Achievement Objectives

Achievement Objectives – The Liturgical Year
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Children will be able to recognise:
Children will be able to recognise:
Children will be able to recognise:
Children will be able to recognise:
 Advent is a time of getting
ready for the birth of Jesus
 Christmas celebrates the birth
of Jesus
 Lent as a season for getting
ready for Easter
 The Holy Week stories
 The Easter event
 The Feast of the Ascension
celebrates Jesus’ return to his
Father in heaven
 Pentecost tells the story of the
coming of the Holy Spirit
 On the Feast of the Assumption
the Church celebrates Mary
being taken body and soul to
 and identify the Feast of All
Saints when the Church
celebrates and honours all who
have died and are now with
God and who are united with
the pilgrim people of God on
their journey
 and identify the beliefs,
practices and purposes of
Catholics in celebrating All
Souls Day.
 and identify aspects of waiting,
and relate these to the Advent
 that setting up a crib is a
Christmas tradition and identify
the meaning behind each
 Lent as a season when
Christians try to live more like
Jesus lived
 the historic events of Holy
Week relate to people’s lives
 because Jesus rose from the
dead, Easter – Te Aranga is a
season of joy
 relate aspects of the Easter
event to their own lives
 The Ascension: the Church
celebrates Jesus’ return to
heaven in glory
 Pentecost: the Spirit of Jesus
came to the disciples like wind
and fire
 The Assumption: identify that,
just as the risen Jesus ascended
to heaven, God also took the
body and soul of Mary to
 All Saints Day: identify the
Feast of All Saints when the
Church celebrates and honours
all who have died and are now
with God and who are united
with the pilgrim people of God
on their journey
 and identify the beliefs,
practices and purposes of
Catholics in celebrating All
Souls Day.
 and explain the meaning of the
symbols of the Advent Wreath
 the Advent Wreath as a symbol
of the season
 develop an understanding of
the Christmas tradition of gift
giving in relation to the birth of
Jesus as a gift, so people could
share in God’s life
 identify signs and symbols that
show Lent as a season of
 identify ways that people can
change during Lent
 recall the stories and rituals of
Holy Week
 develop an understanding of
the meaning of Easter in Jesus’
life and in the life of Christians
 develop an understanding of
the meaning of the
Resurrection and what it means
for Christians
 The Ascension: identify that
Jesus’ return to the right hand
of God is part of the Easter
 Pentecost: develop an
understanding of the Feast of
Pentecost as the birthday of
the Church
 The Assumption: the Church
celebrates Jesus’ return to
heaven in glory
 Pentecost: develop an
understanding that, in her
Assumption, Mary is a promise
of the resurrection of all people
 All Saints Day: identify the
Feast of All Saints when the
Church celebrates and honours
all who have died and are now
with God and who are united
with the pilgrim people of God
on their journey
 All Souls Day: identify the
beliefs, practices and purposes
of Catholics in celebrating All
Souls Day.
 how Advent is time to prepare
the way for the coming of
Jesus, Son of Mary and Son of
understand the traditions of
carol singing and Christmas
trees in relation to the
celebration of Jesus Christ’s
coming at Christmas
 Lent as a season for turning
back to God through prayer
 Lent as a season for turning
back to God through fasting
and almsgiving
explain the events of Holy
Week in relation to the life of
 develop an understanding of
ways people can celebrate Holy
Week within the school, parish
and family-whanau, and in
various cultures
develop an understanding of
the stories of the Easter event
 The Ascension: that, before his
Ascension to heaven, Jesus
sent the disciples to bring the
Good News to all creation
 Pentecost: that Mary has a
special place in the Pentecost
The Assumption: is the national
feast day of Aotearoa New
Zealand, and is celebrated as a
Holy Day of Obligation
All Saints Day: identify the
Feast of All Saints when the
Church celebrates and honours
all who have died and are now
with God and who are united
with the pilgrim people of God
on their journey
 All Souls Day: identify the
beliefs, practices and purposes
of Catholics in celebrating All
Souls Day.
4 June 2015
Achievement Objectives - The Liturgical Year
Year 5
Children will be able to:
Year 6
Children will be able to:
Year 7
Children will be able to:
Year 8
Children will be able to:
 develop an understanding of
 identify the people of Advent
 identify symbols of Aotearoa
 develop an understanding of
Christ’s coming as a real event
in history, as Christ coming
now in the Church through the
liturgy to help people grow in
his likeness and that Christ will
come again in the Second
 develop an understanding of
the Feasts of the Christmas
Season: Christmas, The
Epiphany and the Baptism of
the Lord
 recognise how the Lenten
readings challenge people to
follow God’s call to live just and
holy lives
 develop an understanding of
the significance of the Holy
Week events for Christians and
how the Church in various
cultures celebrates them
 develop an understanding of
the significance of the Easter
events for Christians and how
Easter is celebrated in a variety
of cultures
 The Ascension: that on the
Feast of the Ascension the
Church celebrates Jesus’ return
to heaven in glory to prepare a
place for people who through
the intercession of the Holy
Spirit – Te Wairua Tapu may
also share in a heavenly
 Pentecost: develop an
understanding of the gifts of
the Holy Spirit – Te Wairua
 The Assumption: identify the
Feast of Assumption as a Holy
Day of obligation when the
Church celebrates Mary –
Maria being taken to Heaven
body and soul to share in the
Resurrection – Te Aranga of
her Son and an anticipation of
the resurrection of other
 All Saints Day: identify the
Feast of All Saints when the
Church celebrates and honours
all who have died and are now
with God – Te Atua and who
are united with the pilgrim
people of God on their journey
 All Souls Day: identify the
beliefs, practices and purposes
of Catholics in celebrating All
Souls Day.
