mRNA will go to the cytoplasm and be translated into the Facto IX protein, this point mutation has the same effect as a frameshi mutation (an insertion or deletion of 1 or 2 base pairs). Every amin acid is changed in the Factor IX protein after the mutation. Peopl with this mutation make normal Factor VIII protein. Their Factor I i protein contains a normal version of the part of the protein code for by the first three exons. Eleven amino acids of the fourth exo are produced, but they are completely different from the norma Blood clotting is a multistep mRNA will go to the cytoplasm and be translated into s the Factor eque nce. After these 11 amino acids, there is a stop codon, so mos process,IX prote requiring a tion cascade of in, this point muta has the same e ffect as a frameshift of the fourth exon aswell asthefifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth exon mutation (an insertion or deletion of 1 or 2 base pairs). Every amino chemical reactions. An enzyme acid is changed in the Factor IX protein after the mutation. eople translated into protein at all (Figure 3). This truncated Facto arePnot with this mutation ke normal Fareactions, ctor VIII protein. Their Factor IX catalyzes each ofmathese IX prote protein contains a normal version of the part of the prote in code d in is not functional, resulting in severe hemophilia. Ther and a gene codes for. Eleeach ofacidsthese for by the first three exons ven amino of the fourth exon a re 6 billion base pairs in a diploid human genome of 46 chromo are produced, but they are completely different from the normal enzymes. Genes the X, thereis astop codon, Figure 1: ble Alexi sequence . After theseon 11 amino acids so mos some s.t It is remarka that a single-base-pair change, in a genom of thefourth exon aswell asthefifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth exons chromosome code two of the enzymes of 6 billion ba s e pa irs ca n result in such a devastating disease. Eve arenot translated into protein at all (Figure3). This truncated Factor IX prote in is not functiona l, resulting in severe hemophilia Thereroya in .this l family, no hemophilia c malelived past histhirties. A dr required for the blood-clotting cascade, Factor VIII and Factor are 6 billion base pairs in a diploid human genome of 46 chromola b illus tra ting this cha nge is pre s e nted in theAppendix. s ome s . It is re ma rka ble tha t a s ingle -ba s e -pa ir cha nge , in a ge nome IX. of 6 billion base pairs can result in such a devastating disease. Even This work a ls o te lls us which of the Tsar’s daughters were car in this royal family, no hemophiliac male lived past his thirties. A dry lab illustrating this change is pr esented in the Appendix. riers for hemophilia. Alexei, as predicted, had one mutated Facto Factor VIII is a large protein, coded for by a gene on the X This work also tells us which of the Tsar’s daughters were carge ne on his single X chromosome. Alexandra, his mother an rie rs for he mophilia . Alexei, asIX predicte one mutaIX ted Fa ctor chromosome. Factor isd,ahadsmaller protein, also coded for by a IX gene on his single X chromosome. Alexandra, his mothe r and ’s granddaughter, had one normal Factor IX gene and on Victoria ughter, had one normal Fa(Figure ctor IX gene and1). one Mutations in either of gene onVictoria the’s gra Xndda chromosome muta mutated Factor IX gene. The three oldest daughters – Olga , Tatiate na,d Factor IX gene. The three oldest daughters – Olga, Tatiana these genes hemophilia a dsex-linked and Maria cause – had two norma l Factor IX genes and inherited were not carriers, a nd Ma riain – ha two normal Factor IX genes and were not carriers whereas Anastasia had one normal Factor IX gene and one mutated manner. The Factor VIIIwhe contains 26 or coding reas Anasta siaexons, had one norma l Factor IX gene and one mutate Factor IX genegene and was afor carrier (Figur e 2). Thismutation can bevery useful when teaching about sex-linked regions,inhewhereas the gene for Factor IX contains 8 exons. Fa ctor IX ge ne a nd wa s a ca rrie r (Figur e2). ritance, as well as about introns and their role in the genome. Most eukaryotic genes are made of exons and introns. The eThis xons mutation can bevery useful when teaching about sex-linke code for the order of amino acids in the protein. Introns are DNA inhe rita sequences that are translated into messenger RNA and the n splice d nce, as well as about introns and their role in the genome out before the final mRNA is sent to the cytoplasm. It isMos estima dukaryotic genes are made of exons and introns. The exon ttee that 40% of the DNA in the human genome consists of introns, code for whereas only ~1.5% of the DNA in the human genome is found in the order of amino acids in the protein. Introns are DN exons and actuaof lly code s for proteins.married In general, intronAlexandra, sequence is Tsar Nicholas Russia aregranddaughter of sequences that a translated into messe nger RNA and then splice not highly conserved, becausemost mutations in intronsdo not affect the order of amino aThey cids in