Colorado Springs School District 11 Gifted and Talented Education Phone: 719-520-2464 Fax: 719-520-2386 District 11 Gifted Magnet Program (GMP) 2016 – 2017 Application Middle School Grades 6-8 Application window: January 6, 2016 – February 26, 2016 Gifted Magnet Program at Sabin Middle School Gifted Magnet Program at West Middle School 3605 N Carefree Cir, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 GMP Coordinator: Becky Marsh Phone: (719) 328-7075 email: 1920 W Pikes Peak Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Contact: Deb Shipley Phone: (719) 328-3989 email: Student Information Last Name First Name Preferred Nickname Street Address City Zip Code Current School School District Current Grade Level Sabin 2016-2017 GMP School Preference (circle one) Gender West Parent/Guardian Information Last Name First Name Phone Email Last Name First Name Phone Email Program Overview The District 11 Middle School Gifted Magnet Program is a full-day, self-contained program for gifted students in grades 6-8. The Middle School Gifted Magnet Program philosophy focuses on educating the whole child through comprehensive curriculum centered on year-long themes, instruction in the Autonomous Learner Model, experiential learning and a wide variety of exploratory classes and academic competitions. Gifted Magnet Program curriculum is interdisciplinary and built upon concepts of discovery, change and conflict. Curriculum is relevant and rigorous, exceeds state content standards and encourages critical and complex thinking skills. Differentiated instruction ensures that students meet high expectations and have opportunity for content acceleration. Teachers facilitate students’ learning through creative, engaging and specific instruction with program flexibility. Students are encouraged to explore individual interests and passions. Unique experiential learning opportunities are provided through activities such as field trips, team building, guest speakers and mock trials and debates. Other exploratory opportunities are available through athletic teams, intramurals, clubs and competitions such as Battle of the Books, Drama Club, Knowledge Master Open, Future Problem Solving, Science Fair, Science Olympiad, Math Counts, History Day, Lego League, Geography Bee, MESA and Solar Energy Challenge. Student visits and shadowing: January 19 – February 19, 2016 (Please contact GMP Coordinator for an appointment) Admissions are rolling -- completed applications are reviewed upon receipt and Parents/Guardians are notified of placement. GMP accepted students will receive District 11 Choice permits and guaranteed space at the school in which they are accepted. Parents: Please complete pages 1 - 2 and submit to the appropriate GMP Coordinator (listed above). Students: Please complete page 3. School personnel: Please complete pages 4-5 and submit to GMP Coordinator (Sabin or West). Colorado Springs School District 11 Gifted and Talented Department Phone: 520-2464 Fax: 520-2386 Student’s Name ___________________________________ School Preference: Sabin West Philosophy: The Gifted Magnet Program (GMP) exists to help intellectually gifted children develop their capacity to think critically and creatively and contribute productively in a contemporary world. The curriculum fosters students’ ability to communicate thought effectively while mastering all skills associated with Colorado state standards. GMP teachers are also committed to the development of the whole child as they work with students on establishing a balanced sense of self and others. Highly able children need opportunities to work on their own and with other students. Therefore, GMP teachers use teaching strategies in the classroom that encourage children to recognize and use their abilities independently and in collaboration with teachers and other students. With this background, GMP students acquire and sustain life skills critical to productive and responsible citizenship. GMP students absorb information rapidly and are capable of a level of inquiry and analysis beyond the average. They benefit from a curriculum that focuses on substantive knowledge, complex processes, and sophisticated products. The curriculum compacts basic skills, where possible, in students’ strength areas while exposing all students to a greater depth and breadth of knowledge and experience. EXPECTATIONS For Students: Maintain grades of a “C” or higher in core classes Do all assignments and projects Take the initiative to ask for extra help when necessary Check Student Connect several times each week Bring all materials to class For Parents: Inform teachers of any situation which may impact student learning Assist students with organization of materials and due dates Provide outside assistance with class work if student is having difficulty Check Parent Connect (Q) on a regular (weekly) basis. For Teachers: Provide help sessions Inform parents of inadequate student progress or behavior concerns Update Parent/Student Connect weekly Provide learning experiences that challenge students to grow Provide binder checks and opportunities to assist students with organization Celebrate student successes Parent: I am aware that the Gifted Magnet Program is academically rigorous. I will support my child so that he/she can be successful academically and contribute to a positive learning environment. ___________________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________ Date __________________________________ Student Signature ___________________________ Date Page 2 Student: I am aware that the Gifted Magnet Program is academically rigorous. I am committed to working hard in all subject areas and to making positive contributions in the learning environment. Colorado Springs School District 11 Gifted and Talented Department Phone: 520-2464 Fax: 520-2386 Student’s Name ___________________________________ School Preference: Sabin West Student Reflection A. I am an intense learner. I demonstrate this when I… / My passion areas are: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ B. I am an analytical thinker. I demonstrate this when I: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ C. I am a creative producer. Creative, productive thinking is demonstrated through: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ D. I am highly motivated academically. Motivation is demonstrated through: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ E. My hobbies/interests/extracurricular activities are: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Colorado Springs School District 11 Gifted and Talented Department Phone: 520-2464 Fax: 520-2386 Student’s Name ___________________________________ School Preference: Sabin West Test & Performance Information (To be completed by Gifted Resource Teacher, School Counselor, or School Psychologist) School Personnel Information Name Position Title Phone Email School Name School District How long have you known this student and in what capacity? _____________________________________ ACHIEVEMENT TEST SCORES Most current administration and/or highest score during the 2015-2016 school year (Fall/Winter) MAP PARCC Date: Other: ________________ Date: Math Language Reading Other (i.e. Vocabulary) Date %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile ABILITY TEST SCORES Date administered Test Verbal CogAT K-BIT Naglieri TOMAGS Other Nonverbal %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile Quantitative %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile %ile Area(s) of Identification: ___________________________________ Active Services: (Please indicate the date of last review of services) ☐ ALP ☐ 504 ☐IEP ☐ELL Date of last review: _____________ Recommendation: ☐Highly Recommend ☐Recommend ☐Recommend with reservation ☐Do not recommend Please explain your recommendation: _____________________________________________________________ Please submit forms to one of the following sites: Becky Marsh, Gifted Magnet Program, Sabin Middle School, 3605 N Carefree Circle, Co Springs, CO 80917 Deb Shipley, Gifted Magnet Program, West Middle School, 1920 W Pikes Peak Ave, Co Springs, CO 80904 Page 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Colorado Springs School District 11 Gifted and Talented Department Phone: 520-2464 Fax: 520-2386 Student’s Name ___________________________________ School Preference: Sabin West Classroom Teacher Recommendation Classroom Teacher Information Name Grade Level School Name How long have you known this student and in what capacity? Phone Email School District _____________________________________ The District 11 Gifted Magnet Program is academically accelerated and project-based. Success is dependent upon internal motivation and a strong work ethic. Given these parameters and your observations, how likely do you think this child is to succeed and why? Please discuss both work ethic and intensity (responses are confidential). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 Please submit forms to one of the following sites: Becky Marsh, Gifted Magnet Program, Sabin Middle School, 3605 N Carefree Circle, Co Springs, CO 80917 Deb Shipley, Gifted Magnet Program, West Middle School, 1920 W Pikes Peak Ave, Co Springs, CO 80904