Science department Grade 5 Revision Sheet Quarter ( 2 ) 2014/2015 Multiple Choice ____ 1. A domain is the broadest classification of living things. Which of the following names the three known domains? A. B. C. D. ____ Eukarya, Bacteria, Archaea Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia family, genus, species Plantae, Fungi, Protista 2. Which statement best explains how living organisms are classified into the three domains by their differences? A. The main characteristics for classifying organisms into domains is whether they have vascular tissue, are vertebrates, or absorb food from their environment. B. Animals are in one domain. Plants are in another domain. Protists and fungi are in a third domain. C. One domain contains all the complex organisms. The other two domains contain simple, single-celled organisms with no nucleus. D. The three domains are classified as organisms that are microscopic, reproductive, or visible. ____ 3. A large classification of living things is made of up organisms that have many cells and use sunlight to make food. Which kingdom is the classification for such organisms? A. B. C. D. ____ animals bacteria plants fungi 4. Four organisms are pictured below. Which of the following best describes the classification these organisms are examples of? A. B. C. D. ____ different mammals different invertebrates different kingdoms different species 5. The organisms below are members of one of the six kingdoms of living things. What do these organisms have in common with all the other members of this kingdom? A. B. C. D. ____ They are microscopic. They feed on dead or decayed materials. They live in extreme environments and get energy from strange resources. They may look or act like plants, animals, or fungi. 6. Miguel had a white navy bean, a red lentil bean, a white lima bean, and a black bean. He used a diagram like the following to classify the four beans according to their physical characteristics. This type of classification chart is best known as what? A. B. C. D. ____ 7. Mrs. Kim’s class was identifying different species of plants. Which of the following best describes a species? A. B. C. D. ____ an order of classes a dichotomous key a subdivision a classification code the next more specific classification following an order a group in which organisms of different kinds are closely related a unique kind of organism another name for a family or genus 8. Scientists organize living things into a number of different levels of classification. As you continue down the levels of classification, which of the following is true? A. B. C. D. ____ Each level refers to a unique kind of organism. The members of each classification level have more and more differences. The organisms are grouped more and more by their behavior. The organisms are more and more closely related to each other. 9. Emma’s class was studying vertebrates. Which of the following are examples of vertebrates? A. B. C. D. ferns, conifers, mosses brittle stars, sea stars, basket stars camels, falcons, frogs crabs, grasshoppers, jellyfish ____ 10. Scientists classify living things into three domains and six kingdoms. Which of the following best describes characteristics of the protist kingdom? A. B. C. D. may be plant-like, animal-like, or fungus-like do not make food from sunlight; feed on dead or decayed materials are vascular or nonvascular are vertebrates or invertebrates ____ 11. Hurricanes that strike land are considered natural disasters. Why are hurricanes also considered seasonal disasters? A. B. C. D. Hurricanes can cause major damage. Hurricanes occur in areas all over the country. Hurricanes develop only during certain times of the year. Hurricanes strike only coastal regions and not areas that are far inland. ____ 12. Carrotwood is a fast-growing landscape tree. Today, this tree is found in a variety of habitats, including dunes, coastal areas, freshwater marshes, and riverbanks. It crowds out native plants and competes for light and other resources. Which term describes the carrotwood species? A. B. C. D. Native Migrant Invasive Predatory ____ 13. The kudzu vine was introduced to this country in the late 1800s. Today, it can be found in many Southern states. Kudzu eventually kills other plants it covers because it blocks out sunlight. Kudzu has been reported to grow roughly 1 ft per day. What can you conclude from this information? A. Kudzu is an invasive organism that can change an ecosystem. B. Kudzu is an illustration of a predator-prey relationship in a community. C. Kudzu is an example of a cyclic change where the forest land will eventually be restored. D. Kudzu is an example of a pollutant that is destroying forest ecosystems in the southern United States. ____ 14. Different species have different needs. For example, some animals can live close together in communities, but others require a lot of space. The table below shows the number of individuals of four different species that