a prote in and, five therefore,children, do not affectbe the Queen Victoria. had four phenotypically out fore the fina l mR NA is s e nt to the cytoplasm. It is estimate Figure 1. Partial map of the human X chromosome (idiogram folding or properties of proteins. As aresult, mutations in introns are 2: Partial copyright 1994Figure by David Adler, http://www.pathology. tha t 40% of the DNA in the huma n ge nome consists of intron normal ainsboy, who had hemophilia (Figure 2). usgirls ually not sand elected aga t by naturaAlexei, l selection. Howe ver, thenucle; used map of the human X otide sequences at the ends of introns arerecognized by the e nzyme s wheduring reas only ~1.5% of the DNA in the human genome is found i with permission). The entire family was 1918 the Bolshevik that splice out the introns . Theskilled e sequences in are highly conserved chromosome. e xons a nd a ctua lly code for prote ins. In general, intron sequence because mutations in them change the proteins Revolution. Recent discovery of their graves madestheir tissue coded for by the genes. As seen in this real case, not highly cons e rve d, be ca us e mos t mutationsin intronsdo not affec a muta tion at the endRogaev of an intron canet cause a (2009), was technically available for sequencing. This work, done by al. the orde faulty splice, resulting in an abnorma l prote in r of amino acids in a protein and, therefore, do not affect th Figure 1.because Partial maponly of the human X chromosome (idiogram and ry serious diswere ease. difficult tiny amounts ofavetissue available. This made itins possible, folding or prope rtie s of prote . Asaresult, mutations in intronsar In studying a mutation that causes hemocopyright 1994 by David Adler, http://www.pathology. but difficult, to obtain enough DNAphilia for sequencing. , youaccurate would expect the muta tion occur ustoua lly not seSophisticated lected against by natural selection. However, thenucle; in an exon, a coding part of the gene, and you methods, such as using multiple primers forused polymerase chain reaction and otide would expect themutation to changethe order s ofequences at the ends of introns are recognized by the enzyme with permission). a mino a cids in the prote in. This muta tion, howthat splice out the introns. These sequences are highly conserve massively parallel sequencing methods, were required. ever, occurs at the end of an intron and changes because mutations in them change the protein the splice site for that intron. This results in a two-base insertion in the final mRNA, leading coded for by the genes. As seen in this real case to the truncated protein discussed here. This Figure 2. The Russian royal family. Alexandra was a granddaughter of Queen mutation provides a novel way of discussing the Victoria. Alexei had hemophilia, so it was assumed that his mother, Alexandra, a mutation at the end of an intron can cause nature of introns, how they are spliced out, and was a carrier. The work of Rogaev et al. (2009) confirmed that Alexandra was a faulty splice, resulting in an abnormal protei why the DNA sequences at the ends of introns carrier and showed that Olga, Tatiana, and Maria were normal, while Anastasia are critical and highly conserved. was a carrier. and avery serious disease. In studying a mutation that causes hemo THE AMERICAN BIOLOGY TEACHER ROYAL HEMOPHILIA 653 philia, you would expect the mutation to occu in an exon, a coding part of the gene, and yo This content downloaded from on Tue, 19 Nov 2013 13:17:33 PM would expect themutation to changetheorder o All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions amino acids in the protein. This mutation, how ever, occurs at the end of an intron and change the splice site for that intron. This results in two-base insertion in the final mRNA, leadin to the truncated protein discussed here. Th Figure 2. The Russian royal family. Alexandra was a granddaughter of Queen mutation provides a novel way of discussing th Victoria. Alexei had hemophilia, so it was assumed that his mother, Alexandra, Figure 3: The Russian royal family. Alexandra was a granddaughter of Queen nature of introns, how they are spliced out, an was a carrier. Thehad workhemophilia, of Rogaev et confirmed was a Victoria. Alexi soal. it (2009) was assumed thatthat his Alexandra mother, Alexandra, was aand carrier. Thethat work of Rogaev al. Maria (2009) confirmed Alexandra carrier showed Olga, Tatiana,et and were normal,that while Anastasiawas a why the DNA sequences at the ends of intron carrier, and showed that Olga, Tataina, and Maria were normal, while Anastasia are critical and highly conserved. was a carrier. Royal Hemophilia The Russian Royal Family was a carrier. THEAMERICAN BIOLOGY TEACHER ROYAL HEMOPHILIA Sequencing Rogaev et al. (2009) compared the sequences of the Factor VIII and Factor IX genes with the normal human genes, known from the Human Genome Project. All the exons in both genes were completely normal. They then looked at the introns, the noncoding parts of the gene. All introns in the Factor VIII gene were normal. However, the