Chapters 2 & 3 Quiz Review

Chapters 2 & 3 Quiz Review
Multiple Choice (Woll)
Roche – How does he describe the founding fathers? (They were what type of politicians?)
Beard – How does Beard see the separation of powers in the Constitution? (They are a device to do what?)
Madison – What are the central themes of James Madison in numbers 47, 48, and 51 of The Federalist, which branch of
government does he think is the most powerful & how does he say the separation of powers can be maintained?
Multiple Choice (Wilson & Dilulio)
1. What is the nature of the Declaration of Independence, specifically?
2. What was the nature of the Constitutional Convention? Know all the plans & compromises.
3. How does the text describe both Federalists & Anti-Federalists?
4. What was the nature of the Bill of Rights and why was it needed? Know the 1st Amendment specifically.
5. How do most historians view Beard’s economic interpretation of the Constitution?
6. Know what Madison said in The Federalist numbers 10, 45 & 46, according to the text.
7. Know the terms line-item veto, devolution, nullification, initiative, referendum & recall?
8. What are the arguments for reducing the separation of powers? How have most amendments been ratified?
9. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
10. How did the Founders view federalism? What is the doctrine of dual federalism & how did it first develop?
11. Be familiar with McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), U. S. v. Lopez (1995) & U. S v. Morrison (2000).
12. What can states do with their police powers? How does a unitary system differ from a federal one?
13. What are some effects of federalism in the United States? Know all about mandates & grants.
Chapters 2 & 3 Quiz Review
Multiple Choice (Woll)
Roche – How does he describe the founding fathers? (They were what type of politicians?)
Beard – How does Beard see the separation of powers in the Constitution? (They are a device to do what?)
Madison – What are the central themes of James Madison in numbers 47, 48, and 51 of The Federalist, which branch of
government does he think is the most powerful & how does he say the separation of powers can be maintained?
Multiple Choice (Wilson & Dilulio)
1. What is the nature of the Declaration of Independence, specifically?
2. What was the nature of the Constitutional Convention? Know all the plans & compromises.
3. How does the text describe both Federalists & Anti-Federalists?
4. What was the nature of the Bill of Rights and why was it needed? Know the 1st Amendment specifically.
5. How do most historians view Beard’s economic interpretation of the Constitution?
6. Know what Madison said in The Federalist numbers 10, 45 & 46, according to the text.
7. Know the terms line-item veto, devolution, nullification, initiative, referendum & recall?
8. What are the arguments for reducing the separation of powers? How have most amendments been ratified?
9. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
10. How did the Founders view federalism? What is the doctrine of dual federalism & how did it first develop?
11. Be familiar with McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), U. S. v. Lopez (1995) & U. S v. Morrison (2000).
12. What can states do with their police powers? How does a unitary system differ from a federal one?
13. What are some effects of federalism in the United States? Know all about mandates & grants.