Registration and Tracking by using Mean Shift Algorithm Jharna Majumdar1, kavya G2 Dean R&D, Professor and Head, 2 M Tech, Dept of CSE 1 Dept of CSE (PG), Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Yelahanka, Bangalore, Karnataka, India 1, 1 Abstract— Object tracking is the problem of determining (estimating) the positions and other relevant information of moving objects in image. There are number of application of tracking surveillance, traffic monitoring, robot vision, animations. Registration is the basic step of tracking. This paper proposes mean shift algorithm to track a non rigid object. Mean shift algorithm is iterative algorithm. The mean-shift algorithm is an efficient approach to tracking objects whose appearance is defined by histograms (not limited to only color). Three different kernels used in this paper; Uniform, Normal (Gaussian), Epanechnikov kernel. To find the Similarity between current and previous frame Bhattacharyya coefficient is used. This paper propose mean shift algorithm which works with different size of searching window. Index Terms— Registration, Object Tracking, Mean Shift, Video, Bhattacharyya Coefficient, kernel density estimation. 1. INTRODUCTION Tracking is the process of locating object or human over a time using camera [1]. Tracking has two steps target detection and target tracking. Tracking starts by acquiring the initial image and select the object of interest. Acquire next sequence of images locate the target and track repeat this until end of frames. There are so many numbers of algorithms are existing for object tracking [4]. Mean shift tracking has four important step 1) object detection in the first frame, 2) tracking of the object in subsequent frames, 3) extraction of features such as color or grey level intensity or texture or edges represent them in the form of probability density function (weighted histogram, a small eight is added to every pixels based on the distance of the pixel to center pixel) 4) formulating decision based upon similarity measure is done by Bhattacharyya coefficient [2], [5]. This paper mainly focuses on mean shift algorithm for tracking of object. Mean shift algorithm is a iterative algorithm. The Mean-Shift algorithm tracks by maximizing Bhattacharyya coefficient or minimizing a distance between two probability density functions (pdfs) [5] represented by a reference and candidate histograms. Since the histogram distance (or, equivalently, similarity) does not depend on spatial structure of the search window, the method is suitable for deformable and articulated objects. Histogram does not mean its reserved for color property, it also includes texture or shape (edges). Registration has two important requirements time and accuracy [1]. This paper calculates the time requirement and three accuracy measures (pixel difference, pixel cross correlation, discrete similarity measure). The Bhattacharyya coefficient is increased at each iteration in the computation of mean shift vector until it converges. 2. BASIC MEAN SHIFT ANALYSIS The basic idea of mean shift is to find the maximum density in the distribution. In order to illustrate the how mean shift works; take any distribution of billiard balls (p1, p2, p3, ,…., pn) which are spread on 2D space. Each of the billiard balls have x and y coordinates ((x,y) position). Start with any initial interest and take region of interest around that initial point. Calculate the mean of all points inside the region of interest (add all points and divide it by total number of points in that region). So move the initial point to new point that will become new initial point repeat the procedure until it converges to maximum density area. Mean shift vector always points towards direction of maximum density General form of mean shift is represented as, 1 nh mh( y ) xi y 0 nh i 0 (1) nh is the total number of points inside region of interest; xi is the points x1, x2, …., xnh; y0 is the initial point. This is equal weighted mean shift calculation (i.e every points have same weight). Better way to do this by allotting small weights to each point. It can be represented as, nh wt ( y 0) xi y0 mh( y ) i n1h wt ( y 0) i 1 (2) nh is the number of points inside the kernel; y 0 is the initial estimate; wt is the weights for each point based on the distance from that point to initial point; h is the kernel radius. Weights are determined by using different of kernels such as uniform kernel, Gaussian kernel, epanechinkov kernel. Mean