SJSU Annual Program Assessment Form Academic Year 2014-2015 Department: Geography and Global Studies Program: Geography, BA; Geography, MA College: Social Sciences Website: _ Check here if your website addresses the University Learning Goals. <If so, please provide the link.> Program Accreditation (if any): N/A Contact Person and Email: Kathryn Davis, Date of Report: June 1, 2015 Part A 1. List of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) PLOs for the MA degree have not changed. We are in the process of working with Environmental Studies to transition our master’s program into a joint MA in Geography and Environmental Studies. Our Program Review was submitted in March 2015. Although we developed new PLOs for the BA degree as part of that process, they will not be used for assessment until 2015-16. However, the new PLOs are listed here. a. Demonstrate understanding of and ability to analyze spatial relationships. b. Demonstrate understanding of, and ability to analyze and critique human-environment interactions. c. Define and use basic geography tools and techniques. d. Demonstrate ability to analyze and compare/contrast global regions. e. Demonstrate ability to read and understand research literature and engage in productive research activities. f. Demonstrate professional communication skills. 2. Map of PLOs to University Learning Goals (ULGs) Demonstrate understanding of and ability to analyze spatial relationships. Demonstrate understanding of and ability to analyze and critique human and environment interactions. Define and use basic geography tools and techniques. Demonstrate ability to analyze and compare/contrast global regions. Demonstrate ability to read and understand research literature and engage in productive research activities. X X X X Social and Global Responsibilities Applied Knowledge X X X X X Intellectual Skills Specialized Knowledge Broad Integrative Knowledge PLO TO ULO MATRIX X X X X X X X X Demonstrate professional communication skills. New PLOs and the PLO to ULO Matrix were developed as part of the Program Review we are currently undergoing. The Review document was submitted in March 2015 and we anticipate the external review in Fall 2015. 001 010 012 100W 105 115 117 120 121 123 124 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 168 170 I I I I I I I I I R R R E R E E R E R R R R R R R R E R E E E E E E E E R R R R R R R R R R R R R E E R E E R R R R R R R E I I R E E R E R R R R R R R R I I I E R R E E R R R R E R R R R R R R Demonstrate professional communication skills Demonstrate understanding of research literature and engage in productive research activities Synthesize information, analyze, and compare/contract global regions Define and use basic geography tools and techniques Analyze and critique human and environment interactions Demonstrate understanding of an ability to analyze spatial relationships 3. Alignment – Matrix of PLOs to Courses PLO TO COURSE MATRIX I I I E R R R R R R R R R E R R R R R R R E 171 172 173 175 178 181 182 186 187 195 199 E E E E E E E R R E R E E E R E E E E E E E E R E R E E E E E E R R R R E E E E E E E R R R R I=introduced, R=reinforced, E=emphasized 4. Planning – Assessment Schedule No change from the 2013-14 report. 5. Student Experience The new BA PLOs are located on the department website. ULGs are not currently on our website. We will locate them on the department website prior to the beginning of Fall 2015. Student feedback was considered in the creation of the new PLOs. Part B 6. Graduation Rates for Total, Non URM and URM students (per program and degree) Geography had no first time Freshmen graduate from the Fall 2008 cohort. This is not surprising as most of our students come to us as transfer students or as students changing from another major at SJSU. We rarely have first time Freshman enter as Geography majors. The Fall 2011 cohort shows a 3-year graduation rate of 66.7%. None were URM students. Our rate is slightly below the College rate and above the University rate. The first time graduate cohort size was 5 students, 1 of which was a URM student. None of them graduated in 3 years. Most of our graduate students work fulltime and are earning an MA degree in order to further already established careers. They generally take longer to graduate because of working full-time jobs. 7. Headcounts of program majors and new students (per program and degree) The headcount of program majors shows that we received 2 first time Freshman admits in Fall 2014 and 3 first graduate student admits. We also received 9 new transfer students for a total of 11 new BA students. This added to the 16 continuing and 1 returning transfer student gave us a total of 38 students in the BA program. The new grad students added to the 7 continuing students puts the headcount in the MA program at 10 8. SFR and average section size (per program) Our SFR in lower division courses at 36 is higher than the University SFR (31) although slightly lower than the College SFR (40). SFR in upper division courses at 20.1 is slightly smaller than the College (26.8) and University (25.5) SFR. The section size for lower division courses, 38, is smaller than the College (41.8) but slightly larger than the University (35.6). This is probably due to the fact that we offer several sections of Core GE courses, which are usually well populated. The upper division and graduate headcount per section are both significantly smaller than either the College or University. This is due to the small size of the Geography program and we anticipate increasing the number of majors with the changes outlined in our recent program and 5-year plan. Most Geography programs in the CSU are small and many of them have merged with other departments – this is an avenue we are currently exploring with Environmental Studies. In graduate sections, our SFR is 10.6 which is slightly lower than the College (12.2) and significantly lower than the University (20.8). We anticipate this rate increasing to slightly above the College SFR once the MA degree is reconfigured as the joint degree program with Environmental Studies as this will increase the total number of MA students in the program. 9. Percentage of tenured/tenure-track instructional faculty (per department) The program FTEF (Geography and Global Studies combined) is 3.1 tenured/tenure-track and 1.6 non-tenure track for a total of 4.7. This will decrease because of the 2015 retirement of one of our tenured faculty. The percentage of FTEF is 66% (T/TT) and 34% non-tenure track. The percentage for tenured/tenure track is higher than either the College (44.9%) or the University (42.8%). The percentage of not tenure-track is significantly lower than the College (55.1%) or University (57.2%). Part C 10. Closing the Loop/Recommended Actions As stated above, the Geography department submitted the Program Plan in March 2015. This was the first plan completed since Spring 2002. As we move through the remainder of the planning process, we are actively working on making changes to strengthen the program and improve our student’s experience. Last year we considered developing our MA program into a Professional MS in GIS degree that would be completed in 18 months. We do not have the required resources to make that kind of transformation. We are, instead, working with Environmental Studies to develop a plan to convert our MA program into a joint MA with Environmental Studies. 11. Assessment Data There is no change in our assessment instrument. We use e-Portfolios, student surveys, and a reflection essay assignment. This is the first semester we were able to assess students on the new PLOs, however, the sample size was too small to really be significant. There were only 4 geography students in the senior seminar this spring and that is where the e-Portfolios and other assessment instruments are used. There was also some confusion over what artifacts belonged in the ePortfolios due to changes in the format and the new PLOs. This will be corrected before the next assessment report is due. 12. Analysis We will be better able in the next assessment report to evaluate where we are as a program. As stated above the review that we just submitted was the first since spring 2002. Two review cycles had been skipped by previous chairs. We will discuss the plan and how to implement changes over the next academic year using feedback from the planning committee and external reviewer – both of which should happen in fall. 13. Proposed changes and goals (if any) This semester we voted on whether to develop a proposal to join with Environmental Studies. They also voted on the same question and the result was positive in both departments. We will begin this process with a joint faculty retreat in summer, which we anticipate will culminate in a framework for writing the proposal. Our goal is to have a proposal finished and approved by faculty vote by midFall 2015. This would have a significant impact on future plans.