Tier 2 Team Time Implementation Workbook 1. Establish Problem Solving Team Team Should Assess Status of each Critical Feature. Activity 1 will assist the team during planning time. The team should use the guiding questions to critically assess status of the Feature 1: Problem Solving Team. Once the team discusses areas of strengths and areas of need, the team will list at least 2 action steps that will be used to strengthen areas of need. Problem Solving Team: A Tier2/3 team including an administrator identified to : a.) develop an advanced tier process in the school b.) provide information, modeling, feedback, support and recognition for staff who implement T2/3 interventions c.) make decisions about students receiving advanced supports Status: Achieved, In Progress, Not Started Date: (MM/DD/YY) Establish Problem Solving Team Coordinator Identified Status: Administrator on team and attends meetings Regular Meeting Schedule, effective operating procedures Status: Advanced Audit is completed for efficient integration of team with other teams/initiatives addressing behavior support. Status: Roles and Responsibilities Established Status: Advanced Audit of Current Practices within 3 Tiered Logic Complete Status: Clear Outcomes defined and linked to School Improvement Goals Status: Professional Development calendar includes time for teaching T2 structure, core features and staff expectations Activity 1a: Advanced Audit of Current Practices Use the blank triangle on the following page to complete Activity 1: Step 1: Identify all programs/initiatives/common practices by tier Tier I- How do you support all children? Core Curriculum- “everyone gets” Tier II, III How do you support students who need more support? How do you build on the foundation so that all Tier II, III activities are a natural extension of core curriculum? Guiding Questions: Step 1: Advanced Audit of Practices within Three-Tiered Model of Support School: ______________________________ Date: ____/____/_____ List Individualized/Intensive practices provided to a few for support List Core practices provided to all and intended support most List Strategic/Targeted practices provided to some for support Students with 0-1 dents with 0-1 Activity 1b: Advanced Working Smarter Use the Working Smarter worksheet to complete the next two steps: Step 1: Identify Current Teams (discipline, instruction, climate, school improvement, grade level, parent support etc) Step 2: Complete the Working Smarter document Working Smarter Worksheet Workgroup/ Committee/ Team Outcome/ Link to SIP Who do we serve/support? What is the ticket in? (Decision Rule) Names of Staff on team Tier? Non-Negotiable District Mandate? How do we measure impact? Step 3: Based on your results, what committees can you: (a) eliminate? (b) combine? (c) provide more support? (d) how can we infuse PBS into our committees? Determine your next step. Based on your team time discussion, list 2 action steps Action Steps When? Establish Team Coordinator Identified Administrator on team Effective team operating procedures Advanced Audit of teams/initiatives Advanced Working Smarter Roles and Responsibilities Linked to School Improvement a. b. c. d. e. Who? 2. Establish Communication System Activity 2 will assist the team during planning time. The team should use the guiding questions to critically assess status of the first part of Feature 2: Communication System. Once the team discusses areas of strengths and areas of need, the team will list at least 2 action steps that will be used to strengthen areas of need. Formal communication systems should be established to ensure: a.) a process for getting information to and from other school and grade level teams b.) a process for getting information to stakeholders c.) process for getting feedback Communication System Team has formal process for getting referrals Status: Team provides expectations to faculty about getting access for support for range of student concerns Status: Team provides training to range of stakeholders Status: Team provides agenda and notes to other team leaders Activity 2 Review current procedures and overall process for getting and providing information to: Other teams, faculty, stakeholders (family, community) Review current referral procedures and paperwork. Does the school have flexibility to adjust teaming structure and procedures? Evaluate efficiency and effectiveness. Survey staff to get more info about making process easier. Complete Action Steps Activity Communication System Distribution of agenda, minutes to other team leaders Activity Task Analysis a. b. c. Who When Referral process Paperwork process Process for getting feedback d. 3. Student Identification Process Activity 3 will assist the team during planning time. The team should use the guiding questions to critically assess status of Feature 3: Student Identification Process. Once the team discusses areas of strengths and areas of need, the team will list at least 2 action steps that will be used to strengthen areas of need. Student Identification Process Decision Rules for