Unit Plan – Grade 7 Science – Interactions within Ecosystems Details: 7 weeks, 5 classes per week, 40 min classes Green/blue – Details on activity in Activity folder Gray- Detailed lesson plan attached in Lesson Plan folder D Topic /Title Date 03/ 29 Ecosystems/ Prior knowledge 03/30 Introduction to Ecosystems Materials/ resources Objective/ Activity / Approach Outcomes (For details see p. 19 Grade 7 Science Curriculum) Assessment -pasta -ziplock bag -Science resource package: grade 7 -Activity 1 -Activity 2 -aliant website OBJ: Students will hone and discuss their observation making skills ACT: Pasta Activity ACT: Foldable Vocabulary APP: Model foldable vocab. sheet class discussion assign “Science groups” 109-1 Note misconceptions OBJ: students will be able to use the term “ecosystem in the proper context.” ACT: Bill Nye Movie APP: Watch a video add “ecosystem” to foldable vocab 109-12 OBJ: Students will a) break the myth that dead things are abiotic b) start to see connections within ecosystems ACT: “List Everything” APP: Outside in pairs make list of living and non living things in class introduce terms abiotic and biotic, add to vocab make a class chart from observations using terms biotic and abiotic OBJ: same as above ACT: Make a biotic & abiotic chart APP: Same as day before but make a chart using everything you see in a picture. - individual work - have a discussion - write in journal (hand-n) 109-1 109-12 109-13 208-2 306-3 -Science resource package: grade 7 03/31 Biotic and Abiotic Biotic and Abiotic activities 04/01 Biotic and Abiotic 2 Journals -activity 3 109-13 306-3 keep notes on kids understanding Return Journals with comments 04/06 Producers etc -Science resource package: grade 7 04/07 Decomposers Lab part 1 -Activity 4 -Science resource package: grade 7 OBJ: Students will be able to use the terms: producer, consumer, decomposer ACT: Fill in chart with vocab. words as heading (as a class) APP: - add terms to foldable vocab. -start journal entry about “your creature” (see activity 3) – finish for homework OBJ: Students will be prepared for the lab in the next class. ACT: How to write up a lab – review -decomposers lab APP: - show video - Quickly explain earthworm lab 109-12 304-2 Collect journals, return with comments, keep notes 109-1 208-2 208-5 209-4 210-2 210-12 304-2 Assess research question, return next class (TA) - Review lab write-up - hand out rubric - go through self assessment -have students generate a research question materials and procedure to hand in (exit ticket) 04/08 Decomposers / Lab part 2 04/09 Decomposers / Lab part 3 04/12 Food Webs/ Detailed lesson plan -pop bottles -soil -worms -leaves etc. - Create pop bottle ecosystem with and without worms - create an observation sheet -finish lab -tell them the next section is “food webs” - Activity 5 -animal slide show -string 04/13 Food Webs/DART SHEET - Lesson Plan - DART Sheet 04/14 Food Webs DART sheet 04/15 Food Webs/ Poster *have extra pictures of local species to supplement OBJ: Students will be able to illustrate the interactions between different organisms using a food web. ACT: Food web game APP: - start with slide show of animals Eating - play game - Create new folding vocab. Sheet for food web section OBJ: same as above ACT: DART sheet APP: - class discussion to check for understanding - show example of food web on board (remember the game) - part 1 of dart sheet - part 2 of dart sheet - introduce Food Web Poster activity OBJ: students will use digital cameras to learnd about real food webs in their local environment. ACT: make a food web poster 208-5 209-4 210-2 210-12 304-2 208-5 209-4 210-2 210-12 304-2 111-6 306-3 306-1 210-2 306-1 109-12 210-2 306-1 111-6 209-3 210-12 306-1 -homework, fill in chart every second day. Submit lab report in 2 weeks Notes on class discussion - digital cameras, - memory sticks, - computer -Bristol board -Glue -Pictures -Scissors APP: outside “science groups” will take pictures of organisms around school - compile pictures into one database 306-2 - hand out selected pictures to each group - use pics to create a food web with arrows indicating energy flow 210-2 306-3 306-1 Decomposers presentation OBJ: students will investigate and present their findings on decomposition in society. Work in partners or alone. APP -assign presentation assignment - start working on pres - collect stuff for pres on weekend or else do writing Work on pres Work on pres OBJ: Students will be able to use the term “succession” in the proper context. ACT: Video: succession in climax communities APP: Start a new foldable vocab list for this section, add terms: - pioneer species - climax community - primary succession - secondary succession - succession OBJ: Students will use cameras to document their understanding of the stages of succession ACT: Photo inventory of succession around the school complile pictures -Break up into science groups -Hand out printouts of photos, have groups organize pictures into stages of succession. - Go through pictures as a class 111-1 208-2 208-3 210-12 306-2 04/16 Food Webs/ Assessment/ poster 04/17 Decomposers 04/19 04/20 04/21 Decomposers Decomposers Ecological Succession 04/22 Ecological Succession/ Photo -cameras -memory stick -print pictures 04/23 Ecological Succession/ Photo 2 Curriculum 04/26 Decomposers Class presentations - decomposers 306-2 04/27 Decomposers Class presentations - decomposers 306-2 04/28 Ecological Succession 1 OBJ: Students will demonstrate their understanding of succession through drawing or writing. ACT: Drawing Succession APP -Draw (or write a story) of 1 day, 10 years, 25 years, and 100 years after either: - a forest fire - a farmer’s field is abandoned - a city is abandoned 210-2 306-4 Aliant site Curriculum 112-8 112-8 109-12 Collect posters Return with a grade for group Decomposers lab due. 209-3 210-2 Assess and mark presentations Assess and Mark presentations 04/29 Ecological Succession 2 Curriculum OBJ: Students will be able to discuss the pro/cons of forest fires ACT: Watch slide show or video on forest fires and succession APP: - go back to yesterday’s drawings and change them based on what we know now OBJ: have students improve scientific literacy by writing about succession in a journal. APP - Journal: explain what Saint John (rothesay, the school groud, etc.) would look like if all the people disappeared tomorrow. - have volunteers read their journal entries and have class discuss them OBJ: To introduce students to real life ecological action. Trip to HRAA OBJ: Students will use their journals to document their experience at HRAA. Students will begin to think about the next assignment. APP - Journal entries about what they learned at HRAA, and what they can do to help Salmon. - Introduce Action assignment (choose an issue or organization. Research the issue, and what you can do to help OR research the org. and explain what they do to help.) - work in partners -Brainstorm issues for class to choose from -have students choose topic and hand it in as their ticket out. 306-4 Circulate make notes on understanding 04/30 Ecological Succession 3 Curriculum 306-4 Assign final assignment. 05/03 Action 05/04 Action 05/05 Action -pp presentation -Laptops -power point Work on research proj -4 slides. 1. name of issue/org 2. explain the issue (problem) 3. what does the org do/ what is being done 4. what can we (students) do to help the issue 112-4 113-11 05/06 Action Laptops Work on research proj 05/07 Action Laptops Finish Research proj 112-4 113-11 112-4 113-11 05/10 05/11 05/12 05/13 Action Action Flex Flex 05/14 05/15 Flex Class science party day Present PP Present PP 112-4 113-10 113-10 113-11 Asses pres. Assess pres Final Assignment Due Bye bye Miss Jacobs, outdoor ecology fun