can be supported by 25,000 acres of habitat. Animal species Black bear Bobcat Fox Deer Number per 25,000 acres 1 60 165 580 Which of these animals would you expect to disappear first from this habitat if the habitat grew smaller due to habitat destruction? A. B. C. D. black bear bobcat fox deer ____ 15. An invasive species can change an ecosystem by affecting its native species. Which of these four graphs correctly shows what can happen to a native species when an invasive species successfully adapts to its new environment? A. B. C. D. ____ 16. When an environment changes, differences between individuals can allow some plants and animals to survive while others die or move to new locations. Which statement best describes how this happens? A. Environmental changes allow animals to survive, adapt, and vary. B. All animals survive when the environment changes, which leads to their variations and adaptations. C. Animals have variations that may allow them to adapt and survive when the environment changes. D. Animals have adaptations that allow them to survive environmental changes, which leads to variation. ____ 17. In which of these ways would doubling a region’s human population most likely change the environment? A. B. C. D. People will destroy more habitat by building homes and buildings. People will protect more organisms than they did before the increase. People will set aside more land for conserving endangered organisms. People will use fewer resources that other organisms also need for survival. ____ 18. After large numbers of people moved to an area, several species of animals and plants became extinct. Which event most likely led to the extinction of so many species in a short amount of time? A. B. C. D. natural disasters habitat destruction variations in the species the change in the climate ____ 19. The organ shown below, identified with an arrow, is a digestive organ. What happens when food reaches this organ? A. B. C. D. Acidic juices mix with the food. Food is stored, but no digestion occurs. The food is completely digested and absorbed into the bloodstream. The food is moved into the small intestine within two or three minutes. ____ 20. The digestive system changes the food we eat into usable and unusable materials. Where do unusable materials go until disposal? A. B. C. D. to the liver to the pancreas to the large intestine to the small intestine ____ 21. The small intestine contains tiny structures called villi. How do villi help the small intestine perform its function. A. B. C. D. They add acidic juices to food. They help eliminate solid wastes. They help the small intestine absorb nutrients. They help food move from the esophagus to the stomach. ____ 22. Which of these describes the function(s) of the urinary system? A. B. C. D. aids in reproduction breaks down solid food stores important nutrients and vitamins regulates fluid balance and eliminates waste ____ 23. Which organ removes waste from the blood, controls the blood’s salt level, and helps conserve water? A. B. C. D. bladder small intestine kidneys liver ____ 24. Robert has grown taller again and needs larger clothes. Which gland produced the growth hormone that caused this change? A. B. C. D. adrenal pancreas pituitary thyroid ____ 25. What would happen if the urinary system organs stopped working properly? A. B. C. D. Waste products would build up. The body would not digest solid food. The liver would take over and the person would not be affected. Blood would stop moving around the body. ____ 26. The nutrients you eat are passed to the bloodstream, where your cells can use them. How do nutrients in digested food reach the bloodstream? A. B. C. D. They are absorbed by the large intestine. They pass from the esophagus into the blood. They pass from the small intestine through tiny blood vessels into the blood. They are absorbed into the bloodstream through structures in the stomach wall. ____ 27. Which of the following describes a dichotomous key? A. a chart with many choices that guide you to the correct identification or classification of a thing B. a guide to the six kingdoms of life C. a long list of questions with yes or no answers D. a ranking of classifications starting with broad domains and ending with species ____ 28. Hyun has three types of dried beans. He wants to make a dichotomous key to classify all the beans. The picture shows the types of beans he has. Which of the following would be the best set of questions to use for making a dichotomous key for these beans? A. Are the beans the same shape? Are the beans the same color? Are the beans the same size? B. Are the beans round? Are the beans kidney-shaped? Do the beans have a black spot? C. Are the beans small? Are the beans large? Are the beans medium-sized? D. Are the beans soft? Are the beans hard? Are the beans bumpy on the surface? ____ 29. Which of the following best states the purpose of a dichotomous key? A. B. C. D. to group things by the number