MARKETING This is the most flexible team & the only one that give hours over the summer. Team members independently schedule their time and keep track of their hours or report back online. SILENT AUCTION BUSINESS DONATIONS Letter Campaign – processes letters soliciting donation in July/August Online Donation Requests – research & fill out online requests – July/Aug Email Campaign – Submit email requests for donations – July/August Door-to-Door Campaign – Use Sign-up Genius to commit to businesses that you will visit (a couple times if necessary) to solicit donations by early Nov. Print/create graphics needed for bid-sheet display Captain & Asst. supervise hanging bid sheets at Silent Auction,Nov.14 (am) Email Auction after Nov. 14 for non-bid items SHOW PROGRAM BUSINESS ADS Solicit Cover Ads in Dec. Email Campaign to solicit repeat ads from advertisers, follow up to make sure payment is mailed & received by HST in Jan/Feb. Use Sign-up Genius to commit to businesses that you will visit (a couple times if necessary) to solicit ads by Feb. 12 SHOW PROGRAM CONGRAT ADS Graphic artist creates congrat ads using several background templates by Feb. 19. Transport & Restock Team This is a great team for families who need Dad to help with hours and/or need some flexibility for putting in their hours. All but 3 of the transport dates are evening or weekend which Dad could easily do. The restock jobs are flexible, with the volunteer being able to set up a block of time within a few days window. Dates for Transport: Sat., Nov. 14 – Silent Auction – from Mullans to Derwood Bible & back Thurs. evening, March 17 – Costumes from Mullans to Redland Baptist Friday early evening, March 18 – Costumes from Redland Baptist to Mullan Saturday, March 19 – Coffeehouse - from Mullans to FSF Theater & back Monday afternoon, March 21 – Showcase - from Mullans to FSF Theater Saturday evening, April 2 – Showcase strike from FSF Theater to Mullans Thursday evening, April 7 - Costumes from Mullans to Redland Baptist Friday early evening, April 8 – Costumes from Redland Baptist to Mullans Mon early evening, April 11 – GB &SH load in – from Mullans to FSF Theater Sat evening, April 16 – GB & SH load out – from FSF Theater to Mullans Mon early evening, April 18 – JR & SR load in – from Mullans to FSF Theater Saturday evening, April 23 – JR & SR load out – from FSF Theater to Mullans Restock dates: There is usually restocking after all transports that go to Mullans. Additionally there is restock after Pool Party on June 10th & Prom on June 15. COSTUME TEAM This is a large team of sewing and non-sewing moms who understand how important it is to performers to feel good about their costumes. While it is impossible to expect every costume to be loved, it IS possible to give performers confidence that their show will have costuming that they can be proud of. Accomplishing this goal requires many hours of thrift-store shopping, searching online, personal fittings, altering, sewing, embellishing, accessorizing, washing and ironing. It also requires a great of organization to figure out costume plots, fast costume changes, costume accessories, and how to organize the hundreds of pieces so that every cast member can be where they need to be, when they need to be there - wearing all the correct costume pieces. If this challenge sounds fun, this is the team for you! COSTUME CORE TEAM: Core members of team serve as point people for each show (team of 2 or 3 per show). They will attend a production meeting with director & staff during 3rd week of September (afternoon or evening meetings). o SH – Mon., Sept 14, 7-9pm o GB – Tues., Sept. 15, 1-3pm o SR – Wed., Sept. 16, 7-9pm o JR – Thurs., Sept. 17, 1-3pm o Design