MATH 477-002 Stochastic Processes Course Syllabus - SPRING 2014 NJIT ACADEMIC INTEGRITY CODE: All Students should be aware that the Department of Mathematical Sciences takes the University Code on Academic Integrity at NJIT very seriously and enforces it strictly. This means that there must not be any forms of plagiarism, i.e., copying of homework, class projects, or lab assignments, or any form of cheating in quizzes and exams. Under the University Code on Academic Integrity, students are obligated to report any such activities to the Instructor. Number of Credits: 3 Course Description: This course introduces the theory and applications of random processes needed in various disciplines such as mathematical biology, finance, and engineering. Topics include discrete and continuous Markov chains, Poisson processes, as well as topics selected from Brownian motion, renewal theory, and simulation. Prerequisites: Math 244 with a grade of C or better or Math 333 with a grade of C or better and Math 337 with a grade of C or better. Textbook: Introduction to Probability Models, Tenth Edition by S. Ross, Academic Press, ISBN: 978-012-375686-2 Additional References: S. Karlin and H. Taylor, A First Course in Stochastic Processes, contains a more theoretical treatment of many of the topics of this course. P. Hoel, S. Port, and C. Stone, Introduction to Stochastic Processes, is a classical introduction to stochastic processes. H. Taylor and S. Karlin, An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling, is similar in breadth and depth as our textbook. Student Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to demonstrate understanding of discrete and continuous Markov chains, Poisson processes, as well as topics selected from Brownian motion, renewal theory, and simulation. Assessment: Will be based on regular homework assignments, a mid-term exam, and a final exam. Instructor: (for specific course-related information, follow the link below) MATH 477-002 (TR) S. Subramanian Grading Policy: The final grade in this course will be determined as follows: ▪ Homework 30% ▪ Midterm Exam 35% ▪ Final Exam 35% Final letter grade will be based on the following tentative curve. A 90-100 C 65-74 B+ 85-89 D 50-64 B 80-84 F 0-49 C+ 75-79 Drop Date: Please note that the University Drop Date March 31, 2014 deadline will be strictly enforced. Homework and Quiz Policy: Homework will be assigned in class and will be due on the date specified by the instructor. No late homework will be accepted. Attendance: Attendance at all classes will be recorded and is mandatory. Please make sure you read and fully understand the Department’s Attendance Policy. This policy will be strictly enforced. Exams and Exam Policy: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and a final exam during the final exam week. Exams will be held on the following days: Mid Term exam March 13, 2014 Final Exam Week May 8 - 14, 2014 Make sure you read and fully understand the department's Examination Policy . This policy will be strictly enforced. Please note that electronic devices (such as programmable calculators, CD players, etc.) are not allowed during any exam. Further Assistance: For further questions, students should contact their Instructor. All Instructors have regular office hours during the week. These office hours are listed at the link above by clicking on the Instructor’s name. Cellular Phones: All cellular phones and beepers must be switched off during all class times and exams. MATH DEPARTMENT CLASS POLICIES LINK All DMS students must familiarize themselves with and adhere to the Department of Mathematical Sciences Course Policies, in addition to official university-wide policies. DMS takes these policies very seriously and enforces them strictly. For DMS Course Policies, please click here. January 20, 2014 March 16 - 23, 2014 March 31, 2014 April 18, 2014 May 6, 2014 May 7, 2014 May 8 -14, 2014 M F M F T W R- W Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ~ No classes Spring recess ~ No Classes Last Day to withdraw from this course Good Friday-No Classes Classes follow a Friday Schedule Reading Day Final Exams COURSE OUTLINE: Week Topic Week 1 1/21 (T) Week 2 1/28 (T) Week 3 2/4 (T) Week 4 2/11 (T) Week 5 2/18 (T) Week 6 2/25 (T) Week 7 3/4 (T) Week 8 3/11 (T) Week 9 3/16 to 3/23 Week 10 3/25 (T) Week 11 4/1 (T) Week 12 4/8 (T) Week 13 4/15 (T) Week 14 4/22 (T) Week 15 5/7 (W) 5/8 5/14 Review of Basic Probability Common Discrete and Continuous Distributions Common Discrete and Continuous Distributions Moment Generating Functions Conditional Probability Discrete-Time Markov Chains Chapman--Kolmogorov Equations Classification of States Limiting Probabilities Mean Time in Transient States Poisson Processes Poisson Processes Poisson Processes REVIEW FOR EXAM #1 MIDTERM EXAM: THURSDAY ~ MARCH 13, 2014 SPRING RECESS ( NO CLASSES) Continuous--Time Markov Chains Birth and Death Processes Transition Probabilities Time Reversibility Stationary Processes Brownian Motion Gaussian Processes White Noise Pricing Stock Options REVIEW FOR FINAL EXAM Reading Day FINAL EXAM WEEK Prepared by Sundar Subramanian