BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF THE BLUEGRASS APPROVED CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY November 21, 1988 Access to Confidential Records In order for BB/BS of the Bluegrass to provide a responsible and professional service to clients, it is necessary for volunteers, clients and parents or guardians of clients to be asked to divulge extensive personal information about themselves and their families. The agency respects the confidentiality of client and volunteer records and, with the exception of situations listed below, shares information about clients and volunteers only among the agency professional staff. The right to confidentiality applies not only to written records, but also to video, film, pictures or use of client or volunteer’s name in agency publications. All records are considered the property of the agency and not the agency workers or clients or volunteers themselves. In order to provide a service, which is in the best interest of the children served by the program, information from outside sources, including confidential references must be assessed along with information gained from the clients or volunteers themselves. Records are not available for review by the clients or volunteers. Clients and volunteers shall be provided, at the time of application, a copy for review, of this statement on confidentiality along with the exceptions, which define the limits of confidentiality. Clients and volunteers shall sign a statement that he/she has read and understands the agency po9licy on confidentiality and agrees to program participation under the guidelines it sets forth. Agency staff and students accepted for placement will also be required to sign the agency confidentiality policy. Active records are kept in each worker’s locked office. Each Case Manager is responsible for their assigned files taken out of the office. Closed files are stored in a locked room supervised by the Office Manager. Client and matched volunteer records will be destroyed after the child reaches his 20th birthday. Volunteers will be informed at closure that eligibility requirements must be met again after a 6-month lapse in the program. A summary of identifying information will be kept on closed volunteers for statistical purposes. Limits of Confidentiality 1. Information will be released to other individuals or organizations only upon presentation of an authorized “consent to release information” form appropriately signed by the client or volunteer. 2. Identifying information regarding clients and volunteers may be used in agency publications or promotional materials if the client or volunteer has given permission. 3. For purposes of program evaluation, audit, or accreditation, and with the prior approval of the Board of Directors, certain outside bodies such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of America may have access to client and volunteer records. These outside organizations shall be required to respect the agency policy on confidentiality. Outside parties shall be required to use information only for the purpose(s) stated in the approval action of the Board of Directors. Known violations of agency confidentiality policy will be reported to the supervisor of the individual involved and appropriate disciplinary action shall be requested. Document1 Confidentiality Policy November 21, 1988 Page 2 4. Members of the Board of Directors have access to client files only upon authorization by formal motion of the Board of Directors. The motion shall state who shall be authorized to review records, the specific purpose for such review and the period of times during which access shall be granted. Members shall be required to comply with the agency policies on confidentiality and may use the information only for purposes stated by thee approved action of the Board of Directors. Known violations shall be reported to the Board President. A violation of the agency’s confidentiality policy by a Board Member shall constitute adequate cause for removal from office. 5. Agency staff members are required to follow the agency confidentiality policy. A know violation would result in disciplinary action as follows: The first violation would result in a verbal reprimand; a second incident would receive a written warning and; a subsequent violation would result in termination of employment. 6. Information shall only be provided to law enforcement officials of the courts pursuant to a valid and enforceable subpoena or by order of a court of appropriate jurisdiction. 7. Information shall be provided to an agency’s legal counsel in the even of litigation or potential litigation involving the agency. Such information is considered confidential. 8. Information about the potential volunteer to be shared with the client and parent will include the volunteers’ age, sex, race, religion, interests and hobbies, marriage and family status, living situation, reasons for involvement and a summary of why the volunteer was chosen for the client. This information will be shared, when possible, in person, otherwise, it will be communicated by telephone. 9. Information about the potential LB or LS to be shared with the volunteer will include the child’s age, race, sex, religion, interests and hobbies, family and living situation, summary of needs, expectations for match participation and anticipated problems the volunteer may encounter. 10. State law mandates that suspected child abuse are reported to the appropriate authorities (Cabinet for Human Resources). All workers are responsible for staying abreast of such reporting requirements of their respective jurisdiction and shall always comply with mandated procedures. 11. If an agency worker receives information indicating that a client or volunteer may be dangerous to himself or herself or to others, necessary steps may be taken to protect the appropriate party. This may include a medical referral or a report to the local law enforcement authorities. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT, PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH 8 OR PARAGRAPH 9, SOME INFORMATION, INCLUDING OPINIONS OF THE SOCIAL WORKER, MAY BE SHARED WITH PARENTS OF A POTENTIAL LITTLE BROTHER OR A LITTLE SISTER OR A POTENTIAL VOLUNTEER. I HEREBY GIVE MY AUTHORIZATION FOR SUCH LIMITED RELEASE AND USE OF INFORMATION THAT MAY OTHER WISE BE DEEMED CONFIDENTIAL PURSUANT TO THE POLICIES CONTAINED HEREIN AND I RELEASE AND WAIVE ANY LIABILITY AGAINST THE ORGANIZATION, THE SOCIAL WORKERS EMPLOYED BY THE ORGANIZATION AND THE BOARD OF Document1 Confidentiality Policy November 21, 1988 Page 3 DIRECTORS OF SAID ORGANIZATION, OR ANY OTHER SOURCE OF THAT INFORMATION BASED UPON THE RELEASE OF ANY SUCH INFORMATION. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WHICH STATES THE AGENCY POLICY WITH RESPECT TO CONFIDENTIALITY OF CLIENT AND VOLUNTEER RECORDS. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE CONDITIONS IT SETS FORTH. __________________________________ Name Document1 ______________________ Date