Study on Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET)

Stakeholder questionnaire
Study on Competency-Based Education and training in Vocational Education and
Training in Namibia
Contact details
TEN (Pty) Ltd has been engaged by the Namibia Training Authority to review the operation
of the competency-based education and training [CBET] system in Namibia.
Please take some time to consider and provide a response to each of the questions and
return the completed questionnaire by email or fax on or before 29 August 2014 to:
TEN (Pty) Ltd
P.O Box 90102
Fax2Email: 088 61 7685
1. What do you think should be the building blocks of a CBET system for Namibia?
a. Industry developed unit standards and qualifications
b. Assessment based on unit standards
c. Provision for on-the-job training and assessment
d. Provision for Recognition of Prior Learning [RPL]
e. Pathways between school, vocational education and training, and higher education
Any other comment:
2. What do you think has had a negative impact on CBET implementation?
a. Lack of skilled VET Trainers
b. Limited capability of training providers
c. Lack of equipment and training resources
d. Lack of VET leadership to drive CBET implementation
e. Inadequate funding of training providers
f. Complexity of training provider registration/accreditation procedures
g. Lack of CBET implementation strategy
h. Bureaucratic regulatory and administrative procedures
i. Continued offering of ‘NTTC’ and ‘N’-courses by training providers
Any other comment:
3. What do you think is needed to successfully implement CBET in Namibia?
a. Skilled VET Trainers
b. Quality training resources for trainees
c. Up to date equipment in VET training centres
d. Commitment of VET leadership to CBET implementation
e. Implementation of training levy
f. Simplified registration/accreditation procedures
g. Strong industry support for CBET
Any other comment:
4. What changes are needed to the CBET system in Namibia?
a. Graded assessment
b. Inclusion of Maths, Science and English in CBET programmes and qualifications
c. Timely provision of assessment results and certification
d. Up to date and accurate training manuals
e. Pathways arrangements linking CBET programmes with higher education programmes
f. Stronger industry engagement
g. Structured job attachment requirements in CBET programmes
h. Phasing out of non-unit standards based qualifications
Any other comment: