cord, location unknown C1 – C7 7 C1 – C7 8 C2, C6, T1 9 Spinal cord, location unknown C1, C3 – C6 10 11 C1 – C7 Plexi brachialis, peripheral Findings C3: Mild wallerian degeneration (wd) in all funiculi (fun). Basophil, swollen axons in L+R peripheral nerve (p.nerve); C4: mild wd in lateral (lat) + ventral (ven) fun; C5: moderate wd in all fun. Swollen, basophil axon in p.nerve; C6: mild wd in lat + ven fun, mild wd in p.nerve; C7: mild wd in ven + lat fun. Swollen, basophil axon in p.nerve; T1: mild wd in lat fun. Swollen, basophil axons in p.nerve. C1: some dilated myelinsheats in all fun. Mild wd in ven fun.; C3: mild wd in lat fun. Some dilated myelinsheats in ven fun. Necrotic neuron in ven horn; C5: Mild wd in ven fun; T1: Mild wd in ven and lat fun. C1: No changes; C2: spheroid on transition grey-white matter, L lat fun. Mild wd in L lat fun; C3: mild wd in L lat fun; C5: mild wd in L ven + lat fun; C7: mild wd in L lat fun C2: No changes; C6: Swollen, basophil axons in dorsal (dors) spinal nerve C7: digestion chamber in L dors-lat white matter Some dilated myelin sheaths in lat fun, but without swollen axons. Suspected artefact C1: Necrotic neuron in centre grey matter. Moderate wd in all fun. Mild wd in ventral spinal nerve; C2: moderate wd in all fun. ; C3: moderate wd in dors fun, mild wd in ven fun; C4: moderate wd in ven fun, mild wd in lat fun; C5: moderate wd in dors fun, mild wd in ven fun; C6: mild wd in dors fun, moderate wd in ven fun; C7: mild wd in dors fun, moderate wd in ven fun. C1: Mild wd in lat fun; C2: No changes; C3: mild wd in lat fun; C4: mild wd in ven fun; C5: mild wd in lat + dors fun; C6: mild wd in ven fun; C7: mild wd in dors + ven fun C2: mild wd in dors and ven fun, spheroid in dors fun; C6: mild wd in R+L ven fun; T1: no changes Few neurons with lipofuscin in cytoplasma. Wd in ven fun. Some eosinophilic material in grey matter, unclear if necrotic neuron of spheroid C1: No changes; C3: Mild wd in dors + ven fun; C4: mild wd in dors fun; C5: No changes; C6: focal gliosis in grey matter, mild wd in dors + ven fun C1: mild wd in R lat fun. Dilated myelinsheat in L lat + dors fun. Hypereos, swollen axon/dendrite in R dors horn; C2: dilated myelinsheat in R ven fun, swollen, hypereos axon in L lat fun. Swollen, basophil axon in L+R p.nerve; C3: mild wd in lat fun. Hypereos, swollen axons in ven horn; C4: 18 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc nerves swollen, basophil axon in R p.nerve; C5: dilated myelinsheat in L+R ven fun. Swollen, basophil axon in R p.nerve; C6: swollen, basophil axon in R p.nerve; C7: swollen, basophil axon in p.nerve; Plex brach L+R: no changes 12 C4 – T1 C4: Spheroid in L dors horn. Mild wd in L dors fun + L p.nerve; C5: Mild wd in L&R lat fun + R ven fun. Hypereos swollen axons in L p.nerve, Swollen, basophil axons in R p.nerve; C6: Spheroid in L ven horn; C7: Swollen, basophil axons in R p.nerve; T1: Swollen, basophil axons in R p.nerve. 13 C1 – C7 C1: Mild wd in L lat + ven fun. Dilated myelinsheats in L p.nerve; C2: Mild wd in dors fun. Swollen, basophil axons in R p.nerve. C3: Mild wd in R lat fun. Swollen, basophil axons in R p.nerve; C4: Mild wd in L&R dors + ven fun. Swollen, basophil axons in L&R p.nerve; C5: Mild wd in L&R dors + ven fun + R lat fun. Dilated myelinsheat + swollen, basophil axons in R p.nerve; C6: Spheroids in L ven horn. Mild wd in L&R ven + lat fun + R dors fun. Swollen, basophil axons in L p.nerve; C7: Mild wd in L&R lat fun + R dors + ven fun. Dilated myelinsheats in R p.nerve. Swollen, basophil axons in L p.nerve. Wd: Wallerian degeneration; L:left; R:right; dors: dorsal; ven: ventral; lat: lateral; fun: funiculus/funiculi; hypereos: hypereosinophilic; p.nerve: peripheral nerve; Cx/Tx: nervous tissue on the level of cervical vertebra Cx/Tx 19 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc APPENDIX IV: Gross anomalies in the cervical spine of thirteen horses with spinal ataxia Patient no. 1 2 Findings Mild dorsal protrusion of intervertebral ligament between C3-C4 and C6-C7 Protrusion of the intervertebral discs into the spinal canal, between C5-C6, C6C7, C7-T1. Mild cartilage defects on the left facet joints C3-C4. 3 Multifocal, mild to moderate chronic degeneration of the facet joints of C2-T1 L+R, except for C5-C6 R. Chondrones in dorsal intervertebral ligament C6-C7. 4 Focal, mild osteochondrosis of the cartilage on the cranial facet joint C6. 5 Mild to moderate chronic degeneration of the cranial facet joints of C2-C6, bilaterally. The degeneration became more mildly on the more caudal cervical vertebrae. 6 Mild to moderate chronic degeneration of the facet joints of C1-C5, bilateral. Bilateral rupture of the ligamentum flavum C6-C7 7 Multifocal, moderate chronic degeneration of the facet joints of C3-C7 bilaterally, C2-C3 R. 8 Multifocal, moderate to severe chronic degeneration of the cranial facet joints of C3, C4 bilaterally and C5, C6 R. Also of the fovea articularis caudalis on C1 R. 9 Multifocal chronic degeneration of the facet joints C1-C3 L + C5-T1 L&R. Protrusion of intervertebral discs, moderate between C5-C6, mild between C6C7. 10 Moderate irregularity of the facet joints between C3-C4 and C5-C6, bilateral. 11 Moderate to severe chronic degeneration of all cervical facet joints, bilaterally, including C7-T1. Most severe C7 L. 12 Degenerative changes in all cervical facet joints, bilaterally, including C7-T1. Enlarged facets between C4-C5 L&R + C5-C6 R. 13 Moderate intrusion intervertebral disc C4-C5, intervertebral discs C4-C5, C5C6, C6-C7, C7-T1 all partially ruptured. Degenerative changes in all cervical facet joints, bilaterally, including C7-T1. Stenosis of vertebral canal on level of C6-C7 R. Cx: Cervical vertebra nr x; T1: Thoracic vertebra nr 1. 20 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc APPENDIX V: Summary of abnormalities per patient per cervical segment Patient 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cervical segment C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 EMG Histology LMN + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Histology UMN Clinical signs (Pain, muscle atrophy) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + - + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + - - - - + + - + + + + Pathology spinal column + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + 21 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 T1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 + + - + + + +/+ - + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + - - + + + + + - + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + - + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + 22 Electromyography of the neck and its relations to pathological changes in corresponding nervous tissue and the spine in horses with spinal ataxia – C.S. de Lege, BSc C6 + C7 + T1 +) Abnormal result - ) No abnormalities + + + + + + References 1. 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