DOC#24 DRAFT Board of Directors Midwinter

ALSC Board AC 2011
DOC #24
Session I: Saturday, January 8, 1:30-5:30 p.m., San Diego Convention Center, Room 13
ATTENDANCE: Julie Corsaro (President); Mary Fellows (Vice-President/President-Elect); Thom
Barthelmess (Immediate Past President); Tali Balas (Fiscal Officer); Rhonda Puntney (Division Councilor);
Carolyn S. Brodie; Jennifer Ralston; Nina Lindsay; Marge Loch-Wouters; Leslie Molnar; Cecilia McGowan;
Aimee Strittmatter (Executive Director); Laura Schulte-Cooper (Program Officer); Linda Mays (Program
Officer); Jenny Najduch (Program Officer); Dan Rude (Marketing Specialist); Marsha Burgess (Program
GUESTS: Penny Markey; Laura Jenkins; Barbara Immroth; Barbara Genco; Luann Toth; Linda Perkins;
Kathleen T. Horning; Ellen Fader; Julie Cummins; Lillian N. Gerhardt; Pat Scales; Amanda Struckmeyer;
Sharon Verbeten; Emily Sheketoff; Janet Weber; Elizabeth Poe; Diane Chen; Ken Kelly; Ernie Cox
Meeting called to order at 1:31 p.m.
MOTION: to move the Draft Strategic Plan to the beginning of the agenda for discussion
MOTION: approved
MOTION: to approve amended agenda.
MOTION: amended agenda approved
Draft Strategic Plan Discussion- Julie Corsaro
J. Corsaro reported that A. Strittmatter spoke with Paul Meyer, from Tecker Consultants, who
identified areas of redundancy in the Core Organizational Values and the ALSC Executive Committee
reviewed and discussed the draft plan during their meeting on Thursday, January 6, 2011.
The Board discussed the following:
Eliminate “community” and “equity of access;” change “inclusive” to “inclusiveness;” and change
“Responsive” to “Responsiveness” under Core Organizational Values. There was support to condense
because too many tends to dilute value. “Excellence” and “innovation” were considered stronger when
Some wording in the goal areas address the needs of members and sometimes address the needs to
On page 4, under Advocacy, change to “increase mutually beneficial collaborations…”
Wording under Advocacy, objective 3, should be stronger. Ideally, a communication plan that brands
ALSC. Possibly remove the word “strategic” to show the intent is beyond government (marketing and
media decision-makers).
Objective 4, under Advocacy, should read, “Build diversity within the profession.”
Confusion over the goal area of Education. Who was it written for? Look at objective three, and is it
about serving diverse populations or was it to bring more diversity?
On page 5, Objective 3, under Education: Is it “at serving diverse populations” or was it meant to bring
in more diversity to the profession?
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Concern that diversity is not reflected throughout all the goal areas. There is a concern that diversity
within the profession is particularly lacking. Reword goal area 3, Access to Library Services, to reflect
more emphasis on diversity?
Page 5, Objective 1, under Access to Library Services: remove “cultural and language” so that it is
reflective of people with disabilities.
Motion to rescind the ALSC Scope of Attention Motion at the upper level
(a) Motion to rescind
(b) Historical background
DOC #3b
J. Corsaro requested that the floor be open to audience comments for a 15 minute period, no more than 2
minutes per person. Prior to opening the floor she provided an overview about the motion, and asked
attendees for their help in maintaining a safe environment and points need not be repeated.
After hearing comments from the floor, the Board discussed the motion to rescind. J. Corsaro summarized
discussion before calling the vote. There were two perspectives: 1) let the members decide and 2) there is
still more research to be done (fiscal and historical) to determine implications, ALSC should talk with
YALSA, and we could focus on collaborations and opportunities rather than focus resources in this
MOTION: to rescind the ALSC Scope of Attention Motion at the upper level
Motion rescinded
 By February 1st Julie and Aimee will approach the YALSA’s Executive Director, Beth Yoke and
YALSA’s President, Kimberly Patton. [Update: completed.]
 Mary Fellows, Nina Lindsay and Rhonda Puntney will draft a letter to the membership by January
15. [Update: completed.]
 Leslie Molnar and Carolyn Brodie will begin research for a background report by February 15th.
[Update: in progress.]
 Tali Balas will do a cost analysis on the implication of changing the age range by March 30th.
[Update: in progress.]
 Mary Fellows will look at holding a mediated discussion during Annual 2011. [Update: in progress.]
4. Resolution honoring Carolyn Wicker Field
DOC #4
The Board discussed the resolution honoring the contributions of Carolyn Wicker Field.
MOTION: to approve motion to honor Carolyn Wicker Field
MOTION: approved
5. Strategic Plan Alignment 2.0 Sub-Committee on Virtual ParticipationMarge Loch-Wouters
a. Summary Overview of YALSA’s Virtual Participation Process
b. Summary Observations of ALSC Committee Survey on Virtual Work
DOC #5
DOC #5a
DOC #5b
Marge Loch-Wouters reported that in working with the Priority Group Chairs, it was requested that
committees think about ways that they can do work virtually in the future. Several committees were
ready, thru the use of ALAConnect.
The chair of the Grant Administration Committee reported that during the decision making process it
was difficult to complete the work virtually. There should be a webinar showing committee
chairs/members on how to use ALAConnect.
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Marge Loch-Wouters spoke about the financial implication of the virtual participation process. Since
members aren’t required to attend conference, they are looking for other avenues for financial support.
Some ALSC members cannot attend conference as well as not serving on committees, but with virtual
participation it gives ALSC an opportunity to tap into other ALSC members.
It was recommended that there should be training for process committee chairs, just like training that is
held for the award evaluation chairs.
MOTION, the recommendations of the SPA Sub-Committee be adopted with the following change:
In Item 6 the phrase “after successful conversion of the first year’s committees” be replaced with
the phrase “After a two year conversion of the first committees.”
MOTION: approved
J. Corsaro to communicate to PGCs of affected committees to begin work on conversion. ALSC office to
work in collaboration with committees and tech-savvy members to develop online webinar. [Update:
Mary Fellows will organize the transition]
6. Friends of ALSC Task Force Report- Kathleen T. Horning (30 min)
DOC# 6
Background and recommendations for this report were presented. Two tiers of recommendations were
presented, with a strong recommendation that tier one be adopted immediately to incorporate a clearly
defined membership year and an annual report on how funds were spent. The letter could be used as a
renewal if the membership year were tied to a calendar year. K.T. Horning and her task force members
were formally thanked by the Board.
MOTION: to accept the Tier 1 membership suggestions for Friends of ALSC
MOTION: approved
The ALSC office will work on implementation. [Update: in progress. Dan Rude, Memership, Marketing
Specialist is currently working on establishing the membership year, designing new solicitation
materials, and redesigning the Friends of ALSC space on the website.]
Washington Office Report—Emily Sheketoff
ALA Washington Office Director Emily Sheketooff met with the Board to provide a legislative update. E.
Sheketoff reported high activity levels pertaining to early childhood literacy. There is a need for public
librarians to be included on state teams that are submitting proposals to receive money. Public
librarians need to reach out to the governors of their state for more information. Educate the governor’s
staff, and let them know about it. They only want to invest in areas that have impact.
Digital literacy is hot button topic. There is a need for America to improve the digital literacy rate.
The National Broadband Plan, discovered that 2/3 of the population doesn’t have broadband. The
SSRC study found that public libraries are critical anchor institutions that enable social and economic
inclusion in many communities due to their role as primary providers of broadband access, training
and support for those without broadband at home.
2011 National Library Legislative Day will be held on May 9-10, 2011 Liaison Hotel Capitol Hill
Washington, DC
ALA EB Liaison report—Diane Chen (3:45)
ALA Executive Board Liaison Diane Chen met with the Board to share news from the ALA Executive
Board. D. Chen provided an update on Roberta Stevens presidential initiatives and requested that
ALSC support the Why I Need My Library Video contest in name only; provided an update on the ALA
2015 Strategic Plan; talking points are available to help members advocate for their libraries quickly,
ALSC Board AC 2011
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concisely, and accurately; solicited for comments on the ALA White Paper on the future of the ALA
Midwinter Meeting; provided an update on the Spectrum Initiative; Gates Foundation is conducting a 13
month project on the technology needs of youth.
A. Strittmatter asked D. Chen to report to the ALA Board of Directors that ALSC is currently working
on the next ALSC Strategic Plan and that Every Child Ready to Read is preparing to re-launch in March
J. Corsaro and M. Fellows reported the questions they posed to the ALA Candidates running for office.
Request for Notable Children’s Graphic Novels Selection List- Julie Corsaro (4:00 p.m.; 30 min)
Janet Weber presented the proposal for a Notable Children’s Graphic Novels Selection List. J. Corsaro
conveyed the Executive Committee discussion the proposal. The proposal is good, but the impact on
staff time had not been considered fully; additionally, what is the potential impact on the Notable
Children’s Books list; and it goes back to the question is ALSC all about awards and media evaluation
committees? The more committees added the more our resources are taken away from areas such as
advocacy, education, and access issues. It was acknowledged a list of this nature would be an excellent
collection development tool and that Quicklists Consulting Committee has dry time, and this is
something they could develop on an annual basis. They could tie the list to ALAConnect as there is
currently a Graphic Novels interest group.