shift is used for finding modes in a set of samples demonstrate underlining probability distribution (pdfs). A function with finite number of data points x1, x2, …., xi P( x) 1 n k ( x xi) n i 1 0 3. || x || 1 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒 (4) B. Normal kernel 1 Kn(x) c.exp || x || 2 2 (5) BHATTCHARYYA COEFFICIENT Bhattacharyya coefficient is used here to find the dissimilarities between target in current frame and previous frame (to see is that same target or not). By maximizing Bhattacharyya coefficient minimizes the dissimilarity. Here Bhattacharyya distance measure is applied between target models and candidate in the form of probability distributions. It is represented in the form of matric, (3) A. Uniform kernel Ku (x ) {𝑐 feature of object. Represent these features in the form pdfs (weighted histogram). Acquire next sequence of frames. Locate the target object in the next frame and compute the features represent it by pdfs. if the target in current frame is same as previous frame then both pdfs should be same. The similarity between target in current frame and previous frame is represented by using Bhattacharyya coefficient matric. ( y ) p( y ), q pz ( y )qzdz (7) The feature z representing the color and/or texture of the target model is assumed to have a density function qz, while the target candidate centered at location y has the feature distributed according to pz(y). The problem is then to and the discrete location y whose associated density pz(y) is the most similar to the target density q z. as mean shift is a vector so the pz(y) and qz will be in the form of vectors. Bhattacharyya coefficient is measured between two vectors. is the dot product of two vectors or angle between two vectors i.e T T p1 ,...., pm and q1,...., qm .Larger the value of means good match is found. In order to find the new target location, try to maximize the Bhattacharyya Coefficient. C. Epanechnikov kernel 2 KE (x ) {𝑐 (1 − || xi || ) 0 || x || 1 (6) 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒 q Now how this mean shift method is used to track the object. Start with acquiring initial frame. Select the object of interest from initial frame. Take a window around the object of interest and compute some features such as color or grey level intensity or edge q1 , p y , qm p1 y , , pm y m p y q f y cos y pu y qu p y q u 1 T 4. n y xi 2 pˆ u ( y) ch k || || b xi * u i 1 h TRACKING ALGORITHM Mean shift tracking has four important step 1) object detection in the first frame, 2) tracking of the object in subsequent frames, 3) extraction of features such as color or grey level intensity or texture or edges represent them in the form of probability density function (weighted histogram) 4) formulating decision based upon similarity measure is done by Bhattacharyya coefficient. a. Target Model A target is represented by a rectangular region in the image. As mean shift is suffers from fixed size search window (i.e fixed object scale). This paper experiments with different size of searching window. Considering grey level intensity or color feature representing the target model. Let {xi*}i=1….n be the pixel locations of the target model, centered at 0. Pixel at location ( xi*} the index b(xi*) of the histogram bin corresponding to the color of that pixel. The probability of the color u in the target model is derived by employing a convex and monotonic decreasing kernel profile k which assigns a smaller weight to the locations that are farther from the center of the target. The weighting increases the robustness of the estimation, since the peripheral pixels are the least reliable, being often affected by occlusions (clutter) or background. The radius of the kernel profile is taken equal to one. It is represented as, qˆu c k || xi * || 2 bxi * u n (8) i 1 Where is the Kronecker delta function. The normalization constant C is deriv ed b y imposing the n condition qˆ u 1 , from where, u 1 c 1 k || x n i * || 2 (9) i 1 Since the summation of delta functions for u = 1…. m is equal to one. b. Target candidate Let {xi*}i=1….nh be the pixel locations of the target candidate, centered at y in the current frame. Using the same kernel profile k, but with radius h, the probability of the color u in the target candidate is given by, (10) Where, Ch is the normalization constant. The radius of the kernel profile determines the number of pixels (i.e.,the scale) of the target candidate. By imposing the n condition that pˆ u 1 we