Written examination – Aural skills Question 1 Candidates showed strength in these areas: understanding pitch, making reference to harmony and tonality understanding the style and features, including 12-bar blues, walking bass, blues scale and bends structuring a clear and concise answer using appropriate terminology identifying examples of instruments to support the description of pitch. Candidates need to improve in these areas: describing pitch rather than other concepts discussing pitch in relation to the excerpt rather than in a generalised form providing a key or notation to graphic notation making specific references to the excerpt providing more detail with discussion of concepts such as register – not simply high or low. Question 2 Candidates showed strength in these areas: understanding the concepts of structure and texture providing well-chosen examples responding to both parts of the question structuring concise responses that specifically address the question. Candidates need to improve in these areas: using relevant musical terminology referring to textural layers and density annotating diagrams where necessary to clarify meaning. Question 3 Candidates showed strength in these areas: exploring stylistic features by referring to a range of concepts comparing and contrasting stylistic influences including appropriate musical examples including optional musical notation and labelled graphic notation using musical terminology appropriate to the styles explored making structural references to accurately identify observations. Candidates need to improve in these areas: exploring stylistic features rather than identifying and discussing performing media providing supporting examples applying and referring to terminology accurately considering all styles rather than focusing on one style at the expense of others. Question 4 Candidates showed strength in these areas: understanding how contrast is achieved with specific reference to the excerpt organising a succinct response, referring to a range of concepts in relation to contrast supporting observations with clear and concise explanations using clear graphic representation and/or music notation to support responses. Candidates need to improve in these areas: applying appropriate music terminology to the excerpt labelling graphic notation and/or diagrams understanding the extent to which each concept can be applied to the question.