Common Core Conversation 14

Common Core Conversation #14
January 2, 2013
Provide Input on Smarter Balanced Achievement Level Descriptors and College Readiness Policy (Draft)
Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a restful and relaxing winter break.
This week’s Common Core Conversation is an excerpt from a special OSPI communication regarding the
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. Part of the test design process is the development of
“Achievement Level Descriptors.” These describe levels of student performance in ELA and Math on the
Smarter Balanced Assessments. The draft ALDs have been released and the Consortium is seeking input
from the field. They have also developed a “College Content Readiness Definition” with implications for
12th grade coursework.
Please read further to find out how to give feedback on the draft ALDs and college content readiness
definition. Feedback will be accepted through January 15th, 2013.
Provide Input on the Smarter Balanced Achievement Level Descriptors and College
Readiness Policy (Draft)
Draft initial achievement level descriptors (ALDs) were released on November 27 and are
available for feedback and review through January 15, 2013. Developed by K-12 teachers, higher
education faculty, and content experts, the initial ALDs describe levels of student performance in
English language arts/literacy and mathematics on the Smarter Balanced assessments. Smarter
Balanced has also released a college content-readiness definition with associated implications for
12th-grade and postsecondary coursework at each achievement level on the 11th-grade
assessment. The draft initial ALDs and an online feedback survey are on the Smarter Balanced
website at
The review period will remain open until Tuesday, January 15, 2013. During this review period,
you will be able to submit your feedback to survey questions posted with the materials that ask
for your impression of the ALDs and college content-readiness materials: policy impact, rigor,
language, clarity, expectations, and impact on students.
Based on your involvement in Smarter Balanced, you may also wish to provide specific feedback
from your knowledge of or exposure to other Smarter Balanced products. If you have this type of
feedback, please submit your comments either in the body of an email or by using the comment
feature on the materials themselves.
Consistency of language
Link to Common Core State Standards
Link to/alignment with other Smarter materials that you have reviewed or developed
Logical progression of rigor through grades
Consistent progression of skills, concepts, content, expectations
Grammatical, mechanical, technical accuracy (or precision)
We encourage your participation in this important review. The webinar, Introduction to the
Drafts of the Initial Smarter Balanced Achievement Level Descriptors was recorded and can be
replayed until January 14, 2013. Please use the following information to replay: To access
recorded webinar of this call, click the following link prior to January 14, 2013: