A preliminary study of Technology Supported learning in Mathematics

In what way can technology enhance student learning? : A preliminary study
of Technology Supported learning in Mathematics
Beomkyu Choi
GameStudio at Boise State University
United States
Jaeyeob Jung and Youngkyun Baek
GameStudio at Boise State Universty
United States
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to come up with the instructional idea that can offers
learners not only contents knowledge but also the essential skills for success in 21st century, as
well as to develop an instructional intervention on mathematics that can enhance learners’ positive
attitude toward mathematics through learning by making games. To this end, this study developed a
computer-aided instruction utilizing the Scratch program, which is a programming tool, as well as a
mathematics curriculum with Scratch program, and applied the developed curriculum to teach
mathematics as a recipe of a practical instruction for the 21st century skills and positive attitude
toward mathematics. The result of the case study of using this developed intervention shown that
this intervention has a great possibility as an alternative way to teach mathematics in ways that
stimulate learners’ various abilities, such as creativity, problem solving, logical thinking and the
like, as well as that build a positive attitude toward mathematics.
The primary purpose of the development of diverse instructional interventions and instructional strategies is
to help learners obtain knowledge in a more meaningful way. The fundamental qualification for a good teacher as a
professional include content knowledge, which is a solid knowledge of certain subject matters, as well as a solid
understanding of pedagogical knowledge, which is about how to teach and how to design instruction. Educators,
thus, have to have a variety of instructional models along with their certain content knowledge.
One of the current issues in education is about debates on how and what we teach today’s learners who will
lead the next generation. Although this debate is very broad, many researchers have agreed that we need to educate
our learners being armed with certain abilities to be prepared for 21st century, along with certain content knowledge.
In this regard, the partnership for 21century skills (P21), which is a national organization that advocates for 21st
century readiness for learners, outlined the key elements that students must master to succeed in work and life. It is
consisted of a blend of content knowledge, specific skills, expertise and literacies; such as core subject and 21st
century themes (e.g., global awareness, civic literacy, environmental literacy, etc.), learning and innovation skills
(e.g., creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration),
information, media and technology skills (e.g., information literacy, media literacy, and ICT literacy), and life and
career skills (e.g., flexibility and adaptability, initiative and self-direction, social and cross-cultural skills, etc.).
Within the context of core knowledge instruction, students must also learn the essential skills for success in 21st
When it comes to mathematics, most students agree that mathematics is important but they think it is a
difficult and boring subject, based on memorization of rules and techniques (Brown, Carpenter, Kouba, Lindquist,
Silver, & Swafford, 1988; Cain-Caston, 1993; Gallagher & Kaufman, 2008). Several studies in the area of
mathematics have shown that instruction, especially at the secondary school level, remains overwhelmingly teacher-
centered with greater emphasis being placed on lecturing and textbook than on helping students to think critical
across subject area and applying their knowledge to read-worlds situation (Butty, 2001).
Meanwhile, it is generally believed that students’ attitude towards a subject determines their success in that
subject. In other words, favorable attitude result to good achievement in a subject. Several studies and researches
have been done in many countries to find the factors that influence the students’ performance in mathematics.
Among these factors, students’ attitude towards mathematics is one important factor that has been consistently
studied. Often, the studies on relationship between students’ attitude and the students’ academic performance show a
positive relationship (Mohd, Mahmood, & Ismail, 2011; Bramlett & Herron, 2009; Nicolaidou & Philippou, 2003;
Papanastasiou, 2000; Ma & Kishor, 1997). Hence students’ positive attitude towards mathematics may play a
significant role in academic achievement in mathematics.
With such in mind, the primary purpose of this study is to come up with the instructional idea that can
offers learners not only contents knowledge but also the essential skills for success in 21st century, as well as to
develop an instructional intervention on mathematics that can enhance learners’ positive attitude toward
mathematics through learning by making games. To this end, this study developed a computer-aided instruction
utilizing the Scratch program, which is a programming tool, as well as a mathematics curriculum with Scratch
program, and applied the developed curriculum to teach mathematics as a recipe of a practical instruction for the
21st century skills and positive attitude toward mathematics. This paper will depict the process of the curriculum
development, and present the case study that we have done with the developed intervention.
The use of technology in mathematics education
The attempts to use technology as a means of instructional tools have been increasingly expanded in every
fields of education. The use of computer and Internet in particular has become extremely popular in K-12 schools.
Much research has been focusing on the effectiveness of using technology toward education in diverse ways.
Technology integration has also long been studied in the field of mathematics education. How technology can be
used successfully and effectively to affect the teaching and learning of mathematics in K-12 classroom is the key
research question that many primary studies have attempted to address (Li & MA, 2010). The national council of
teachers of mathematics (NCTM, 2000), thus, emphasized the importance of the use of technology in mathematics
education, stating that “technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics: it influences the mathematics
that is taught and enhances students’ learning” (2000, p.11).
