19PART I QS - TeacherWeb

(A) “As historians from Karl Marx through Georges Lefebvre and Albert Soboul have argued, the main
accomplishment of the French Revoluton was to abolish feudalism in
France and to clear the ground for
capitalist economic expansion and the rule of the
Which of the following views is consistent with the interpretation above?
(A) The Revolution strengthened the domination of landed proprietors in France
(B) The Revolution eliminated guilds, seigneurial rights, and other obstacles to French agricultural and industrial
(C) The long-term transition from feudalism to capitalism occurred over many centuries, not
between 1789
and 1794
(D) The Revolution abolished private property in France and thus created a modern democratic society
(E) Both before and after the Revolution, France was ruled by leaders drawn from the ranks of
the nobility and
The Directory turned to the military because
a. It lost the support of the sans culottes
b. It lost the support of the nobility
c. It was threatened by both Jacobin and Royalist opposition
d. It feared it would lose the next election
e. It was overthrown by a general
The aristocracy created by Napolean differed from that of the Ancien Regime in that
a. Titles were not passed down to heirs
b. Nobles were allowed to sit in a special legislative body
c. All nobles enjoyed a tax-free status
d. The Napoleanic code excluded then from appearing in court
e. Nobles were responsible for local government
Which of the following policies did Napolean I of France and Peter the Great of Russia both use?
a. Codification of the law
b. Promoting individuals , based on talent
c. Balancing the budget
d. Reforming social practice at court
e. Coming to an agreement with the papacy
19.Napolean Bonaparte gained power of France through
a. A plebebiscite
b. A coup d’etat
c. An election
d. An act of war
e. A treaty
1.Napolean’s Civil Code allowed for
a. The elimination of private property
b. Full property rights for women
c. Special rights for those holding aristocratic titles
d. Taxation of all social classes
e. Judges to make binding precedents
3.Napolean’s 1801 Concordat with the Catholic Church
a. Brought to a permanent close the church-state conflict in Franch
b. One again made Catholicism the state church of France
c. Brought about the expulsion of French Protestants
d. Led the papacy to support the ideals of the French Revolution
e. Left the Church under the supervison of the state
Part of Napolean’s settlement with the Catholic Church
a. Acknowledged it as the established church
b. Gave back some of the land confiscatd Church land
c. Restored the tithe
d. Had the government pay clergy salaries
e. Retain the secular revolutionary calendar
10.Which of the following was NOT a principle upheld by the Napoleanic Code?
a. the safeguarding of all forms of property
b. the afeguarding of the traditional privileges and perogatives of the nobility
c. the safeguarding of the traditional privilieges and perogatives of the family patriarch
d. equality before the law
e. promotion by merit rather than birth
11.The Concordat of 1801
a. created a temporary peace between France and Russia
b. made Napolean “ consul for life”
c. made Napolean Emporer of France
d. reconciled France with th Roman Church
e. forbade the areas of Europe controlled by Napolen trading with great Britain
16.The agreement signed by Napolean and the Pope which stipulated that French clergy would be chosen and paid
by the French state but consecrated by the Pope is known as the
a. Concordat of 1801
b. Napoleanic Code
c. Consulate
d. Treaty of Tilsit
e. Continental System
22.The Concordat of 1801
a. Elevated the symbolic importance of the Catholic church in France
b. Declared Catholicism the religion of most French citizens
c. Effectively prohibited Catholic worship in France
d. Pleased Napolean’s anticlerical supporters
e. Granted the Catholic church greater power independent of the French state
24.How did the Napoleonic Code reflect Enlightenment principles?
a. It guaranteed the equality of all citizens before the law.
b. It guaranteed women equal rights.
c. It valued individuals above all else.
d. It valued the security of the state over individual liberty
Napolean has been characterized as a “son of the Enlightenment” because during his reign
a. He supported freedom of speech and the press
b. His civil code granted legal equality to the middle class
c. He conquered most of the autocratic regimes in Europe
d. The Napoleanic code established women’s rights
e. He was a liberal emperor
Which of the following was NOT a principle upheld by the Napoleanic Code?
a. The safeguarding of all forms of property
b. The safeguarding of the traditional privileges and prerogatives of the nobility
c. The safeguarding of the traditional privileges and prerogative of the family patriarch
d. Equality before the law
e. Promotion by merit rather than birth
The Concordat of 1801
a. Created a temporary peace between France and Russia
b. Made Napolean “consul for life”
c. Made Napolean Emperor of France
d. Reconciled France with the Roman Church
e. Forbade the areas of Europe controlled by Napolean from trading with great Britiain
Which of the following statements accurately describes the Napoleonic Code?
a. It was Europe's first written law code
b. It prepared the way for the Bourbon Restoration
c. It institutionalized the corvee
d. It protected private property and the authority of husbands within the family
e. It determined the shape of European governments until the First World War