Admissions sub-committee

Terms of Reference and Membership 2014/15
Terms of Reference
1. To develop and review University policy and strategy concerning admissions including
those related to the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) ensuring alignment with the UK
Quality Code and Supporting Professionalism in Admissions Guidance.
2. To monitor the implementation and effectiveness of admissions policies to ensure that
practices remain fair, transparent, promote equality of opportunity and are consistently
applied in relation to all provision.
3. To recommend to LTC specific admissions policies and procedures where necessary
including those related to:
 Articulation, progression and recognition agreements;
 English language requirements;
 Non-UK Qualifications;
 New qualifications as entry routes to existing or new programmes;
4. To recommend the approval of all articulation, progression and recognition agreements
to LTC.
5. To ensure policies and procedures are in place for the publication of information on all
programme offerings, including those offered by partner institutions, related to
admissions and associated matters for staff, applicants and sponsors that are fit for
purpose, accessible and trustworthy.
6. To oversee a programme of staff development and training to support all staff involved
in student admissions work (including those in partner institutions) and to identify and
disseminate good practice.
7. To keep under review the admissions policies and practices as they relate to UK Visa and
Immigration (UKVI) requirements and recommend to LTC any changes.
8. To receive an annual admissions overview report and keep under review the
arrangements for admissions to Higher Education with Others programmes;
9. To receive reports from the Research Degrees Committee concerning the admission of
research students.
10. To receive external consultations concerning admissions in UK higher education (UK, EU
and international) and to approve the University’s response as appropriate.
11. To make an annual report to the Learning and Teaching Committee.
Membership and Quorum:
There shall be a quorum when at least 50% of the members of the committee (including vacant
posts) are present. This shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. In the absence of a
quorum, no formal resolutions may be passed, but informal recommendations for decisions may be
made to be considered and ratified at a subsequent meeting.
Chair, Director of External Affairs
Director of Quality Enhancement & Standards
Deputy Chair, Head of Admissions
Academic Affairs Officer - UBU
Associate Dean Recruitment and Admissions
Head of Marketing
Head of International Office
Head of Student Management Information
School Admissions Representative
Associate Dean Learning & Teaching
Director of Academic Quality and Partnerships
Admissions and Visa Support Manager
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)
Mr M Garratt
Professor G Bradshaw
Mr S Mulholland (Interim)
Ms B Almari
Nazira Karodia
Andy Newhall (Interim)
William Mitchell
Neil Clarke
John Purvis
Celia Moran
Karen Bailey
In attendance: others by invitation, as
Professor Donna Pankhurst
Professor S Congdon
Meeting Dates 2014/15
20 October 2014
D2 Board Room, Richmond Building
8 December 2014
D42, Richmond Building
2 February 2015
D42, Richmond Building
6 May 2015
Board Room, Student Central
8 July 2015
D3, Richmond Building
Committee serviced by: Mrs C Holmes, Admissions. Contact Ext 5956 or