A historical-analog-based severe weather checklist for central New York and northeast Pennsylvania MICHAEL EVANS and RON MURPHY NOAA/National Weather Service, Binghamton, New York ABSTRACT This presentation shows an operational severe weather checklist developed at the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Binghamton, New York (WFO BGM). The checklist contains two sections; a traditional severe weather parameter data entry section, and a historical analog retrieval section. Parameters on the checklist are related to large-scale forcing, stability, wind shear and moisture. The analog retrieval portion of the checklist returns information on five historical events that are analogous to current conditions, based on data entered into the checklist. An example of the utility of the checklist is shown for a major severe weather event on 28 April, 2011, which featured numerous severe weather reports in the WFO BGM county warning area, including seven tornadoes. Results from a verification study on the similarity between observed events and corresponding analogs indicate that the system can help forecasters to anticipate convective mode, and discriminate between major and null events. 1. Introduction Previous research has demonstrated that a thorough assessment of the pre-storm environment is a critical step in the severe weather warning process (Weisman and Klemp 1984, Brooks et al. 1994, Lombardo and Colle 2010, Dial et al. 2010, Thompson et al. 2012). Severe weather checklists have been developed and utilized in operational forecasting in order to help forecasters to digest and organize large quantities of information related to this process. Forecaster experience and pattern recognition is another critical component in the severe weather forecasting process (Johns and Doswell 1992, Grumm and Hart 2001). Utilization of historical analogs can help forecasters with this aspect of forecasting. Recent applications developed to help forecasters by identifying appropriate historical analogs include Cooperative Institute for Precipitation Systems (CIPS) Analog Guidance (Gravelle et al. 2009) and the sounding analog retrieval system developed at the storm prediction center (Jewell 2010). Corresponding author address: Michael Evans, National Weather Service, 32 Dawes Drive, Johnson City, NY 13790. E-mail: michael.evans@noaa.gov This paper will demonstrate an application developed at the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Binghamton, NY (WFO BGM), which combines many of the attributes of a severe weather checklist with a historical analog retrieval system. Section 2 introduces the application by showing an example of how the system could be utilized for a potential severe weather event. Section 3 shows results from a verification study on output from the application, and Section 4 contains a summary and conclusion. 2. The checklist on 28 April, 2011 A severe weather outbreak occurred across the northern mid-Atlantic region during the early morning hours on 28 April, 2011 as a cold front tracked east from the Great Lakes toward the east coast (Fig. 1a). The 00 UTC 28 April Pittsburgh (KPIT) sounding indicated modest lapse rates and minimal convective available potential energy (CAPE) values across southwest Pennsylvania, however winds were quite strong, with 40 to 50 kt values indicated through a deep layer above 2000 ft (0.5 km, Fig. 1b). Model forecast soundings valid several hours later for northeast Pennsylvania and central New York (not shown) indicated that some destabilization would occur within this air mass as it was transported northeastward in the strong southwesterly flow, with mixedlayer CAPE values approaching 1000 Jkg-1. Winds were forecast to remain strong, with values exceeding 60 kt at and above 850 hPa. Figure 1. a) NCEP/HPC surface analysis at 0600 UTC on 28 April, 2011. b) Observed 0000 UTC 28 April, 2011, KPIT skew-T diagram. A completed severe weather checklist based on proximity soundings and the largescale forcing described in this section is shown on Fig. 2a. The key characteristics associated with this event were a progressive cold front with moderately large midtropospheric geopotential height falls, modest instability, and very strong winds with large shear and storm relative helicity values in the 0-1 km layer. The historical analogs associated with this case are shown in the table on Fig. 2b. Data for all potential analogs are contained in a locally-developed severe weather data base, containing representative parameters from 267 events that occurred from 1998-2013. Analogs are determined based on the degree of similarity between values entered into the checklist, and values stored in the historical data base. The first, or “best” analog shown on the table was 31 May 1998; a massive severe weather event which included 17 tornadoes in the BGM county warning area (CWA), or more tornadoes than any other event in the historical data base. In addition, the third analog was associated with multiple tornadoes. Given that only 13 percent of all of the events in the historical data base include tornadoes, the fact that the analogs for this case included cases with multiple tornadoes would be an indication that tornadoes would be an unusually large concern on 28 April. The convective mode associated with the analogs was mixture of isolated supercells and linear modes, indicating no strong preference for any specific evolution. Figure 2. a) A completed data entry portion of the checklist for the 28 April, 2011 severe weather event for northern Pennsylvania and southern New York. b) Output page from the analog retrieval portion of the checklist for the 28 April, 2011 severe weather event. The first five analogs are displayed in the table. A banner is also displayed indicating that the parameters in this case were favorable for tornadic supercells (based on local research). The end result was a widespread severe weather event on 28 April, including seven tornadoes. Several flash floods were also reported, despite the fact that no flash floods were indicated on the analogs. Tornadoes initially developed in association with isolated supercells over central New York; however the isolated cells were eventually overtaken by a line of convection, which was associated mainly with damaging straight-line winds and flash flooding (Fig. 3). Figure 3. a) Binghamton (KBGM) WSR-88D 0.5° reflectivity at 0708 UTC on 28 April, 2011. Each of the three annotated supercells produced a tornado at some point during the event. b) KBGM WSR-88D 0.5° reflectivity at 0836 UTC on 28 April, 2011. 