the rules

Security and accommodation rules on the territory of the Athletes’ Village
During their stay in the Athletes’ Village, all guests must abide by the accommodation rules and
the fire safety regulations.
It is prohibited to smoke, store or consume alcohol, drugs or toxic substances, use foul language
or be rude to other guests on the territory of the Athletes’ Village. The complete list of items
prohibited for bringing into the Athletes’ Village and the sports venues is available in Appendix.
In addition, it is forbidden to put any kind of propaganda on display, or to put up flags and
banners expressing derogatory or offensive statements or containing political statements. The
flags of the national teams are an exception to this rule.
All buildings on the territory of the Athletes’ Village are equipped with video surveillance
systems, security and fire-alarm systems, fire-extinguishing and conditioning systems. Setting
off the fire alarm by smoking inside a residential building, cooking food, etc. is considered to be
a violation of the accommodation rules, and will lead to sanctions being imposed against the
offender in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The rules will be
brought to the attention of the Heads of Delegation in the building, prior to the issuing of keys.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In accordance with the Federal law smoking is prohibited in public
places including education, medical, sports and cultural institutions from June 1, 2013.
List of items prohibited for bringing into the Athletes’ Village and sports
1. Explosives, blasting equipment and explosive-filled items:
• gunpowder of any amount and in any package
• service cartridges (including small caliber)
• gas gun cartridges
• sporting cap (piston)
• pyrotechnic equipment (pyrotechnics): signal and light flares, signal cartridge, landing light flares, smoke
cartridges, shot-firer matches, Bengal fire, railway petards
• trotyl, dynamite, tolite, ammonal and other explosives
• blasting cap, electrical detonator, electric spark igniter, detonating and blasting fuse, etc.
2. Compressed and liquefied gases:
• domestic (household) (butane-propane) and other gases in any container
• neuroparalytic and tear gas spray, etc.
• lighters
• paint sprayer
3. Highly flammable liquid:
• acetone
• petrol
• flammable oil
• methanol
• methyl
acetate (methyl ether)
• carbon bisulphide
• ethers;
• ethylcellulose
4. Flammable solid substances:
• spontaneously flammable substances
• substances evolving highly flammable gases in contact with water
• potassium, sodium, metal calcium and their alloys, calcium phosphide, etc.
• white, yellow, red phosphorus and other highly flammable substances
• matches
5. Oxidising agents and organic peroxides:
• colloidal nitrocellulose, granules or flocks, dry or moist, with less than 25% of water or
• colloidal nitrocellulose, bars, moist, with less than 25% of alcohol
• dry or
moist nitrocellulose with less than 30% of solvent or 20% of water etc.
6. Toxic substances, radioactive materials, caustic and corroding agents:
• strong mineral acids: hydrochloric acids, sulphuric acid, nitric acid and others
• hydrofluoric acid and other strong acids and corrosive substances
7. Poisonous substances:
• any liquid or solid virulent poisonous substances in any package
• brucine
• nicotine
• strychnine
• tetrahydrofurfuryl
• antifreeze
• brake fluid
• ethylene
• mercury
• salts
of cyanhydric acid and other cyanic substances
• cyclone, black cyanide, arsenic anhydride etc.
other hazardous substances, items and cargos which can be used as instrument of attack
and threaten the competitions
8. Alcohol products of any type
9. Narcotic and psychotropic substances, their precursors, including medicaments
10. Weapons and ammunition
• firearms
• signal arms
• pneumatic
• gas arms
• ammunition
• electroshock and spark gap
• general parts of firearms
• items which can be used as arms (bats, sticks, etc.)
11. Sharp items (except for manicure scissors) which can be used as weapon, knives and other cold weapon,
throwing items, including walking canes. The exception is medical equipment and medical tools included in the
medical kit of team doctors (medical staff accompanying the delegations)
12. Laser devices
13. Any type of propaganda material, flags and banners expressing offensive and political statements, except for
national team flags
14. Any items resembling prohibited ones, copies and analogues.