the significance of the Jesse
Tree in relation to the
meaning of Advent
identify how Christians make
room for Christ in their lives,
homes and celebrations at
Christmas including the
importance of celebrating the
Eucharist at Christmas
Lent as a time when
Christians are reminded to
repent, pray and do penance
as they make a forty day
journey to Easter
develop an understanding of
the liturgies of Holy Week,
how Catholics can participate
in them and how they make
events in the life of Jesus
present today
develop an understanding of
the Easter Sunday Liturgy
and how people can meet the
Risen Jesus today
The Ascension: that on the
Feast of the Ascension the
Church celebrates Jesus’
return to heaven in glory to
prepare a place for people
who through the intercession
of the Holy Spirit – Te Wairua
Tapu may also share in a
heavenly destiny
Pentecost: the effects of the
Spirit in the lives of the
apostles and disciples after
Pentecost as foundation
members of the Church
The Assumption: the Feast of
Assumption as a holy day of
obligation when the Church
celebrates Mary – Maria being
taken to Heaven body and
soul to share in the
Resurrection – Te Aranga of
her Son and an anticipation of
the resurrection of other
All Saints Day: identify the
Feast of All Saints when the
Church celebrates and
honours all who have died
and are now with God – Te
Atua and who are united with
the pilgrim people of God on
their journey
All Souls Day: identify the
beliefs, practices and
purposes of Catholics in
celebrating All Souls Day.
who prepared for the Messiah,
God Te Atua come among us:
Isaiah, John the Baptist,
Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph
the ways Christmas is
celebrated in different cultures
including the celebration of the
Christ Mass
Lent as a time of spiritual
growth and renewal in the risen
life of Christ both for individuals
and the Church community
Holy Week and Easter as the
most significant time in the year
for Christians and its
importance as an event in
history and in the life of the
Church today
The Ascension: that on the
Feast of the Ascension the
Church celebrates Jesus’ return
to heaven in glory to prepare a
place for people who through
the intercession of the Holy
Spirit – Te Wairua Tapu may
also share in a heavenly destiny
Pentecost: how the first
Pentecost experience began the
time of the Church and that the
Holy Spirit continues to give life
to the Church today
and develop an understanding
of the meaning of Ordinary
Time and the importance of
Sunday as the day of the Lord’s
Resurrection in the Church’s
Liturgical Year
The Assumption: identify the
Feast of Assumption as a holy
day of obligation when the
Church celebrates Mary – Maria
being taken to Heaven body
and soul to share in the
Resurrection – Te Aranga of her
Son and an anticipation of the
resurrection of other Christians
All Saints Day: identify the
Feast of All Saints when the
Church celebrates and honours
all who have died and are now
with God – Te Atua and who are
united with the pilgrim people
of God on their journey
All Souls Day: identify the
beliefs, practices and purposes
of Catholics in celebrating All
Souls Day.
New Zealand that are identified
with the message of Advent
develop an understanding of the
feasts of the Christmas season:
Christmas, Holy Innocents, Mary
Mother of God – Maria Te Whaea
o Te Atua, Holy Family
Lent as a time when people
prepare for Baptism and a new
way of life of prayer – karakia,
fasting and almsgiving
develop an understanding of
Holy Week as the week that the
Church remembers Jesus’ role in
liberating people from sin and
death, and how the Church
shares in this
develop an understanding of the
Easter Vigil
The Ascension: that on the Feast
of the Ascension the Church
celebrates Jesus’ return to
heaven in glory to prepare a
place for people who through the
intercession of the Holy Spirit –
Te Wairua Tapu may also share in
a heavenly destiny
Pentecost: develop an
understanding of the Pentecost
story in the context of Easter, the
Ascension and the life of the
early Church and the Church
and develop an understanding of
the meaning of Ordinary Time
and the importance of Sunday as
the day of the Lord’s
Resurrection in the Church’s
Liturgical Year
The Assumption: identify the
Feast of Assumption as a holy
day of obligation when the
Church celebrates Mary – Maria
being taken to Heaven body and
soul to share in the Resurrection
– Te Aranga of her Son and an
anticipation of the resurrection
of other Christians
All Saints Day: identify the Feast
of All Saints when the Church
celebrates and honours all who
have died and are now with God
– Te Atua and who are united
with the pilgrim people of God on
their journey
All Souls Day: identify the beliefs,
practices & purposes of Catholics
in celebrating All Souls Day.
4 June 2015