REVISED - 8/9/2012 Willamette Curriculum Coalition Unwrapping the Priority Standards Organizer Course: Unit:Writing 1st Priority Standard: (Identify Standard Alpha-Numeric Code and write out completely) 1.W.3 Write narratives in which they RECOUNT two or more appropriately sequenced events, INCLUDE some details regarding what happened, USE temporal words to signal event order, and PROVIDE some sense of closure. Identify the skills (verbs) by CAPITOLIZING AND BOLDING them. Identify the key concepts (important nouns or noun phrases) by underlining them. Identify the language function by highlighting them. Webb’s Depth of Knowledge VERBS (Skills, able to do) (Need to know) 1 Recall and Reproduction Recount Two or more appropriately sequenced events By writing narrative pieces Retelling, Relating Past Events 2 Skills and Concepts Include details By writing narrative pieces Retelling, Relating Past Events 2 Skills and Concepts Use Temporal words By writing narrative pieces Retelling, Relating Past Events 2 Skills and Concepts Provide closure By writing narrative pieces Summarize NOUNS Skills ASSESSMENT CONTEXT ACADEMIC LANGUAGE FUNCTION Adapted from Ainsorth, L. (2010). Rigorous curriculum design: How to create curricular units of study that align standards, instruction and assessment. Englwood, CO: Lead+Learn Press. Adapted from Ainsorth, L. (2010). Rigorous curriculum design: How to create curricular units of study that align standards, instruction and assessment. Englwood, CO: Lead+Learn Press.