School Admissions Meeting for

School Admissions Meeting for
Primary School Headteachers
Friday 21 November 2014 (10am – 12pm)
Kingston Centre, Stafford
The School Admissions and Transport Service are pleased to invite you to a meeting
at the Kingston Centre on the above date from 10am – 12 pm
The meeting is the first of what we hope will be an annual event which will give
headteachers the opportunity to discuss topical school admissions issues with
officers from the Local Authority and will include
Use of permitted exceptions to infant class size legislation
Looked After Children and process to support admission
In Year Admissions and Implications arising from the Children’s
Commissioners Report
It would be helpful if you could indicate whether you would be interested in
attending such an event and if there are any specific school admissions topics that
you would like to see discussed.
Please complete and return this form to the School Admissions and Transport
Service, Tipping Street, Stafford. ST16 2DH or email to by 18 July 2014 in order that we can plan the event
in good time.
I would be interested in attending the meeting
I would not be interested in attending the meeting
I think that the following topics would be useful for discussion listed in order of
Email address: