1 Career Services Annual Report-2014-2015 (Sept. 1, 2014 through April 25, 2015) INDIVIDUAL APPOINTMENTS: 2014-15 Appointments: -1915-Individual Appointments -444 -appointments were done by Graduate Assistants -97- appointments were done by our Graduate School Office GA-she did not begin until January 2015 Total Observations by School: -Fulton 483 -Henson 308 -Perdue 523 -Seidel 456 -Not Assigned 145 Total 1915 appointments Appointments/Observations by Type: -Academic Advice 60 -Career Connections 27 -Career Exploration 72 -Career Planning Class 3 -Career Testing 2 -Classroom Presentation 31 -Compass 3 -Cover Letter Critique 135 -Curriculum Vitae 15 -Employer Information Session 4 -Graduate School Assistance 50 -Internship Assistance 46 -Interviewing Assistance 27 -Job Search Assistance 47 -LinkedIn 9 -Mentor Network 10 -Mock Interview 130 -On-Campus Interview Critique 7 -Other (not classified) 60 -Recruiter-in-Residence 9 -Reference 3 2013-14 Appointments: -2241-Individual Appointments 2 -Resume Review -Strong Assessment -Workshop Follow-up 1096 most popular 7 63 TOTAL-1915 Appointments CLASSROOM PRESENTATIONS: 2014-15 Presentations -49 total classroom presentations -1225 total student attendance in classes 2013-14 Presentations: -67 total classroom presentations -1773 total student attendance in classes JOBS POSTED TO CAREER CONNECTIONS/ALERTS: *shows increase from previous year- September 1, 2014 to April 27, 2015 2014-15 Jobs Posted: 2013-14 Jobs Posted: -565 full-time, entry level jobs posted -Sent daily targeted Job Alerts emails to seniors for -392 full-time, experience required and graduate level most of the 913 jobs listed by employers. jobs posted -957 total full-time jobs posted -72 on-campus jobs posted (average 6 per month) -290 part-time jobs posted *-1319 total jobs posted (full-time/part-time/oncampus) INTERNSHIPS POSTED TO CAREER CONNECTIONS/ALERTS: *shows increase from previous year- September 1, 2014 to April 27, 2015 2014-15 Internships Posted: 2013-14 Internships Posted: -34 ABLE Internships Posted-Approximately 300 internships sent out -278 General (No ABLE) Internships Posted*-312 TOTAL Internships Posted (both ABLE and Others) and Internship Alerts JOB FAIRS: Fall 2014 General Job/Internship Fair -82 employers attended -23 Sponsors -Total Sponsorship-$11,300.00 -503 total people attended COMPARISON OF FALL 2014 GENERAL JOB FAIR AND SPRING 2014 GENERAL JOB FAIRS (we surpassed almost all numbers of the 2014 Spring Job Fair-this does not usually happen due to more May graduates than fall graduates): *shows increase from previous year Fall 2014 Job Fair Spring 2014 Job Fair 3 *-82 employers *-23 sponsors *-$11,300.00 sponsorship money *-503 people attended -80 employers -19 sponsors -$9,100.00 sponsorship money -490 people attended ___________________________________________________________________________ Fall 2014 Meet the Firms Job Fair -30 alumni employer contacts attended -25 Employing Firms -163 total students/alumni • COMPARISONS OF 2013/2014 MEET THE FIRMS JOB FAIRS: *shows increase from previous year Fall 2014 Meet the Firms Fall 2013 Meet the Firms -25 firms attended -26 firms attended -8 sponsors -14 sponsors *-163 people attended -135 people attended ___________________________________________________________________________ Spring 2015 General Job/Internship Job Fair -108 employers attended -115 employers registered-7 did not make it -19 sponsors -$6,500.00 sponsorship money -343 students pre-registered -549 total people attended COMPARISON OF SPRING 2015 GENERAL JOB FAIR AND FALL 2014 GENERAL JOB FAIRS *shows increase from previous year SPRING 2015 FALL 2014 *-108 employers attended -82 employers attended -19 sponsors -23 sponsors -$6,500.00 sponsorship money -$11,300.00 sponsorship money *-549 total people attended -503 total people attended *-343 students pre-registered -243 students pre-registered -Accounting top major attending-59/Management 55/ -Management top major attending Marketing 39/Info Systems 33/ Spring 2015 Summer Part-Time Job Fair: -Total Number of Employers Attending-62 –record! - Sponsors- 7 -Total Sponsor Monies-$1700.00 -Number of Students Pre-Registered: 85 -Total Student Attendance-275 COMPARISON OF SPRING 2015 AND FALL 2014 SUMMER/PART-TIME JOB FAIRS *shows increase from previous year 4 Spring 2015: Fall 2014: Student Data: Student Data: -total student attendance=275 -total student attendance=344 *-student pre-registration=85 -student pre-registration=28 (not advertised) *-number of non-SU students attending=18 -number of non-SU students attending=11 Employer Data: Employer Data: *-Total Number of Employers Attending-62 -Total Number of Employers Attending-40 (record) Sponsor Data: -Total # of Sponsors-4 Sponsor Data: *-Total # of Sponsors-7 -Total Sponsor Monies-$800.00 *-Total Sponsor Monies-$1700.00- record _____________________________________________________________________ Spring 2015 Education Job Fair-(held at UMES) *-47 School districts attended -91 SU students pre-registered -Total number of students-232 -Total number of interviews-92 -Total number of students who interviewed-92 -Total sponsors-??? COMPARISON OF SPRING 2015 AND FALL 2014 EDUCATION JOB FAIRS *shows increase from previous year 2015 Education Job Fair-at UMES: 2014 Education Job Fair-at SU: *-47 School districts attended -Total number of employers at the fair-39 -14 school districts conducted 92 student interviews -Number of Employers who sponsored the event-7 -91 SU students pre-registered -$900.00 total sponsorships -Total number of students 232 -139 student pre-registered -Total sponsors-?? -Number of students from UMES: 13 -Total Number of Students attending job fair-225 SPRING 2015 GENERAL JOB FAIR PHOTO BOOTH: *shows increase from previous year Spring 2015 Photo Booth (Spring job fair) *-164 students had their picture taken Spring 2014 Photo Booth (Spring job fair) -150 students had their picture taken ON-CAMPUS INTERVIEWS: *shows increase from previous year 2014-15: *-39 employers conducted on-campus interviews *-356 student interviews were conducted TEXT MESSAGING SYSTEM: 2013-14: -30 Employers conducted 382 interviews on-campus -total of 290 students did interviews 5 2014-15: -total to 1289 students registered for the service 2013-14: -total of 1314 students were registered NETWORKING NIGHTS: (new initiative) -4 Networking Nights: 1. Environmental Studies/Biological Sciences-68 students attended-6 employers 2. Honors Mentor Networking Night-6 mentors and 50 students 3. CMAT/Marketing-30 students attended-7 employers 4. STEM Networking Night-68 students attended-9 employers RECRUITER-IN-RESIDENCE: (new initiative) -4 employers-30 mock interviews/resume reviews VOLUNTEER CENTER: (reinstated back to Career Services) -We were able to negotiate that office to the Career Center during the spring semester 2015 Current Academic Year: 2014-15 • 346 registered volunteers • 233 community partners • 44 current opportunities (some with multiple signup dates) • 28 opportunities registered • 343 volunteers attended • 1717 volunteer hours logged From Inception: (October 2010 to April 2015) • 5044 registered volunteers • 233 community partners • 625 opportunities (some with multiple signup dates) • 274 opportunities registered • 9729 volunteers attended • 40619.43 volunteer hours logged WORKSHOPS: -15 total workshops conducted -Approximately 300 students attended (average of 15 students per workshop) 2014-15 Workshops: 2013-14 Workshops and Other Presentations: -15 total workshops conducted WORKSHOPS & OTHER PRESENTATIONS: -Approximately 300 students attended (average of 15 -66 such Events with 1,268 student attendees students per workshop) 6 MINI JOB FAIRS: Had first ever Non-Profit Mini Job Fair-13 employers attended-35 students attended INFORMATION SESSIONS/TABLES-EMPLOYERS: *shows increase from previous year 2014-14 Information Sessions/Tables: INFORMATION SESSIONS: -11 employer information sessions were conducted -110 students attended (10 students per session) INFORMATION TABLES: -7 employers did an information table -18 total information sessions and info tables 2013-14 Information Sessions/Tables: -25 Employers had information sessions or tables. FIRST DESTINATION SURVEY: *shows increase from previous year 2015 Survey: *-1220 completed the survey-there were 641 that preregistered. There were a total of 1498 students that graduated May 2015. -We will begin collecting 6 month out data in October 2015 2014 Survey: -1107 completed the survey-there were 641 that preregistered. There were a total of 1472 students that graduated May 2014. -We were successful on getting over 60% response rates from our May 2014 graduates. This is the most ever. The results were submitted to NACE-national Association of Colleges and Employers CSO-CAREER CONNECTION DATABASE MIGRATION: -Changed from Experience.com (due to bankruptcy) to CSO in fall 2014 semester -Able to make it live in 2 month period with 1 person working on all data imports -Brought over from Experience all students, employers, counseling appointments, jobs, internships, job fairs, on-campus appointments, workshops, etc. -Customized the new career management system to meet our needs -Added Volunteer Center information to system -3681 employers in database -5525 employer contacts NEW INITIATIVES and ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 1. Volunteer Center is back in Career Services Office 2. We were able to collect over 60%, 6 month after graduation response rate from our May 2014 graduates 3. Will change Volunteer Center database to Career Connections 4. Creation of Networking Nights 5. Did the first ever “Alumni Brunch” with the Alumni Office. Held a brunch before the spring job fair for alumni employer recruiters. Had over 30 alumni attend. 