Oxytocin/Magnesium Titratable Drips

Oxytocin/Magnesium Titratable Drip Process
1. Provider enters OB Oxytocin or Magnesium PowerPlan orders or if taking verbal orders, RN uses POE
VORB/TORB as communication type.
2. Using PDA scan and Begin the Bag. Back chart actual time of hanging as needed.
3. Go to IView OB Pregnancy Band
 Click IV Drips on the IView navigator
 Right click on time, select desired time frequency, i.e., actual vs. every 30 minutes
 Chart IV drips such as Pitocin or magnesium at least hourly even if unchanged.
o Also, chart if rate changes
o To change rate either rescan the bag or select ‘rate change’ OR from IView-IV drips, chart the
rate changes.
 Finally, go to I & O to pull in the hourly volumes.
OB Pregnancy Band-IV Drips charting rate and rate changes
Intake and Output-charting volume
Documenting Pitocin Following Delivery
Once the patient has delivered, document Pitocin as a continuous IV. Go to Intake and Output and
enter the infused volumes for the patient.