Name des Moduls: Molecular Plant Pathology (Wahlpflichtmodul

Name des Moduls: Molecular Plant Pathology (Wahlpflichtmodul)
Modulart (Pflicht- oder Wahlpflichtmodul):
The lecture will provide a broad understanding of the molecular
and cellular basis of plant responses to pathogens, focusing on
plant-bacterial interactions, mechanisms of pathogenesis, plant
immunity, and microbial and molecular biological control
The practical work will concentrate on the experimental analysis
of the basal and induced resistance of plants, as well as on the
functional characterization of bacterial type-III effector proteins
that act as virulence factors or are recognized to induce
resistance. Methods to be used involve basic techniques of cell
and molecular biology, as well as specific methods to analyze
plant-pathogen interactions, e.g. Virus-induced gene-silencing,
quantitative Real-time PCR, Yeast-two-hybrid assay, CoImmunoprecipitation, confocal laser-scanning microscopy,
protein purification, enzyme activity assay, bacterial infections
and phenotyping.
As such, the module will provide students with a basic
understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying plantbacterial interactions and also of current research questions in
these areas. The students will be familiarized with the theoretical
background, scientific approach and experimental methods in
molecular plant pathology. The module will teach students
specialized knowledge and capabilities in the molecular and
cellular analysis of biological processes; as such it forms a central
part of the Masters course when intending to specialize on
genetics, molecular and cellular biology.
In particular:
- students will learn how to read and critically evaluate original
scientific literature in English.
- students will learn how to extract the essential points from
original scientific literature.
- students can discuss scientific questions in writing in a concise
- students can present their work to a scientific audience using
appropriate media and deal with questions and/or comments in a
scientific discussion about their topic.
- students can ask concise, to-the-point questions about possible
future research directions to follow up a given problem.
1 oral exam (30 min), 1 report on research practical (20 pages)
Inhalte und Qualifikationsziele des Moduls:
Modulprüfung (Anzahl, Form, Umfang):
Selbstlernzeit (in Zeitstunden (h)):
(in SWS)
Veranstaltungen (Lehrformen)
“Molecular and cellular mechanisms
of plant-microbe interactions” (lecture)
Anzahl der Leistungspunkte
(LP): 6
(practical course, 2 weeks)
Häufigkeit des Angebots:
Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme am Modul:
Anbietende Lehreinheit(en):
(Anzahl, Form, Umfang)
Für den
Für die
Abschluss des
Zulassung zur
1 oral exam
(30 min)
1 report on
each summer term
Professur für Pflanzenmetabolismus, IGZ