GREEK AND LATIN ROOTS 1. aer Greek Definition: of the air Examples: aeronautics 2. cor Latin Definition: heart (has morphed to cour (French) – courage, encourage) Examples: core 3. ecto Greek Definition: outside/exterior Examples: ectoplasm 4. derm Greek Definition: skin Examples: dermatologist 5. hemo Latin Definition: blood Examples: hemorrhage 6. hydro/hydra/hydr Greek Definition: water Examples: hydration 7. mania Greek Definition: mental illness/ madness Examples: maniac 8. morph Greek Definition: to form Examples: metamorphosis 9. mem Latin Definition: remember Examples: memory 10. mob Latin Definition: move Examples: mobile 11. nym Greek Definition: of/ relating to name Examples: synonym, pseudonym, 12. path Greek Definition: of /relating to emotion Examples: pathos, empathy 13. pel/pols Latin Definition: drive, force Examples: compel 14. pens Latin Definition: hang, weigh, pay Examples: pension, expensive 15. phil Greek Definition: love Examples: philosophy 16. phobia Greek Definition: fear Examples: arachnophobia 17. psych Greek Definition: of the mind Examples: psychology 18. sist Latin Definition: to stand, place Examples: persist 19. spir/spire Latin Examples: inspire Definition: breath 20. ten Latin Definition: hold Example: detention 21. theo Greek Definition: god Example: theology 22. val Latin Definition: be strong/ be worth) Example: valid 23. veri Latin Definition: true Example: verdict 24. voc Latin Definition: voice Example: vocalize 25. uni Latin Definition: one, single Example: unique Prefixes to know: 26. ambi Definition: both Examples: ambidextrous 27. bi Defintion: two Examples: bicycle 28.circum Definition: around Examples: cirumference 29.em/en Definition: put into, make, provide with, surround with Examples: emblazoned, encourage 30. post Definition: after, behind Examples: post-operation 31. tri Definition: three Examples: triceps Suffixes to know: 32. –ory/ary Definition: place for, serves for (appearing in nouns) Examples: library, mercenary 33. –dom Definition: state of being (appearing in nouns) Examples: boredom 34. –ling Definition: one connected with or young, small (appearing in nouns- duckling- and adverbs-flatling) Examples: duckling, dumpling 35. –wise Examples: clockwise, edgewise Definition: in the manner of, regard to (appearing in adverbs- clockwise) Foreign words to know: 1. ad nauseam – Latin meaning to an extreme or annoying extent; to a sickening or excessive degree (adverb) (Example: He played the song ad nauseam – the “ad” means “to”). 2. blasé – French meaning indifferent to or bored with life; unimpressed as if from an excess of worldly pleasures (adjective) 3. bona fide – Latin meaning made in good faith without fraud or deceit (adjective) 4. cliché – French meaning a trite, stereotyped expression, expressing a common thought or idea and that has lost its originality; a reproduction made in a like manner (noun) 5. e pluribus unum – Latin meaning “out of many, one” and “one from many” (E Pluribus Unum is Latin for "out of many, one." Sometimes it is translated more loosely as "one from many." E Pluribus Unum refers to the fact that the United States was formed as a cohesive single nation as the result of the thirteen smaller colonies joining together. The motto E Pluribus Unum was first proposed by the U.S. Continental Congress in 1782, for use on the Great Seal of the United States. The immediate inspiration for the use of this term is generally believed to be Gentlemen's Magazine, which was an important men's magazine published in England beginning in the early 18th century. It was a very influential magazine among the intellectual elite. Every year, Gentlemen's Magazine would do a special issue, comprised of the best of the year's articles, and the Latin term "E Pluribus Unum" appeared on the title page as a way of explaining that this issue of the magazine became "one issue from many previous issues." 6. habeas corpus – Latin for “You have the body”; A writ (court order) that commands an individual or a government official who has restrained another to produce the prisoner at a designated time and place so that the court can determine the legality of custody and decide whether to order the prisoner's release. 7. nemesis –– Latin and plural is nemeses; something that a person cannot conquer, achieve, etc.; in mythology, the goddess Nemesis of divine retribution; an agent or act of retribution (noun) Example Questions 1. If cyte means cell, what is a hemocyte? 2. What does it mean to have hydrophobia?