4. Verification Results from a study to examine the performance of the historical analog retrieval portion of the BGM severe weather checklist are shown in this section. a. Methodology All 81 severe and convective flash flood events occurring in the WFO BGM CWA from 2011-August, 2013 were examined. For each case, data corresponding to the event were entered into the checklist, and the checklist was run to find associated historical analogs. Each case was associated with four historical analogs. Assessment of the quality of the analogs returned by the checklist was performed by comparing the convective mode of the tested cases with the convective mode of the corresponding analogs, and by comparing quantitative characteristics of the reports associated with the tested cases to quantitative characteristics of the reports associated with the analogs. Convective modes were determined by viewing radar animations of the test cases and analogs, and assigning each case as linear, isolated or multicellular. A tested event was considered to be a match with its corresponding analog if both the tested and analog events were categorized as linear, or both were categorized as isolated. A non-match occurred when an event categorized as “isolated” was paired with a solid or broken line. For all other types of pairings, the inherent difficulty associated with easily distinguishing between categories resulted in a non-definitive classification. b. Results Comparisons between the convective mode of the tested cases in the study vs. the mode of each case’s four corresponding analogs indicated 146 matches, 37 nonmatches, and 141 non-definitive comparisons. Similar ratios between matches vs. non-matches and non-definitive designations were found when only the top analog was tested. The observed number of severe reports for each of the 81 test cases vs. the average number of severe reports from each case’s four corresponding analogues is plotted in Fig. 4a. The cluster of data points in the lower left part of the graph indicates a large number of cases with a small number of severe reports associated with analogs that also had a small number of severe reports. Cases with a large number of severe reports were mostly associated with analogs containing a large number of severe reports. Correlations between the number of severe reports with the tested cases vs. the number of severe reports with their corresponding analogs are shown in Fig. 4b. Correlations were positive but rather modest for the best analog and the second best analog, higher for the average of the top two analogs, and highest for the average of all four analogs. All of the correlations were statistically significant at the 0.95 level. Figure 4. a) A scatter diagram showing the number of observed severe weather reports for each of 81 tested cases (x axis) vs. the average number of reports from the top four analogs for each case (y axis). b) The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient between the number of observed severe weather reports in the tested cases vs. the number of severe events in the top analog (correl analog 1), the second analog (correl analog 2), the average number of events in the first and second analogs (correl analog 1+2), and the average number of analogs in the top four analogs (correl analog all) for each event. For the purposes of this study, “major severe” events are defined as events occurring since 2011, with at least 30 severe reports. Eleven such events have occurred in the BGM CWA since the beginning of 2011, with a median number of 37 reports (Fig. 5a). The median number of reports returned from the four top analogs associated with those eleven events was 17.25 (Fig. 5a). By contrast, a “null” event is defined as an event with one or fewer severe reports. Twenty three such events are included in the severe weather data base since the beginning of 2011. The median number of reports returned from the corresponding four top analogs was 3.25 (Fig. 5a). The difference between the number of reports in the analogs associated with major events and the number of reports in the analogs associated with null events is statistically significant at the 0.95 level, using a Mann-WhitneyWilcoxon testing procedure (Gibbons, 1976). When the checklist returns historical analogs with large numbers of severe events, a user could interpret the result as an indication that the checklist is flagging the current event as being a potentially major event. For purposes of this study, a “checklist flagged major” event is defined as such an event, when the checklist returns analogs with an average of at least 15 severe reports. Twelve such events have occurred in the BGM CWA since the beginning of 2011, with a median of 19.63 reports per analog (Fig. 5b). Those events were associated with a median of 29 observed severe reports (Fig. 5b). By contrast, a “checklist flagged null” event is defined as an event when the checklist returns analogs with an average number of severe reports less than five. Thirty two such events have occurred in the BGM CWA since the beginning of 2011, with a median of 2.88 reports per analog (Fig. 5b). These events were associated with a median of 2 observed severe reports. The difference between the number of observed severe reports associated with the “checklist flagged major” events and the number of observed severe reports associated with the “checklist flagged null” events was significant at the 0.95 level, using a Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon testing procedure (Gibbons, 1976). Figure 5. a) The median of the number of observed severe reports in the 11 major severe events tested in the verification study (blue) and the median of the average number of reports from the corresponding analogs (red). Also, a comparison between the median of the number of observed severe reports from the 23 null events tested in the verification study (blue) and the median of the average number of reports from the corresponding analogs (red). b) The median of the number of observed severe reports in the 12 “checklist flagged major” severe events tested in the verification study (blue) and the median of the average number of reports from the corresponding analogs (red). Also, a comparison between the median of the number of observed severe reports from the 32 “checklist flagged null” severe events tested in the verification study (blue) and the median of the average number of reports from the corresponding analogs (red). 5. Summary This paper describes an operational severe weather checklist developed at WFO BGM. The checklist contains two sections; a traditional severe weather parameter data entry section and a historical analog retrieval section based on a comparison between values of parameters entered into the checklist in the data entry section, and corresponding values of the same parameters from a data base of historical severe weather events. Results from a verification study indicate that the convective mode of tested events was a match with the mode of their corresponding analogs much more often than a non-match, however in many cases the comparison was non-definitive. Statistically significant, positive correlations were found between the number of severe reports in the test cases and the number of severe reports in corresponding analogs. The highest correlation to the number of severe reports in the tested cases was found with the average number of reports from all four corresponding analogs, indicating the importance of considering results from multiple analogs when considering severe weather potential for an event. Results from the study also indicated that major events typically returned analogs with many more severe reports than null events, indicating that the checklist can help forecasters discriminate between major and null events. Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank the forecasters at WFO BGM who have been using and testing this application for the past few years. REFERENCES Brooks, H. E., C. A. Doswell III, and J. Cooper, 1994: On the environments of tornadic and non-tornadic mesocyclones. Wea. Forecasting, 10, 606-618. Gibbons, J.D., 1976: Nonparametric methods for quantitative analysis. American Sciences Press, 463 pp. Gravelle, C. M., C. E. Graves, J. P. Gagan, F. H. Glass, and M. S. 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