obtain i 1 ch 1 y xi 2 k || || h i 1 n (11) Note that Ch does not depend on y, since the pixel locations xi are organized in a regular lattice, y being one of the lattice nodes. Therefore, C h can be recalculated for a given kernel and different values of h. Weights are calculated by this formula, m wi b xi u u 1 qˆu pˆ u ( y ) (12) 5. ALGORITHM Input: Video V, contains N frames Output: Object detection and tracking Begin Read Video V; Step 1 For loop of each video frame k = 1 to N 1.1 Read video frame Vk and Vk+1 1.2 Pick a target area (centre) y0 Step2 Compute a Normalized weighted 2-D Histogram distribution for area to get the target. According to (8). Step3 Loop 3.1 Get next frame. 3.2 Initialize the location of the target in the current frame with y0 3.3 From the current centre compute the candidate target normalized weighted 2-D Histogram. According (10) 3.4 Compute Bhattacharya distance between target and candidate. According to (7) 3.5 Derive the weights {wi}i=1……nh by using (12) 3.6 Based on the mean shift vector, derive the new location of the target, yˆ 0 xˆi 2 || h i 1 yˆ 1 nh yˆ 0 xˆi 2 wig || || h i 1 nh x w g || i i (13) Target model Target candidate Update {pu( ŷ1 )}u=1…m, and evaluate m pˆ ( yˆ 1), qˆ pˆ u ( y1)qˆu u 1 0.35 0.3 3.7While 0.25 Probability Probability 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1 2 3 . . . 0 m 1 color pˆ ( yˆ1), qˆ < pˆ ( yˆ 0), qˆ yˆ 1 a. Target pdf Block Diagram . . . m candidate pdf Similarity function f y stop, Otherwise set ŷ 0 ŷ1 and go to step1. End loop Repeat this till end of frames. End loop End of algorithm 3 color 1 yˆ 0 yˆ1 , do 2 3.8 If || ŷ1 - ŷ 0 || < 2 f q , p y Fig 1 Pdf representation of target and candidate 6. RESULTS ADND ANALYSIS The proposed approach is implemented on Windows 7 in Microsoft Visual Studio platform using VC++ language for programming. Fig 2 Output of mean shift tracking by using epanchnikov kernel; searching window size 50X50 Fig 3 output of mean shift tracking by using Gaussian kernel; searching window size 40X30 Fig 4 Output of mean shift by using normal kernel; searching window size 30X30. Table 1 shows the measures of Epanechnikov kernel Fig 5 Output of mean shift on color feature by using epanichnikov kernel. Table 2 shows the measures of normal kernel 7. Fig 6 Output of mean shift on gaussian kernel ACCURACY OF MEASURES In order to find the good match between target and candidate propose approach uses Bhattacharyya coefficient. Accuracy of match found can be achieved by three different accuracy measure algorithms. a. Discrete Approximate Match Method of b. Pixel difference accuracy match c. Pixel cross correlation accuracy match Accuracy Fig 7 Output of mean shift on uniform kernel 7.1 Discrete Approximate Match Method of Accuracy Find percentage of accuracy by, dividing the value of total match by total number of pixels. 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝐴𝑐𝑐 = ∗ 100 𝑁 Where N is the number of pixels. 7.2 Pixel Difference Method of Accuracy INPUT : Two matched images OUTPUT: The accuracy of match. STEPS – 1) Let ‘A’ be the reference sub-image and ‘B’ be the matched image. 2) For each position (i,j) in A 3) Find the difference in pixel value between the reference image and the matched image 𝑎𝑏𝑠(𝐴(𝑖,𝑗) − 𝐵(𝑖,𝑗) ) 4) Find the sum of pixel difference in both images. 𝑆𝑢𝑚 = ∑ 𝑎𝑏𝑠 (𝐴 − 𝐵) 𝑎,𝑏 5) Find percentage of accuracy, by subtracting the sum of difference by the total number of possible values. (255𝑁 − 𝑠𝑢𝑚) ∗ 100 255 𝑁 Where N is the number of pixels. 𝐴𝑐𝑐 = 7.3 Pixel Cross Correlation Method of Accuracy INPUT : Two matched images OUTPUT: The accuracy of match. STEPS – 1) Let ‘I1’ be the reference sub-image and ‘I2’ be the matched image. 2) For each position (i,j) in I1 and I2 3) Find the sum of squared difference between the pixel values in reference and matched image. ∑(𝐼1 − 𝐼2)2 4) Find the percentage of difference in pixel value by, 𝑃𝐶𝐶 = ∑(𝐼1 − 𝐼2)2 √∑ 𝐼1 ∗ √∑ 𝐼2 5) The accuracy of registration is found by subtracting the percentage difference by 100 Acc = 100 – PCC 7 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK The proposed approach can efficiently track the object or human. Mean shift algorithm for tracking works fine with different size of searching window. This method includes color and grey level intensity values. Proposed algorithm has three different kernels which show satisfactory results. This method can be applied for edge feature. 9. 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