MOTION: to ask Quicklist Consulting Committee to create a core collection development list for
children, then moving forward, a best of the best list.
MOTION approved
Next Steps:
Contact the Quicklists Consulting Committee to create a core collection development list for children,
and then moving forward, an annual best of the best list. [Update: Linda Mays, staff liaison to the
Quicklists, will contact and work with the committee in May].
Executive Session: Great Interactive Software Committee—Julie Corsaro (30 minutes)
Historical background
2007 Notable Children’s Computer Software report
DOC #11a
DOC #11b
The Board met in Executive Session to discuss the end of the Great Interactive Software for Kids
Committee’s review period. It was determined that submissions were still minimal and that in its current
configuration the media is phasing out. The Executive Committee has started a mega issue discussion
on virtual formats. ALSC should focus on new opportunities with applications and opportunities for
member interactivity and input.
MOTION: to sunset the Great Interactive Software Committee at the conclusion of Annual 2011
MOTION approved
J. Corsaro will convey to the Priority Group Consultant and Committee Chair that the committee has
been discontinued. [Update: Completed]
J. Corsaro will contact the Children and Technology Committee to ask for their recommendations on
how ALSC could create an interactive platform for members to provide input into building and sharing
a list or highlights of best interactive media. Additionally, what types of interactive media should ALSC
look at beyond apps, if any? [[Update: J. Corsaro has contacted the committee. The committee will
bring their recommendations to Annual].
ALSC Board AC 2011
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Meeting adjourned 5:45 p.m.
Session II: Monday, January 10, 1:30-5:30 p.m., San Diego Convention Center, Room 13
Meeting called to order at 1:31 p.m.
Announcement of the ALSC Distinguished Service Award Winner—Caroline Ward, Virginia Gustin
Dudley Carlson was named as the 2011 ALSC Distinguished Service Award Winner. D. Carlson was
notified by phone in advance of the meeting. She subsequently wrote a response to the committee and
her sentiments were read to the Board. D. Carlson will be able to attend the 2011 Annual Conference
to receive the award.
20 minutes for reports
Report on AASL/ALSC/YALSA Joint Executive Committee Meeting—Mary Fellows
M. Fellows reported that Emily Sheketoff appeared before the Joint Executive Committee Meeting. The
majority of the meeting focused on collaborative activities for of all three divisions. Additionally,
conversation addressed the disproportionate number of ALA Councilors that do not represent youth
Report on ALSC Executive Committee meetings (Fall, MW)—Julie Corsaro
J. Corsaro summarized the fall and Midwinter Executive Committee meetings: appointments database
is up and running; two new task forces have been created which include the Website Advisory Task
Force and Caldecott 75th Anniversary Task Force; draft strategic plan review; years of service
recognition; Caldecott award seals use on reprints with new illustrations; awards program as a whole
and how technology can be utilized to capitalize on publicity; Emerging Leader as board intern;
Banquet pricing; the immediate past-president will do an orientation for priority group consultants,
work with them more directly, and will be emailed on reports; and virtual formats is a mega issue that
needs to be proactively explored.
Report on Past Presidents’ Breakfast—Thom Barthelmess
Mega Issue for consideration: Relationship between graduate schools of information science and our
Association. How can we work together? Philosophical discussion generated concrete ideas. Work
with LLAMA to create a tip sheet on how to hire a children’s librarian and engage the Education
Committee to write annual letters to GLIS programs and provide contact information to serve as a
gateway to ALA and ALSC.
Report on ALSC/REFORMA Joint Exec Committee meeting— Mary Fellows
M. Fellows reported the Belpre Endowment which it is in good shape and that the Executive
Committee’s conducted the annual review of the Belpre MOU. In New Orleans, there will be two 15 year
celebrations for the Belpre Award and for Dia.
Report on Division Presidents’ Breakfast— Thom Barthelmess
T. Barthelmess reported that the discussion was purposeful and focused, resulting in some interesting
work. The Midwinter White Paper was the basis for discussion item. There is a growing idea that
Midwinter is becoming what members want it to be, and continue to shape it. It doesn’t necessarily
reflect how ALA initially designed it.
