NAME_________________________________ FINAL WORD




Benji Amsel: pundit; noun; a person who makes comments or judgments, an authority

Ellie Arian: garrulous; adjective; excessively talkative about trivial matters

Joe Berger: gaffe; noun; a clumsy social blunder

Lindsey Blenden: raconteur; noun; a person who is skilled at telling stories

Sammy Cherna: didactic; adjective; intended to instruct

Josh Degan: camaraderie; noun; good fellowship or comradeship

Leiby Deustch: frenetic; adjective; frenzied or frantic

Dalya Dickstein: polymath; noun; very learned in many different fields of study

Tovah Ehrlich: cacophony; noun; a mixture of useless, harsh sounds

Gilad Falkenstein: munificent; adjective; very generous in giving

Nikki Goldberg: reticent; adjective; disposed to be silent or not speak freely

Orly Goldberg: sanguine; adjective; cheerful; optimistic; upbeat

Alex Silver: gregarious; adjective; friendly; sociable

Maya Silver: blithe; adjective; joyous, merry

Shaul Hafner: dogged; adjective; persistently stubborn

Joey Israeli: punctilious; adjective; strictly attentive to minute details in action or conduct

Aviva Kahn: capricious; adjective; random, fickle

Coby Kestler: amiable; adjective; having or showing good nature; friendly

Joey Kirsch: pithy; adjective; short and to the point

Corey Kops: clandestine; adjective; characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy

Alex Malech: dogmatic; adjective; given to opinionated beliefs and truths

Jacob Mendelson: recondite; adjective; dealing with difficult subject matter

Leah Needle: fastidious; adjective; requiring or characterized by excessive care; painstakingly careful or precise

Adar Netef: auspicious; adjective; promising success; prosperous

Johnny Pedoeem: pertinacious; adjective; stubbornly unyielding; resolute, firm in purpose

Danielle Rabinowitz: mercurial; adjective; changeable; animated; lively

Ariel Raskin: boon; noun; something to be thankful for; a favor or gift

Louis Reiz: facetious; adjective; not meant to be taken seriously or literally

Ilana Rosenstrauch: ardent; adjective; passionate; zealous

Abigail Rubin: quixotic; adjective; pertaining to Don Quixote; extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; impractical

Jamie Rubin: diffident; adjective; lacking or marked by a lack of self confidence, shy and timid

Maya Sasson: tenacity; noun; stubbornness or persistency

Eitan Scher: serendipity; noun; good luck in finding fortunate discoveries

Ariel Schwartz: saccharine; adjective; sweet, at times too excess

Eytan Shamsian: parochial; adjective; narrow minded; restricted; limited

Sasha Sherman: histrionic; adjective; dramatic representation; theatrical

Esther Shoulson: hackneyed; adjective; common place; stale; banal; trite

Sarah Silverberg: zephyr; noun; a calm or gentle breeze

Ilan Slonim: puerile; adjective; of or pertaining to a child; immature, sophomoric

Aliza Sragow: circumspect; adjective; watchful, discreet or careful

Tal Stern: raze; verb; to tear down; demolish

Haley Stiel: supercilious; adjective; haughtily disdainful and arrogant

Scott Tajfel: winsome; adjective; charming or engaging

Ben Wagner: propitious; adjective; presenting favorable conditions; favorable

Seth Wengrofsky: obdurate; adjective; stubborn, unyeilding, unmoved

Emily Yarkony: maudlin; adjective; sentimental in a weak, silly way; tearfully silly