gene for Factor IX contained a point mutation from A to G in the third base before the end of the intron between exons 3 and 4 (Figure 4). Figure 4: The mutation that caused hemophilia in Queen Victoria and her descendants. Figure 3A shows the sequence of DNA in the normal Factor IX gene, with the associated mRNA transcription and protein translation. Figure 3B shows the sequence of DNA in the mutated Factor IX gene. With the point mutation (a change of the nucleic acid A to nucleic acid G) is highlighted. Note that this mutation alters splicing, so that the last two bases of the intron (AG) are now included in the mRNA. Note that every amino acid after the faulty splice is different, and that after 11 altered amino acids there is a stop codon, so that the last part of the protein is not produced. The changes in amino acids are shown in bold. The single-letter abbreviations for the amino acids are as follows: A = alanine, C = cysteine, D = aspartic acid, E = glutamic acid, F = phenylalanine, G = glycine, H = histidine, I = isoleucine, K = lysine, L = leucine, M = methionine, N = asparagine, P = proline, Q = gluamine, R = arginine, S = serine, T = threonine, V = valine, W = tryptophan, and Y = tyrosine. Most mutations in introns do not affect either proteins or phenotype. But due to the location of this mutation, the two bases that are normally the end of the intron are treated like the beginning of exon 4 instead of being spliced out. Because this mRNA will go to the cytoplasm and be translated into the Factor IX protein, this point mutation has the same effect as a frameshift mutation (an insertion or deletion of 1 or 2 base pairs): every amino acid is changed in the Factor IX protein after the mutation. People with this mutation make normal Factor VIII protein. Their Factor IX protein contains a normal version of the part of the protein coded for by the first three exons. Eleven amino acids of the fourth exon are produced, but they are completely different from the normal sequence. After these 11 amino acids, there is a stop codon, so most of the fourth exon as well as the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth exons are not translated into protein at all (Figure 4). This truncated Factor IX protein is not functional, resulting in severe hemophilia. There are 6 billion base pairs in a diploid human genome of 46 chromosomes. It is remarkable that a single-base-pair change, in a genome of 6 billion base pairs can result in such a devastating disease. Even in this royal family, no hemophiliac male lived past his thirties. This mutation can be very useful in examining sex-linked inheritance, as well as about introns and their role in the genome. Most eukaryotic genes are made of exons and introns. The exons code for the order of amino acids in the protein. Introns are DNA sequences that are translated into messenger RNA and then spliced out before the final mRNA is sent to the cytoplasm. It is estimated that of the DNA in the human genome consists of introns, whereas only ~1.5% of the DNA in the human genome is found in exons and actually codes for proteins. In general, intron sequence is not highly conserved, because most mutations in introns do not affect the order of amino acids in a protein and, therefore, do not affect the folding or properties of proteins. As a result, mutations in introns are usually not selected against by natural selection. However, the nucleotide sequences at the ends of introns are recognized by the enzymes that splice out the introns. These sequences are highly conserved because mutations in them change the proteins coded for by the genes. As seen in this real case, a mutation at the end of an intron can cause a faulty splice, resulting in an abnormal protein and a very serious disease. Figure 5: The Romanov royal family, killed by Bolshevik revolutionists in 1918. Figure 6: A partial pedigree of Queen Victoria and her descendents. Figure 5 shows a partial pedigree of Queen Victoria and her descendants. This family tree can lead to the following interesting questions: 1. Why is there no hemophilia in the present British royal family? Explain using a Punnett square. Make sure to be clear how the Punnett Square helps your explanation. 2. Three of Queen Victoria’s daughters had no descendants with hemophilia. Could any of them have been a carrier? Explain your answer; specifically explain what the chances are that Helena was a carrier. 3. The Bolsheviks killed the Russian royal family –Nicholas and Alexandra and their five children, Olga, Tatiana, Marie, Anastasia, and Alexis. Their graves were unknown until one of the people involved told where they were in a deathbed confession. At this time, their bodies were found. They were identified because they had the same mitochondrial DNA as Prince Philip, the husband of the present Queen Elizabeth. Why was this an appropriate method of identification, and why didn’t they use DNA from Queen Elizabeth? Adapted from: Royal Hemophilia Susan Offner . The American Biology Teacher, Vol. 75, No. 9 (November/December 2013), pp. 652-656 i