Division Councilor’s Report (highlight of issues on Council agenda)—Rhonda Puntney
R. Puntney reported that she attended the Executive Board Forum with several other councilors.
Midwinter attendance as of Sunday was at 7453 attendees, and 9949 with exhibitors. Members of
council were contacted prior to Midwinter about hotels in the area with labor issues. Council requested
if a “do not patronize list” prior to a conference could be made available. ALA attorney advised against
this due to libel issues. Council approved changes to the ALA Policy Manual. The Freedom to Read
foundation reported that they were happy that Treasurer Susan Hildreth was nominated to IMLS.
ALSC Board AC 2011
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2012 Annual Conference Preliminary President’s Program Plans—Mary Fellows (5 min)
The 2012 President’s Program will be a program on tweens. ALSC and YALSA will move forward with
the collaborative program.
Organization & Bylaws Committee—Ann Crewdson
Notable Children’s Recordings
O&B recommends that the timeframe for submissions of the NCR committee be changed to align with
the Odyssey Award Submission dates as the bulk of the work is in the fall when most audiobooks
release. There are too many submissions submitted too close to the deadline to allow ample time for
MOTION: to change the function statement deadline to align it with the current Odyssey Award
MOTION approved
Laura Schulte-Cooper will update the website and submission forms. [Update: completed.]
Notable Children’s Recordings
O&B recommends that the formats “disk and tape form” be removed from the NCR function statement.
The Board discussed committees operating in electronic formats should leave out or delete words that
designate a specific format since they evolve at a rapid pace. A concern was expressed about access to
the audiobooks in dowloadable format.
MOTION: to strike the phrase “disk or tape form” in the Notable Children’s Recordings function
MOTION approved.
A. Strittmatter will contact OverDrive to see if they will consider sponsoring accounts for committee
members to evaluate audiobooks. [Update: Aimee has emailed the Director of Marketing at OverDrive.]
Sibert Award (Form K)
The current term states that poetry and traditional literature (e.g. folktales) are not eligible. The 2011
Sibert Award Committee discussed this issue and found the definition to be quite definite and
restrictive. Some members interpreted the reference to poetry literally and asked if books with
rhyming, free verse, rhythm or cadence should be ineligible. The committee feels that books as works
of art and that the poetic form as the vehicle to convey information material and as such recommends
the function statement to be revised to, “Traditional literature (e.g., folktales) is not eligible. Poetry is
not eligible EXCEPT as a format or vehicle to convey information…”
The Board discussed this issue in detail taking into account the original intent of the award
(informational book vs. non-fiction book), the Sibert family’s intentions, and how “informational book”
would then be interpreted and how a poetry or free verse book would meet the criteria.
ACTION: Julie Corsaro will create a taskforce comprised to discuss the implications of the change and
make recommendations, and if necessary, provide language for changes to the criteria and manual.
[Update: Completed. Task force is meeting at Annual]
Great Web Sites for Kids
Due to changes in the AP Stylebook’s social media guidelines, the committee recommends changing
“Web Sites” to “Websites.” A. Crewdson contacted ALA about the style of the word “websites” and
learned that there are various styles used and sees it listed as two words on the website. A.
Strittmatter reported that ALSC website uses AP, but because the change is relatively new within the
ALSC Board AC 2011
DOC #24
past year, the updates have not yet taken place for the entire site. Additonally, a change in the name
will impact the seal image on the website (cost implications for a redesign).
O &B recommends the ALSC Board verify which style they want to use for the ALSC Handbook.
A. Strittmatter will verify with L. Schulte-Cooper the style used for the ALSC website and other areas.
[Update: Aimee and Laura recommend one word use (website) for all of ALSC’s communication
channels, official documentation, forms, and to change the name of the committee. Additionally, if
the name changed a new seal would need to be designed. Aimee has found digital watermarking
software to help with seal policing. Using this software with a brand-new image would be ideal as it
would prevent any non-watermarked seal images from being utilized.
Carnegie Medal/Notable Children’s Videos
J. Corsaro provided background about the merger of the two committees. Even though the committee
has been operating as one, the elements of the merger need to be codified for the Handbook of
ACTION: A. Strittmatter will confirm the official name of the Carnegie Committee and report back so
that Board action may resume online. [Update: The official name is (Andrew) Carnegie Medal
Committee. J. Corsaro has brought the motion to online vote.]