6. Began new “Recruiter-in-Residence” program 7 7. Started Monthly Speaker Series (Professor from Duke Medical School/UCLA Medical School alumni presenter/CIA presenter) 8. Began Faculty Alert Thursdays where career stats are sent to faculty 9. Coordinated Federal Employer Panel with 6 agencies-(104 students attended) 10. Initiated CIA “Day-On-Campus”-5 one-on-one interviews and 91 students attending 11. Send out full-time, part-time and internship Weekly Job/Internship Summaries to students 12. Organized and attended Faculty Luncheon with Northwestern Mutual 13. Began “Dollar-a-Scholar” program for one dollar a student an employer can put a promo piece in the graduating seniors gift bags. Raised $500 from 3 employers 14. Began serving Graduate Students due to acquiring GA from Graduate School Office 15. Worked with publications office to develop new Career Connections Logo 16. Worked with publications office to develop new Career Services Banner 17. Developed nightly uploads of student data from GullNet to Career Connections 18. Created Graduate School website 19. Developed 103 email groups for us to use in emailing out job and internship alerts 20. Created electronic disclaimer employer statement for Career Connections PARTNERSHIPS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Began meeting monthly with Alumni Office Director to go over possible events Worked with Perdue School to begin Satellite Office Hours in Perdue Building Oversaw 3 practicum students from CMAT department Share Graduate Assistant with Graduate School Office so we can provide more opportunities for Graduate Students Partnered with Dr. Jim Buss and created Honors Mentor Networking Night with 6 mentors and 50 students. Worked with Parking Services to establish policy that we will have 5 visitor passes and any employee given ticket will be revoked Partnered with Alumni Office and submitted Career Connections article for their magazine Partnered with Alumni Office and created first ever Spring Job Fair Alumni Brunch-over 30 alumni attended Partnered with Admissions Office and John Anello and did Guidance Counselors Open House-12-15 counselors COMMUNITY SERVICE: 1. Serve as VP for Bay Center for Independent Living 2. Mentor, Wicomico Mentoring Project 3. Board Chair, LifeMark PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. EAB Training Attended 4 CSO webinars Webinar - Now Trending: Combining Career Centers with Advising, Engagement..... Served search committee for Career Services Director position Serve on professional development committee (Gloria) Presented at Student Organization Women In Leadership Attended Student Affairs Panel Discussion 8 8. Power of Personality webinar 9. Attended Focus webinar 10. Webinar -Ten Steps To A Federal Resume 11. Webinar -College Scorecard 12. Attended Federal Resume Webinar 13. Attended NACE Webinar “First Destination Survey” 14. Attended new web content management system trainings 15. Attended Student Affairs Professional Development workshop on Transfer Experience 16. Attended Multi-Cultural Affairs Reception 17. Actively participate in MCC-Maryland Career Consortium (all MD career centers) through monthly meetings and four shared events and SLAC-The Selective Liberal Arts Consortium (MD Liberal Art school’s career centers). 18. Served on search committee for Coordinator for Multicultural Affairs OTHER ACTIVITIES: Oversaw Disney program Assisted with Washington Center internship program Winter Orientation for Transfer Students—2 sessions and taught parent class/Winter Orientation for New Students—1 session and taught parent class Had winter staff retreat for office staff Taught 2 hour career class Sent results of First Destination Survey to NACE Interviewed and selected Graduate Assistant for office to represent the Graduate Studies Office Presented to the President’s Advisory Team on the First Destination Survey results and new initiatives in Career Services Placed “Disclaimer Statement” on job and internship pages which tells the students they are responsible for researching jobs and internships and updated “Employer Guidelines” website Met with president of Graduate Student Council