Chemistry Issues In-The-News Data Sheet

Chemistry Issues In-The-News Data Sheet
Name: Paul Yonga
CATEGORY: General science source
(Science journal, general science source, or general source)
Title of Article: Water’s Role in Martian Chemistry Becoming Clearer
General Topic: Finding earth like structures and water on Mars.
Source: Science News
Link to the Article:
Author: Ron Cowen
Issue Date: October 25th, 2008
Volume: 174 #9 (p. 13)
Page Number(s):
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS (minimum 1 paragraph [six sentences]) Explain the main points of the
NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander has found new evidence that liquid water was once
present in the North Polar Region and interacted with minerals there. During their experiment on
Mars they identified calcium carbonates and clays in the soil. These are both associated with the
presence of liquid water on Earth. They found that the soil had a stable, alkaline pH of 8.3 that
could not be easily altered. Both experiments they did reveal clay that are likely to be
phyllosilicates, which is common on earth. These sheet like structures of clay often have water
interspersed between layers. Winter is coming and Phoenix is going to have to exceed more
energy to keep from freezing. The craft has gotten much evidence that water does exist on Mars
but it is not expected to survive past November.
1. What did you learn from reading the article? (Minimum 3 sentences)
I learned that there is in fact water on the planet mars. I also learned that Mars and Earth
have much of the same kinds of structures. Layers of clay found on mars resemble much of the
land found on earth which is partly why scientist can conclude that water exists on Mars. I also
learned that in the past the polar region of Mars may have been tipped toward the sun that it
received much more sunlight than today. Since it received more sunlight water might have got
warm enough to be liquid.
2. How is this article related to chemistry? (Minimum 3 sentences)
This article relates to chemistry because the discovery of elements on Mars leads to new
ideas for scientists. With the discovery of calcium carbonate and perchlorate in the soil sample
on Mars there is enough new data to begin rewriting the book of Martian. Also with samples of
the same type of soil as earth has, scientist can conclude that there is in fact water on Mars. All
these elements that deal with chemistry help scientist make conclusions and new fascinating
3. Pick out two important points made by this article that you think other people should know
about. Why?
I think it is important for people to know the importance of finding water on Mars. With
this new discovery scientist can find out and experiment with newer bigger things. The presence
of liquid water would have created a climate that was once hospitable for life. Now that scientist
know that there once might have been life on Mars they can do more experiments to find out
exactly what kind of life actually lived there. Mars holds many surprises for scientist to
discover. Scientist are planning on discovering much more on Mars and they are not finished.
With these new discoveries, life on earth may never be the same.
It is also important to know that Mars and Earth have similar structures. Phoenix
discovered that much of the soil discovered on Mars is like soil on Earth. With the discovery of
much of the same types of soil, scientist can make conclusions that water really does exist on
Mars. Scientist discovered that their were clay structures on Mars that resembled structures on
Earth that held water, which helped me concluded that water really is present on Mars. Finding
evidence of liquid water on Mars is a big step for many scientists. They are planning to find
more evidence to make further discoveries and conclusions to move forward in science.