getting access to T2/3 supports in place Status: Develop a Request for Assistance Form Status: Develop a process for requests Status: Develop timeline for responding to requests Status: Overview and plan presented to faculty Status: Activity 3 How do students get access to additional support? Are the decision rules in place and formalized? What data do you use to make decisions? (natural screeners such as office referral, classroom reports, academic benchmarks, etc) How do new staff and families get that information? Should you modify current RFA? Review examples. How will you introduce RFA to your faculty? How will you introduce to families? • Complete Action Plan : Activity Activity Task Analysis a. Student Identification Process Request for assistance in place Staff and family training in place Team uses “natural screeners” to make decision rules to get access to support b. c. d. e. Who When 4. Intervention Implementation Activities 4 will assist the team during planning time. The team should use the guiding questions to critically assess status of Essential Feature #4: Intervention Implementation Developed. Once the team discusses areas of strengths and areas of need, the team will list at least 2 action steps that will be used to strengthen areas of need. Intervention Implementation Intervention Audit complete Daily progress report is standard for each intervention and linked to SW expectations Interventions have written materials that describe essential features Intervention has formal way to teach students process, skill to be successful Implementation of intervention requires no more than 10 minutes/day from any staff A process for teaching staff how to implement each intervention in place Status: Status: Status: Status: Status: Status: Activity 4 • Complete T2 Intervention Audit Daily Progress Report (DPR) School has a standard Daily Progress Report/ CICO point card with the following information: a. Defined # of check-in periods (up to ten) b. Defined # of expectations/goals (up to five) c. a three point rating scale Daily Progress Report can be modified to each T2 intervention Review DPR examples Review written materials. Intervention Audit Feature 2=Fully in place 1= partially in place 1. There are personnel identified to coordinate and deliver the T2 strategy and personnel have adequate time for this responsibility. 2. The T2 strategy is consistent with the SW expectations. 3. The T2 strategy is established within the school and does not need unique development/modification for each student. 4. The T2 strategy includes a formal process for teaching appropriate behaviors. 5. The T2 strategy includes regular opportunities to perform appropriate behaviors. (practice new skill in classroom and other settings) 6. The T2 strategy includes frequent communication with the family. 7. The T2 strategy has written materials that describe core features and purpose. 8. The T2 strategy includes orientation material and procedures for the staff, substitutes, families and volunteers. 9. The T2 strategy requires less than 10 min per day of any instructional staff to implement. 10. Documented, data-based decision rules are used to determine which students begin the T2 strategy. 11. Documented, data based decision rules are used to monitor, modify, or discontinue student involvement in the T2 strategy. 12. Fidelity for the T2 strategy is assessed. 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0=not yet started Intervention 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 2 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Identify data source to assess student progress toward goal. Define success for each student for each T2 strategy. Use tracking form to determine % of students meeting goal, # referred Activity Intervention implementation DPR linked to SW expectations Process to teach staff and students Professional development calendar includes days for teaching Follow along activities are used to ensure students generalize from group to classroom Staff agenda includes time for updates Activity Task Analysis a. b. c. d. e. Who When 5. Monitoring Progress and Evaluating Impact Activities 5 will assist the team during planning time. The team should use the guiding questions to critically assess status of Essential Feature #5: Monitoring Progress and Evaluating Impact . Once the team discusses areas of strengths and areas of need, the team will list at least 2 action steps that will be used to strengthen areas of need. Monitoring Progress and Evaluating Impact Information System in place Data used to guide agenda Tracking tool used during each meeting Decision Rules are established and used to determine next steps. Status: Status: Status: Activity 5 • • • Determine computer application to use to track student progress Review Tracking Tool Review Decision Rules Review Examples Develop Action Steps Activity Activity Task Analysis a. Monitoring Progress and Evaluating Impact Information system in place Data tracking tool used to guide effort Decision rules used to determine next steps b. c. d. e. Who When