Module Descriptor 2012/13 School of Computer Science and Statistics. Module Code ST3453 Module Name Stochastic models in space and time I Module Short Title Stochastic models ECTS weighting ? Michaelmas Semester/term taught Contact Hours Lecture hours: 36 There will no formal tutorials, but several of the hours will be used for problem solving. Students will be encouraged to use Monte Carlo simulation as a means of assimilating the material Total hours: Module Personnel 36 Lecturing staff: Prof J Haslett Learning Outcomes Module Learning Aims Students will have ability to discuss and model simple versions of the following processes in time: o Markov chains, with particular emphasis on binary chains o Counting processes in continuous time, with particular emphasis on Poisson processes o Discrete and continuous time Gaussian processes o Hidden Markov models, with particular emphasis on noisy observations of binary chains and to extend the application of Poisson and Gaussian processes to space Stochastic processes and in particular Gaussian, Poisson and Markov Models are the central examples of “stochastic processes”. Gaussian processes, in combination with Hidden Markov have become central tools in statistics and machine learning. They are used for smoothing, de-noising; and generally for determining structure in noisy signals and using this for prediction. This course will provide simple examples, some of which will be extended and applied in ST3454 Specific topics addressed in this module include: Module Content Examples by Monte Carlo simulation Binary Markov Chains in time, o revision of joint, marginal and conditional distributions; and o application to missing or noisy observation Simple examples of more general Markov chains Poisson processes in continuous time, application to simple examples including o Thinning o Inhomogeneous processes Page 1 of 3 Module Descriptor 2012/13 School of Computer Science and Statistics. Gaussian processes in discrete time including o AR and MA processes used in forecasting o Noisy observations of GPs and HMMs Gaussian processes in continuous time, characterised by covariance functions Brief extension of GPs to 2D space. The treatment of Gaussian stochastic processes will be at an introductory level. The basic mathematics is that of the multivariate normal distribution on which I will give a brief reintroduction. The key concepts are those of marginal, joint and conditional probability distributions. We will use simple discrete Markov chains to embed these elementary concepts. The central text is Recommended Ross, S. M. Introduction to Probability Models, Academic Press.8 th ed 2003 519.2 M94*7 ; Reading List th th th th 7 ed 519.2 M94*6 ; 6 ed 2002 PL-403-442 ; 5 ed 1993 PL-224-947. In the 6 ed, Ch 1-4, 6, 10 are relevant Aspects of the following are relevant for deeper study Christensen, R. Linear Models for Multivariate, Time Series and Spatial Data, (Springer Texts in Statistics) 1996 Ch 5 and 6 are relevant Christensen, Ronald Advanced Linear Modeling: Multivariate, Time Series and Spatial Data Nonparametric Regression and Response Surface Maximization (Springer Texts in Statistics) 2001 (updated and extended version of above) MacDonald I. L. and Zucchini W. Hidden Markov and other models for discrete-valued time series. 1997 Chapman and Hall HL-195-718 Good book for advanced applications. For introductory work Sections 1.2, 1.3 Chatfield , C. The Analysis of Time Series, Chapman and Hall, 6th ed 2004. 519.5 M0996*5 ; 5th ed 1996 ARTS 330.18 M98*4. Chapter 3 (5th ed) on Probability Models for Time Series is directly relevant for that part of the course dealing with Gaussian processes in discrete time. Ripley, B.D. Spatial Statistics, 1981, 519.5 M192. Chapter 4 and Section 5.2 are directly relevant to our treatment of spatial processes. ST2351 and ST2352. Module Pre Requisite Module Co Requisite Assessment Details Module Exam, one optional projects 25% The final grade will be max( exam/100, exam/75 + project/25) N/a Page 2 of 3 Module Descriptor 2012/13 School of Computer Science and Statistics. approval date Approved By N/a Academic Start Year 2012-2013 Academic Year 2012 of Data Page 3 of 3