BREAK (3:00-3:15)
Announcement of 2011 Professional Award Winners (3:15 p.m., 15 min)
A. Strittmatter thanked Susan Veltfort for her work in successfully navigating the committee’s first year
as a virtual committee. Susan Veltfort will send suggestions that will help future committees with their
Candlewick Light the Way Grant, Odette Battis (Richmond Public Library) California
ALSC/BWI Summer Reading Program Grant , Jennifer Roderick
Maureen Hayes Award, Deanna Gowzey (Author, Cynthia Lorde)
Bechtel Fellowship, Allison Kaplan, Victoria Penny
Bookapalooza Recipients will be announced February 1st
Penguin Young Readers Group Award, will be announced February 15th
ALSC Institute Pricing—Jenny Najduch
J. Najduch presented the proposal to rescind the 2004 Board action in order to allow for more flexibility
in creating new models for the Institute.
MOTION: to rescind board vote “that ALSC complimentary registration and $250 to ALSC
members who speak at its National Institute” at the 2004 Annual Conference.
ACTION: J. Najduch will explore the new models and options for the Institute and provide a report by
Midwinter 2012.
Banquet Pricing Task Force Report -Tali Balas (4:00 p.m., 30 min)
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T. Balas provided an overview of the proposal and J. Corsaro added discussion points from the
Executive Committee meeting. It was agreed that the price needs to be contained for individual tickets
and we still need to cover expenses. Concern was expressed about the length of the banquet if
honorees were allowed to speak at the dais. Options were explored for recognizing honorees. It was
agreed ALSC should collect suggested donations for those who attend to listen to the speeches.
MOTION: to approve recommendations 2, 4, & 5 of the Banquet Task Force Report.
MOTION approved.
MOTION: to collect suggested donations of $10 at the Banquet for a program and CD, with the
initial consent of Scholastic.
MOTION approved.
The ALSC Office will figure out logistics of implementing table pricing, including table seating priority;
handling suggested donations and distribution of program and CD; Green Room sponsorship; and
resulting communication plan. [Update: not yet started.]
Budget Committee Report—Heather Rimany (4:30 p.m./45 min)
H. Rimany provided a report on ALSC’s finances and FY 2011 and preliminary FY 2012 budget.
Review of FY10 Year-End & FY11 First Quarter
FY10-11-12 Budget Summary
DOC # 24ai
FY10-11-12 Budget Summary Narrative
DOC # 24aii
a) Endowments (note multiple tabs at bottom of the workbook)
DOC # 24aiii
b) Report on ALA Planning & Budget Assembly
c) Report on BARC/Division Leaders Meeting
d) Proposed Preliminary FY12 Budget (see DOC #24i)
MOTION: to approve the preliminary budget for fiscal year 2012.
MOTION approved
Consent Agenda
2) Approval of Board minutes from Annual 2010
3) Review of Fall Executive Committee 2010 minutes
4) Confirm Major Board Actions passed electronically (Since Annual 2010)
5) Executive Director’s Report
6) Candidate Slate for 2011 Election
7) Continuing Education Report
8) Communications Report
9) Membership Report
10) Projects & Partnerships Report
11) Publications Report
12) Website Statistics Report
13) Upcoming Meetings and Conferences
DOC # 25
DOC # 26
DOC # 27
DOC # 28
DOC # 29
DOC # 30
DOC # 31
DOC # 32
DOC # 33
DOC # 34
DOC # 35
DOC # 36
MOTION: to approve consent agenda
MOTION: motion approved.
Old Business
14) Emerging Leader as Board Intern --Referred and Tabled Motions from AC 2010 (10 min)
MOTION: to postpone the discussion of the Emerging Leader as Board intern to a later date.
New Business
ALSC Board AC 2011
DOC #24
*Why I Need My Library Discussion
President Roberta Stevens is asking for divisions to co-sponsor in name only.
MOTION:to support in name only ALA President Roberta Stevens, “Why I need my Library Video
Contest” presidential initiative.
MOTION: approved
Projects VIEWS 2: Valuable Initiatives in Early Learning that Work Successfully
The Board discussed Eliza Dresang’s request for support for an IMLS Leadership Grant proposal titled,
“Project VIEWS II “
MOTION: to support VIEWS II IMLS National Leadership Grant initiative by writing a letter of
support and providing an ALSC member or Board member on the strategic advisory board.
MOTION approved.
Resolution in Support of the Dream Act
The Board discussed the resolution as presented by REFORMA. Concern that this may be too political, but
the Dream Act does impact immigrant youth use of the library. ALSC would be approving at the
conceptual or principle level.
MOTION: to support CD #39 “Resolution in support of the Dream Act” in principle.
MOTION approved.
The Board will go into Executive Session, if necessary.
Report on Executive Session.
Meeting adjourned 5:45 p.m.