In mathematics classrooms, particularly at the elementary school level, manipulatives have been used
extensively to help build a foundation for students to understand abstract concepts. A variety of studies have
examined virtual manipulative tools in mathematics classrooms and found positive impacts of such tools on student
achievement in mathematics (Kieran and Hillel 1999; Kaput, 1992).
Many researchers have also found that using technology in mathematics education has a positive impact on
attitude toward mathematics (e.g., Barkatsas et al., 2009; Ke, 2008 and others). According to Mushi (2000), learning
mathematics through media has made a positive impact on students’ attitude toward mathematics. Ke (2008) also
reported that computer math drill games significantly enhance students’ positive attitudes toward math learning.
Barkatsas and his colleagues (2009) studied the interrelationships between student’s attitudes, engagement and
achievement in mathematics with technology. They found that high achievement in mathematics was associated
with positive attitude toward mathematics, high confidence in using technology and a strongly positive attitude to
learning mathematics with technology.
In terms of achievement on mathematics with technology, Shin and her colleagues (2012) found that using
a technology-based game in the classroom was beneficial to students of all ability levels in learning in math. That is,
game technology positively impacts elementary students’ learning. Li and Ma (2010) conducted a meta-analysis
research of the effects of computer technology (CT) on students’ mathematics learning. The result of this study
revealed that there was a moderate but significantly positive effect of CT on mathematics achievement. This
indicates that in general students learning mathematics with the use of CT, compared to those without CT, had
higher mathematics’ achievement. They go on to say that this result that in this information era where technology
has become essential in teaching and learning, CT should be a necessary component of any good teaching.
Intervention for learning math with technology
We developed a curriculum intervention that teaches mathematics with technology. This intervention
specifically was designed to teach algebra and functions in math through the use of Scratch programming language
by the MIT Media Lab. Thorough this curriculum intervention, students can learn the concept of functions as
making their own games by Scratch program. This intervention was geared toward grade 5-7 students who seek to
learn math with math related games that are lots of fun. The goal of this intervention eventually is to improve our
students’ mathematical-logical thinking and to provide learners with the opportunity to apply their knowledge
towards creating their own project. So to speak, the primary goal of this intervention is an attempt to shed new light
on the idea of how to let learners engage in math education. The foundation of this intervention falls into two
categories: how to teach math in a fun way, and how to provide hands-on experience in learning math. In
conjunction with such underpinning, to prompt problem-solving ability and logical thinking is also of importance
intention of this intervention. In order for such considerations to be reflected, this intervention has been developed in
the following respects.
First of all, we have discussed about which contents in math are going to be handled, and then have decided
that function in math would be proper contents. Because not only have many students been struggling with function
and algebra, but also this concept, function and algebra, have very close to do with our everyday life. In our life, we
occasionally encounter many situations in which we have to find patterns, and/or to think in a correlative way. Such
concept enables us to infer specific occasion and reasoning in a very logical way. This concept apparently requires
learners’ logical thinking. Not only that, once stepping back and zooming out so as to get an whole picture of the
feasibility of this curriculum intervention, the scratch programming, which we’re intended to utilize, has a bunch of
advantage for an instructional tool, considering that it is able to prompt visualizing capability and to manipulate
diverse variables in mathematical ways, particularly function in math. We thus tapped into this program in an
attempt to devise alternative ways of teaching math, which means technology-supported instruction.
As stated above, Scratch program has a great advantage of visualizing of mathematics; such visualization
could be great helpful in solving math problem, by extension, programming activity, which is able to manipulate
variables and to confirm what happened directly, may offer the opportunity to learn math in an extremely active
manner, rather than in its passive way. In doing so, this program allows learners to have meaningful learning
experience with lots of fun, as well as to get hands-on experience while learning. In light of such considerations,
curriculum intervention has been developed as seen in table 1. (Curriculum example was seen in appendix 1).
Table1. Curriculum intervention
Module 1
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Introduction to the program
Module 2
A brief introduction to Scratch
Math Unit 2
What is Function?