of arms or legs it has to group things by similarities to identify one type of thing as unique from other types to ask yes or no questions ____ 30. Johara is observing an organism and using a series of questions to classify it. Characteristics of the Organism Yes No Is it single-celled? X Is it many-celled? X Is it vascular? X Is it nonvascular? X Does it reproduce by seeds? X Does it reproduce by spores? X To which kingdom does this organism most likely belong? A. B. C. D. animal protist fungi plant ____ 31. Lakshon is making a dichotomous key for the buttons shown below. Which question will be most helpful? A. B. C. D. Is the button small? Does the button have two holes? Is the button oval? Is the button thick? ____ 32. An ecosystem is made of both biotic and abiotic things. Which describes the biotic part of the ecosystem? A. B. C. D. plants that grow in soil the animals that breathe oxygen all living things in the environment plants and animals that live in water ____ 33. If you stand in the middle of an open field, you are standing among individual organisms, different species, populations, and communities. What makes up one of the populations in the field? A. B. C. D. all organisms of the same species the different communities in the ecosystem the communities that occupy the same niche all organisms that live in a certain part of the field ____ 34. The rainforests in South America support many ecosystems. These ecosystems are healthy. How does the diversity in the rainforests help determine the health of ecosystems? A. B. C. D. When diversity is high, there are more resources available. Resources in the environment last longer when the diversity is low. Less diverse ecosystems have less competition among the residents. Areas with high diversity have increased competition among the residents. ____ 35. Temperature, water, soil, and air are abiotic factors in an environment. They are not the same everywhere. What role do abiotic factors such as these play in an ecosystem? A. B. C. D. They control the changes of the seasons. They prevent competition among populations. They determine which plants and animals can live there. They help control the effect humans might have on the ecosystem. ____ 36. When scientists talk about an ecosystem and the type and number of animals and plants that live in one, they are also concerned about limiting factors. What are limiting factors? A. B. C. D. the rate at which the plants and animals in an ecosystem reach maturity the ratio of animals that lay eggs and those that give birth to live young the things that are necessary to support a population of organisms in an area the difference between trees that lose their leaves in an ecosystem and those that don't ____ 37. What does it mean for a backyard ecosystem to have low diversity? A. B. C. D. The number of insect species is very low. There are more insect species present in the environment. The plants species outnumber the insect and other animal species. There are only a few different species of plants, animals, and insects. ____ 38. What part of an environment are a swarm of bees? A. B. C. D. ecosystem community niche population ____ 39. Cutting down trees to make room for human population growth has negative effects on native plants and wildlife in an area. If an insect species lives in only a certain type of plant and that plant is removed, what part of the insects' life is being affected? A. B. C. D. ecosystem community niche population ____ 40. Ecosystems are made of biotic and abiotic factors. Which term refers to a factor that is in short supply for the organisms that depend on it for survival? A. B. C. D. abiotic climate biotic resource climate factor limiting factor ____ 41. Why is an energy pyramid drawn in the shape shown below? A. B. C. D. The higher the level is, the fewer the animals. The higher the level is, the larger the organisms. The higher the level is, the more important the animals. The higher the level is, the more successful the predators. ____ 42. Which kind of diagram shows how much energy passes along as one organism consumes another? A. B. C. D. decomposition energy pyramid food chain food web ____ 43. The picture below shows a food chain. The arrows show how energy flows from one living thing to the next. In this food chain, what would be a possible energy source for the bacteria? A. B. C. D. all the animals all the organisms only the hawk only the predators ____ 44. The picture below shows a food web. If the number of fish dropped suddenly, which of the following is a likely short-term effect in the food web? A. B. C. D. fewer squid fewer tiny water plants more penguins more seals ____ 45. Some organisms break down dead things for food. Which word describes these organisms? A. consumers B. decomposers C. herbivores D. producers ____ 46. Some organisms break down dead things for food. Which word describes these organisms? A. B. C. D. consumers decomposers herbivores producers