Team Planning Session, Fri., Sept. 18 – Noon to 3pm Core team will take measurements week before Thanksgiving during regular class times. o Dance Measurements – Nov. 17 & 18 o Troupe Measurements – Nov. 20 o Acting & Overture – no measurements taken COSTUME FITTING SESSIONS for performers are scheduled at costume shed (Mullan’s: 400 Broadwood Dr., Rockville, MD). Support volunteers are needed to assist with record keeping, labeling, organizing, and restocking costume as costume items are assigned by director and/or designer(s). Travel Troupe – Thursday, Jan. 28: Girls – daytime slots. Boys: evening slots Acting Students – Thursdays: Girls – Feb. 18, Boys: Feb. 25 Honor Society Fittings for Coffeehouse – Wednesday, March 2, AM or after 3pm slots A Cappella Choir Fittings for Showcase – Wednesday, March 9, AM or after 3pm slots Dance Student Fittings for Showcase – during class times – watch for email notification GB Troupe: Boys – Sat., Jan 16 AM slots, Girls – Sat. Jan. 23 AM & PM slots JR Troupe: Boys – Sat., Jan. 16 PM slots, Girls – Sat. Jan. 30 AM & PM slots SH Troupe: Boys – Sat., Feb. 13 AM & PM slots, Girls – Sat. Feb. 6 AM & PM slots SR Troupe: Boys – Sat. Feb. 27 AM & PM slots, Girls – Sat. Feb. 20 AM & PM slots SR performers who need extended fitting times: Wed. Feb. 17 & 24 after dance slots Make-up session if you absolutely cannot accommodate assigned times: Thurs. March 3 COSTUME WORKDAYS for sewing, altering, embellishing, accessorizing costumes happen on every Friday afternoons and during Saturday costume fitting (plan to wait for your student & help with tasks). All at Mullans – 400 Broadwood Dr., Rockville, MD Women gather to work in the old-fashioned spirit of quilting bees with tasks varying from labeling, cutting, gluing, pinning, ripping out, ironing, hemming, hand-sewing, machine sewing, steaming, pulling out items and restocking items. o Friday Work Sessions - 1pm to 4pm, Feb. 5,12,19,26, March 4, 11 o Saturday Work Session – during costume fittings – Jan. 23 & 30, Feb. 6,13,20,27 COSTUME RUNS – performance troupes do costume runs during their regular Fri. afternoon rehearsals at Redland Baptist . Volunteers are needed to assist with organizing costumes Thurs. evening before the costume run, during the Fri afternoon run to assist performers & help with notes, and repack costumes after the run. o Costume Run Dates: Friday, March 18 & Friday, April 8 for all 5 Troupes. COSTUME PREP before load-in: before HST loads in the hundreds (many hundreds) of costume items into the theater we steam or iron every one of them so that our performers look (and feel) fabulous in their costumes. All sessions at Mullans. o Showcase Dance : Tues. & Wed. March 15 & 16, Noon-3pm (1 hr. block sign-ups) o Showcase Acting: Fri., March 18, 10:15am to 11:45am o Travel Troupe: Fri., March 18, 12:156pm to 2:45pm o GB Troupe: Mon., April 11, 10am - 1pm o SH Troupe: Mon., April 11, 1:30pm - 5:30pm o JR Troupe: Mon., April 18, 10am – 1pm o SR Troupe: Mon., April 18, 1:30pm – 5:30pm COSTUME SUPPORT AT THEATER: volunteers work backstage to keep costumes organized, repaired, clean, & ironed. Some volunteers are trained to assist with fast costume changes that happen during the show. o Volunteer is most effective if they work a show they do not have performers in so they can work during all rehearsals & performances o Minimum for backstage volunteers is to work one rehearsal and one performance. COSTUME CLEANING: a core group of dedicated, responsible, slightly OCD women who will carefully sort/launder/air-out/dry-clean costumes without losing or ruining items and returning all to costume shed by 2nd Fri. in May – May 13. COSTUME RESTOCKING: Volunteers work to restock all