Math Unit 3
Function Expression
Math Unit 4
Function Explanation
Math Unit 5
Constant Function and
Linear Function
Math Unit 6
Quadratic Function 1
Math Unit 7
Quadratic Function 2
Math Unit 8
Cubic Function 1
Math Unit 9
Cubic Function 2
Module 3
Math Unit 1
The Coordinate Plane
Basic Programming 1
Change, move, key move
Basic Programming 2
Say something, Glide,
follow the mouse
Individual project 1
Basic Programming 3
Dance, Interactive whirl,
Animate it
Individual project 2
Basic Programming 4
Moving animation, surprise
button, Keep score
Individual project 3
Basic Programming 5
Create sprite, dance
Individual project 4
Final individual project
Create your story
Final Group Project 1
Imagine your Group Project
Final Group Project 2
Design your Group Project
Final Group Project 3
Create your Group Project
Unit 10
Fun with Scratch
Scratch with Sensor board
Robotics programming
8 Blocks Scratch Activity
 Conference Session
Present group and individual projects
Case study of learning mathematics with Scratch program
Fourteen students participated in this program for learning function in math, which lasts two weeks for
thirty hours course units. Combined with math instruction, students were asked to do both an individual project and
a group project. Every one-hour was scheduled to learn math in accordance with each topic in functions through
using Scratch programming. And the following two hours were designed to carry out some project in both individual
and collaborative way. Project was deliberately designed to apply specific math concept (i.e., which they’ve learned
through this program) into creating outputs by scratch programming. Students were asked to create some products,
such as games, animation, movie and so forth, incorporating function in math concept. It may encourage students to
transfer their knowledge to making something with programming. This approach in turn stimulates them to use their
knowledge (i.e., knowledge application), to solve the problem they encountered (i.e., problem-solving ability), and
to think logically (mathematical-logical thinking ability) while carrying out such projects.
For individual project, students have done with a diverse programming activity being presented math
concept. Each student came up with the idea of which project he/she was going to carry on. And they have preceded
such project in their way. All they have in mind was that their project should be included very specific math concept
that they have learned throughout this program (see figure1). As shown in figure 2, students created games and
animations embedded the concept of function in math.
Figure 1. Individual project
Figure 2. Sample project
As with individual project, students also have carried out group project (see figure 3). This group project
aims to give them an experience of collaborative working process. To be specific, each group was required to
complete their group project report as well as the final output. The result of their group project, of course, should be
included the specific math concept (i.e., function in math), no matter what contents they’re going to create. At the
end of this project, each group has presented their final output in the conference day (see figure 4).
Figure 3. Group project
Figure 4. Presentation on their group project
Students’ responses
After finishing this program, participants were asked to interview as to how this program was and how this
program helped them to learn math. So Interviewees were asked: “What do you usually feel and think about math
class when you study in school?” “Compared to the typical way to learn math in school, what do you think and feel
about learning math by scratch program?” and “what makes you satisfied while learning math?”
As we expected, most of participants answered to the question of thinking about typical math class were
that math class is so boring and complicated. One of students said that “I love math but learning math in school is
too boring because there is lack of activities what I can do by myself”. In conjunction with the above question,
interviewees were asked as to how they think and feel about learning math by scratch program as a means of
alternative teaching approach. One student said that “this program is really fun and I can get hands on experience.”
Other student also said “learning with fun was the best memory of this program, making games is really fun, and I
can learn a lot of math by making my own project. It is really awesome”.
Students’ outputs
All the outputs they created during this program are summarized in table 3. As stated above, students
created their own projects included the concept of functions in math, which they have learned during the program,
both individually and collaboratively.
Project name
Table 3. The list of the outputs of students’ project
Type of output
Math concept included in this
Type of project
Individual/ group
The Killer Rock
Wizard Battle
Troll swarm
Spider House
Hungry shark
Linear function
Quadratic Function
The coordinate plane
Concept of Function
Cubic Function
The coordinate plane
Of students’ outputs, ‘Spider House’ was an animation that explains the overall concept of function in math.
As seen in figure 5, this group came up with the story which one of the spiders helped a friend of his to build a solid
house. In order to build a solid house, the spider let his friend know how to spin a web along with the explanation of
the concept of functions.
Likewise, other students’ project were developed a variety of formats, such as games, animation, and
movies, in ways that were included the specific concept of function relying on their own creativity and problem
solving ability.
Figure 5. ‘Spider House’: an example of students’ outputs
The purpose of this study was to come up with the instructional idea that can teach learners not only the
contents knowledge but also the essential skills for success in 21st century. In addition to this, this study also aimed
to develop a curriculum intervention on mathematics that enhances learners’ positive attitude toward mathematics
through learning by using Scratch program. The result of the case study of using this intervention shown that has a
great possibility as an alternative way to teach mathematics in ways that stimulate learners’ various abilities, such as
creativity, problem solving, logical thinking and the like, as well as that build a positive attitude toward mathematics.
However, since this study was not designed empirically, rather to develop and implement the intervention, it is
impossible to conclude that this study verified and examined the effectiveness of the developed intervention.
Accordingly, further studies are needed to examine its effectiveness through designing various research on diverse
variables, such as academic achievements, attitudes toward mathematics, problem-solving ability, logical thinking
and so forth.
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