Colorado PBL Minutes For September 21, 2012 State Officer and Board of Director’s Meeting Meeting was called to order by president Katie Clark at 10:11 am President Katie Clark welcomed everyone The agenda was approved unanimously Deb Parman moved to approve second by Laurie Morris Minutes were read by Christine Strawn moved for approval Chandler, properly seconded; motion passed Attendance: CCA-2 TSJC-1 MCC- 1 CMU-7 PPCC- 3 DeVry- 1 Katie Clark- President (DU Virtual Chapter) Christine Strawn- Vice President (ASU) Jacqui Guiselman- State Adviser Randi Simms-FBLA State Officer Adviser Board of Directors Report Welcome Jacqui to State Adviser position. State Officer Reports Fire fundraiser, FBLA State reporter was in Aurora Theater, looking for way to help with Bonfies blood bank replenish bank. State Adviser Visited National Office in Reston, VA and met other new state advisers across the contry. Chaper reports: CCA- building membership ASU- just starting TSJC- just getting started Pikes Peak- Tripled membership have been, starting fundraisers and other activities Colorado Mesa University- Golf Tournament on Sunday, Harvest Festival next month, Mav Rides are providing safe rides for students, Helping Grand Junction Car show, March of Dimes Tournament, Battle of the bands in December, Signature Chef and Black ties and Booties for march of Dimes fundraisers, Selling beanies for March of Dimes at Powder Horn Ski area and on campus Westwood College- Kicking off getting new member, meeting with other campus, working on fundraisers, trick-or-treat street Saturday before Halloween DeVry- Registration drive to register voters, garage sale, dog bite prevention seminar for community, working on paint ball event for Johnson and Wales- not in attendance Fort Morgan- Served Cotton Candy, informational meeting, served meal on campus for fundraiser. Two meetings a month, University of Northern Colorado- not in attendance University of Denver- Working on starting a chapter, finding an adviser Laurie Urich- Program Director Gave greetings from CCCS Old Business 2012 SLC Held at CMU in Grand Junction Heard good things Disappointed in dinner, clarify what dinner will be Great facilities Were not enough rooms for everyone, technical problems People with disabilities can make it challenging; add accommodations section to call to conference 2012 National Leadership Conference Katie thanked for support of campaign List postings were slightly confusing Over-all very nice location Program of work Possible reactivate Front Range Community College Recruitment and membership 198 members last year Get members registered 60% of PBL members were not in FBLA, nation wide PPCC put awards on table for recruitment Go to classes and talk to students Bylaws Need to be updated, Proposed Changes today: Under Colorado bylaws and constitution Nominations and Elections -Add that it is a yes/no vote not vote for positions. -Add that the board of directors will select the officer positions -Take out “elect” so that it read “the order of officers shall be” -Delete first highlighted part -Shall be elected “by a vote” Deb Parman Moved to accept amended wording of bylaws for this section, State Officer Guide -Add a flyer or brochure to promote candidacy -Change one letter to three letters, one from your adviser, one from a professor other then your adviser, and one from the business community member -Change from running for a state office to running for officer team passed -Transcripts (can be unofficial) Motion to accept changed by Deb Parman, properly seconded motion Chapter management handbook Adjusted dates and activities Please let us know what is working and any suggestions for it Email out bylaws and chapter handbook for everyone to look New Business Officer Position Openings Vice President resigned, Christine is now the Vice president Openings for reporter, secretary and treasurer Applications Due on October 15 and a decision will be made by October 31 and will be announced at NLC in Denver. PBL Directory Being updated and will be posted to website Code of Conduct Amended from National Officer Candidate Code of Conduct Must be signed by candidate and local adviser Will be signed by State adviser upon approval Must be professional, well behaved Chapter Visits DeVry University CMU chapter visit Excited students, success full visitations Morgan Community College October 11 Adams State University October 2 2012 NFLC Come out and represent Colorado Downtown Sheraton in Denver November 9th and 10th Still need help with everything Graduate Student Requirements Program starts in fall, need to be pain member by December 1st to compete Program starts in spring, need to be paid member by March 15th to compete 2013 SLC Dates for April 6th and 7th PPCC would like to host the conference at their Centennial Campus PPCC is willing to help look for judges Competitive events Bolded items have been modified (gone from team to individual event or vice versa) Activities Last year, dinner Saturday and bowling Possible state activity Cave of the Winds, Garden of the Gods Opening ceremony should be in the morning State dinner out Keynote speaker- looking for keynote speaker Patty Moon- Channel 13 news, previous PBL member National Leadership Conference Anaheim, CA June 22-25 IFL 21 & 22 Social Media page vs profile Motioned to keep Facebook as a personal page by Shawn Cavalli properly seconded, motion passed. FBLA Connect with FBLA to build a connection CFLC, Chapter Visits, DLC (judging) Attend and help District Leadership Conferences Starting to plan please reach out and help State Leadership Conference April 21-23 in Vail If interested in help please contact Katie. Newsletter Competition for template, take top 4 to use Jamie Presentation Project for her graduation Need 100 members Will workout details Adjourn at 1:31 pm by Katie Clark Respectfully submitted Christine Strawn