costume items used for shows during week before Audition Workshop - May 16-19. COSTUME PURGING: Volunteers work to purge costume bins as needed so that all costume items can fit in the available storage bins. Week of Pool Party - June 6-9. SETS, PROPS, SCENE PAINTING This is usually a small team of creative, hands-on people who like to problem solve and then use their building and/or artistic talents to create their solutions. Some on the team will sign up to be the point person for each show’s props and/or sets. Point people will attend a production meeting with the director & technical staff to go over the master lists of projects needed. Show production meetings o SR – Fri, Nov. 20 – Props 5:30pm, Sets 6pm o SH – Sat., Nov. 21 – Props 10am, Sets 10:30am o GB – Fri., Dec. 11 – Props 5:30pm, Sets 6pm o JR – Sat., Dec. 12 – Props 10am, Sets 10:30am o Showcase & Travel Troupe – Sat., Jan. 9, Props 3pm, Sets 3:30pm WORK SESSIONS for various projects will then get scheduled at Mullans (400 Broadwood Dr., Rockville, MD). Prop Build Work Sessions: Fri. , Jan. 23, 1-4pm & 5 to 7pm Set Build Work Sessions: o Coffeehouse & Showcase – Sat., March 12, 1pm until done o GB & SH – Sat., April 9, 9am until done o JR & SR – Sat., April 16, 9am until done Set Painting Work Sessions: o Student Set Painting Workshops – Sat., March 12 & 19, 10am-1pm o GB & SH – Sat., April 9, 1pm until done o JR & SR – Sat., April 16, 1pm until done THEATER SET BUILD & STRIKE is the culmination of this team’s work. Each build/strike needs at least 4 parents (usually Dads, but mothers who like power tools are also welcome!). These evening/weekend sessions are always powerful evidence of God’s provision for HST as we miraculously put together or dismantle shows in less time than is humanly possible. Coffeehouse – load in & out on Saturday, March 19 (afternoon/evening) Showcase – load in Mon., 3/28 (afternoon), load out Sat. April 2 (evening) GB/SH – load in Mon. April 11 (evening), load out Sat. April 16 (evening) JR/SR – load in Mon. April 18 (evening), load out Sat. April 23 (evening) ADMIN & SPECIAL EVENTS If you like to organize, make lists, tackle tasks systematically, or work with a team to accomplish goals; this is a great team for you. Work sessions for this team are scattered throughout the year. Teams of volunteers gather to assembly-line process large-volume tasks. The number of volunteers needed per session varies, with one experienced volunteer pre-assigned as the coordinator. Finally, this team assumes responsibility for making sure volunteer positions needed for HST’s special events are filled (Silent Auction, Pool Party, Prom). PROJECT WORK SESSIONS: Admin Beginning-of-year Paperwork – Fri., Sept. 11 (10-Noon & 1-3pm) Silent Auction Sort/Clean Donations – Mon. Oct. 5,12,19,26 (12–3pm) Silent Auction Baskets– Fri. Oct. 16, 23, 30 (1pm-4pm) Silent Auction Bid Sheet Processing – Tues.& Wed., Nov. 11,12 (12-3pm) Teacher Christmas Baskets last Friday in Dec. – Dec. 18 (1pm to 4pm) HST Flier Stuffing 1st Dance Classes in Jan. (Jan. 12 &13, Noon to 3pm) Tee Shirt Processing – last Fri. in Jan. (Jan 29 – 1 to 4pm) TICKET PROCESSING: Team Captains - Tues., Jan. 19, 10am to Noon – Student Section - Mullans Core Team – Specialty Tickets – Thursday, Jan. 21 – 10am to 3pm-Mullans Regular Ticket Processing – Fridays at Redland Baptist – 1pm-4pm o Jan. 22,29, Feb. 5,12 19,26, March 4,11,18. April 8 (no 4/1 or 4/15) Theater Ticket Processing – March 29, 30, April 12, 13, 19, 20 Ticket Selling at Shows – March 19, April 1,2, 15, 16, 22, 23 SPECIAL EVENTS Pool Party – June 3. Need helpers for set up, check-in, cooking, clean-up. Prom – Wed., June 15. Need helpers for set-up, kitchen help, load-out.