DETAILED SETUP REQUEST FORM FOR ROOM [Enter Room #] 1st of 1 Room(s) Requested Course: [Enter Course Name] Date: 1/4/2013 or Date Range: Enter text if necessary Instructions: Check any/all request items that apply and click on “#” to select quantity if applicable If Room [Enter Room #] setup varies each day or set of days, fill out a separate Setup Request Form for each variation. ROOM CONFIGURATION REQUEST – Must Choose One ☐ Room Only (standard configuration, no additional furnishing or equip’t –see room descriptions) ☐ Room in standard config. with addt’l items or substitutions as indicated in sections following: COMPUTER AND PRESENTATION EQUIPMENT REQUESTED – Select Any that Apply ☐ Laptop Computers (max 20) – Quantity: Click here to enter quantity. ☐ Access to / Screen Display of internet or other media ☐ Other: Click here to enter text. SOFTWARE/SCENARIOS USED - Must Choose One Min. ☐ No Scenarios (including ‘Healthy Patient’) Laerdal: ☐ SimMan ☐ SimBaby ☐ SimNewB ☐ SimJr ☐ SimMom ☐ ALS/SimPad ☐ SimMan 3G Gaumard: ☐ Noelle Other: ☐ Click here to enter text. Please List ALL Scenarios Below: OFFICE USE – LOGIN NAME: Click here to enter text. 1 2 3 4 5 Enter text here. Enter text here. Enter text here. Enter text here. Enter text here. 6 7 8 9 10 Enter text here. Enter text here. Enter text here. Enter text here. Enter text here. 11 12 13 14 * Enter text here. Enter text here. Enter text here. Enter text here. Enter text here. AUDIO/VISUAL EQUIPMENT REQUESTED – Must Choose One ☐ This course session will be video recorded. (NOTE: Participant release forms must be signed) B-Line SimCapture will be used unless other is specified. Other: Click here to enter text. ☐ This course session will not be video recorded. PERSONNEL REQUESTED - Select Any that Apply ☐ Simulation Specialist ☐ I.T. Support ☐ Other: Enter text here if applicable. FURNISHINGS ☐ None Requested 31a 31b 31c 31d 31e 31f 31g 31h 31i 31j 31k ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ROLLING EQUIPMENT ☐ None Requested Extra Chairs: Click to enter quantity. Extra Tables: Click to enter quantity. # Exam Stool (6 max) # Exam Lamp – Gooseneck (3 max) # Hospital Bed (max 6; in SN106/107) # ER Stretcher (4 max) 1 Hospital Gurney 1 Ambulance Stretcher # Maternal Delivery Bed (2 max) # Other: Click here to enter text. HEADWALL O2/VACUUM/Etc. # O2 Flow Regulator (4 max) # Vacuum Reg. & Canister (4 max) # Other: Click here to enter text. 31a 31b 31c 31d 31e 31f 31g 31h 31i 32j 32k 32l m ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ # # # # 1 # 1 1 # # 1 1 1 # Anesthesia Cart (3 max) Crash Cart w Portable Vac (3 max) IV Poles (5 max) Alaris Pump (3 max) Kangaroo Pump BP monitor,portable (2 max) Neonatal Isolette - Wood Neonatal Incubator – Metal Oxygen, Portable (5 max) Storz Endoscopy Tower (2 max) Glidescope w/Monitor Ultrasonic Diagnostic Instrument 12-Lead ECG Monitor, Portable Other: Click here to enter text. Room Config. /Furnishing/Roll’g Eqpt. Instructions: Enter text here if applicable. [Enter Course Name] Rm [Enter Room #] 1 of 3 SIMULATORS (High & Med. Fidelity) ☐ None Requested 41a ☐ 1 41b ☐ # 41c ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ # # # # # 41d 41e 41f 41g 41h 41i 1 1 # # SimMan 3G – Mod Sed. Pref’d Gender : Choose gender. SimMan (8 max) ☒ Unisex/No Preference OR # of Males: Quantity. # of Females: Quantity. SimBaby (2 max) SimNewB (2 max) Noelle Matn’l w/Newborn (3 max) Resusci Anne (2 max) Harvey Cardiopulmonary (2 max) Megacode Kid SimJunior SimMom w/Newborn (2 max) Other: Click here to enter text. MANIKINS (Med. and Low Fidelity) ☐ None Requested 42a ☐ 42b ☐ 42c ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ALS Manikin (Med. Fidelity) (3 max) Gender : Choose gender distribution Adult Manikin (Low Fidelity) (3 max) Std configuration: 1 has all limbs, 1 w/ # amp. arm @elbow , 1 w/amp. low leg Gender : Choose gender distribution # ALS Baby (Medium Fidelity) (2 max) 1 BLS Baby (Medium Fidelity) # Other: Click here to enter text. # Other: Click here to enter text. SIMULATOR / MANIKIN ACCESSORIES Nuclear Biological Chemical Modules Simulator/Manikin Trauma Limb(s) # Other: Click here to enter text. # Other: Click here to enter text. # Simulator/Manikin Special Notes (e.g. positioning, wound types/locations, trachs): Enter text here if applicable. OFFICE USE ONLY: Click here to enter text. COURSE-SPECIFIC SUPPLIES ☐ None Requested or Host-Provided 51a ☐ 51b ☐ 51c ☐ 51d ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ # # # 51e 51f 51g 51h 51i 51j 51k ☐ ☐ ☐ Course host provides/sets up own items. Number of containers: Enter quantity. BEAM/Mod Sedation Kit (2 containers) MEDICAL SUPPLIES & EQPT REQUESTED ☐ None Requested Airway Kit, Advanced: (OPA’s, ETT’s, LMA’s, Laryngoscope & Blades, etc.) Airway Kit, Basic: (1 BVM, 1 Facemask, 1 Non-Rebreather, 1 Nasal Can., 1 O2 Line) 52a ☐ # 52b ☐ # DAM Kit (2 Containers) 52c ☐ 1 Defibrillator /Monitor, Zoll Trauma Laproscopy (1 container) ECCO (2 containers) ED Trauma (1 container) FOB (2 containers) FLS (4 containers) Golden Hour (2 containers) MET Peds (2 containers) OB Sim Lab (4 containers) 52d ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ # # # # # # # # # # # Defibrillator /Monitor, LifePak 12 (2 max) Defibrillator /Monitor, LifePak 20 (2 max) EKG Leads -- ☒ Faux ☐ Functional C-Spine Backboard & Neckbrace (3 max) CVC Kit Lumbar Puncture Kit NG Tube Kit Drapes, Specify: Enter text. 52e 52f 52g 52h 52i 52j Other: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. Course/Medical Supplies Special Instructions: Enter text here if applicable. OFFICE USE ONLY: Click here to enter text. [Enter Course Name] Rm [Enter Room #] 2 of 3 ROOM [Enter Room #] TASK TRAINER(S) & ACCESSORIES REQUESTED FOR [Enter Course Name] OB/GYN TRAINERS AIRWAY MANAG’T TRAINERS - ADULT 61a 61b 61c 61d 61e 62a 62b 62c 62d ☐ ☐ 1 # ☐ ☐ ☐ # 1 1 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ AIRWAY MANAG’T TRAINERS - PEDS # Neonatal Intubation Tr. (max 3) 1 Infant Airway Mgt. Trainer 1 Pediatric Airway Mgt. Organizer 1 Pediatric Intubation Trainer # Other: Click here to enter text. Trach Trainer – Head & Shoulders Airway Trainer – FOB (max 2) Airway Trainer – NG Tube /Trach optimized (max 3) Active Servo Lung 5000 Intubation Trainer – Cross Section I.V. ART., INJ.&Etc. TRAINERS - ADULT 63a 63b 63c 63d 63e ☐ ☐ 63f 63g 63h 63i 63j 63k 63l ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ # I.V. Arm – Adult (max 5) # Arterial Stick Arm – Adult (max 2) 1 Vascular Access Trainer 1 Central Line Trainer – ‘Chester’ # Central Line U-sound Tr. (max 2) 1 Cut-down Ankle Venous Trainer # CVC Insertion Trainer (max 3) # 1 1 1 1 # Femoral Line Trainer (max 2) Shoulder for Joint Injection Lumbar Puncture Trainer Spinal Injection (aka LP) Trainer Peter PICC Line Other: Click here to enter text. 1 OB Torso/Uterine Surgery Trainer # Prompt Birthing Trainer (max 2) 66b 1 Hysteroscopy Trainer 66c 1 Female Pelvic Exam Trainer, Basic 66d # Female Pelv. E.T., Adv. (Normal) (max 4) 66e Female Pelvic E.T., Adv. Pathology Modules: 66eaA ☒ # Ovarian Cyst (max 2) 66eaB ☐ # Retroverted (max 2) 66a 66eaC ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ # # # # I.V. Arm – Pediatric (max 2) Intraosseus Leg – Pediatric (max 2) Baby STap Lumbar Trainer (max 2) Other: Click here to enter text. LAPROSCOPIC TRAINERS 65a 65b 65c ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ # # 1 # FLS Laproscopic Trainer (max 4) Ethicon Lap. Trainer (max 4) Large Body Lap. Trainer Other: Click here to enter text. # ☐ # Fibroid Cyst (max 2) Other: Click here to enter text. PHYS. EXAM TRAINERS/ANATOMY MODELS 67a 67b 67c 67d 67e 67f 67g 67h 67i 67j 67k ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 1 1 1 # 1 1 1 1 # 1 # # Ear Exam Simulator Eye Retinopathy Trainer Knee for Aspiration Breast Exam Trainer (max 3) BSE Fiberocystic Model Rectal/Prostate Exam Trainer Testicular Exam Trainer Large Heart Model Small Heart Model (max 2) Male and Female Anat. X-Section Model Articulated Skeleton (max 2) Other: Click here to enter text. TRAUMA TRAINERS 68a I.V. & I.O. TRAINERS - PEDIATRIC 64a 64b 64c ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ # # Trauma Man Thoracic Trainer (max 2) Other: Click here to enter text. URINARY CATHETER TRAINERS 69a 69b 69c ☐ ☐ ☐ # # 1 69d ☐ ☐ 1 # Female Catheter Trainer- Deluxe (max 2) Male Catheter Trainer- Deluxe (max 2) Female Catheter Trainer- Basic Male Catheter Trainer - Basic Other: Click here to enter text. Trainer Notes: Click here to enter text if applicable. OFFICE ONLY: Click here to enter text. [Enter Course Name] Rm [Enter Room #] 3 of 3