Progress Report on Review of Accounting and Finance Implementation of Findings and Recommendations 1. Governance, Leadership and Management Rec No. 1.1 Recommendation Responsibility Complete Departmental vision and planning matrix Engage with staff to determine future development opportunities HOD 1.4 Communication of strategy Exec Dean, HOD 1.6 1.7 Introduce new workload model Review professional staff structures and roles Exec Dean Faculty Manager, HOD 1.2 HOD Response and Status1 This is now incorporated into the Departmental Strategic / Operational Plan following the Strategic Planning exercise in 2010. All staff have met and discussed with HOD individually regarding their development opportunities. HOD has met each staff individually at least twice during 2010, and from 2011, HOD will be the PDR supervisor for all 60 staff, holding individual meetings. Regular Departmental email sent (weekly to fortnightly) and staff survey result indicates this as a welcoming change. Staff reported that they do HOD’s email even if they missed others’. Completed Admin roles have been reviewed and are undergoing structural changes. A halfday admin strategy/planning held in Sept 2010 and a tentative functional plan is being developed pending the Business Law amalgamation. There are also staff changes to allow for new blood. 2. Academic Program Rec No. 2.2 2.4 1 Recommendation Develop new finance programs, such as financial analysis (for CFA designation) Development of soft skill workshops for undergraduate programs Completed/Ongoing/Progress Report Responsibility Exec Dean, HOD, Finance Cluster AD (L&T), Faculty L&T Response and Status Done in conjunction with Faculty Realignment. Workshops for high achieving students implemented Some career workshops which emphasise soft skill. 2.5 2.6 Introduce orientation program Improve enrolment process Ctee, CME IO, CME Faculty Student Services Manager More to be implemented. MQ has appointed an Enrolment Manager (UEM) reporting to the Academic Registrar with the brief to review and improve all aspects of the enrolment process. The Faculty Student Administration Manager (FSAM) will be working closely with the UEM to ensure FBE’s issues are recognised. The FSAM is coordinating the enrolment advising sessions to ensure that all departments are represented in a ‘consolidates advising’ venue to facilitate the advising process for students. FBE will implement the centralisation of program advising into the FBE student centre (BESS). This will relieve departmental staff of the task of program advising and provide students with a single, consistent source of advice on all aspects of their programs and will eliminate the ‘bouncing student’ syndrome where students move from dept. to dept. to get advice on programs. The FSAM plans to develop a “Degree Builder” application to facilitate on-line program advising The FSAM plans to run a pilot program in 2011 to provide optional program advising so that students are not required to attend on campus to complete their enrolment i.e. it will be voluntary not compulsory. 3. Research Rec No. 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 Recommendation Responsibility Response and Status Improve research output and industry engagement through recruitment of professorial staff Develop research centre to attract research-oriented staff and improve output Incorporation of research grants into research active status Development of teaching fellowship program Improve mentoring of junior staff Exec Dean, HOD Recruited two level Es together with new HOD from 2010. Increased quality of research output together with PhD completions. Exec Dean, HOD, Professional Staff Exec Dean, AD (R) DVC (Provost), Exec Dean Exec Dean, HOD The International Governance and Performance Research Centre (IGAP) developed and has successfully obtained CPA Australia sponsorship at $75,000 per year for 3 yrs. Delayed – awaiting University distribution change Not progressed Apart from HOD being directly involved with junior staff as their PDR supervisor through recruitment of professorial staff 3.7 Increase the number of visiting academics HOD 3.8 Improve office accommodation for HDR students Faculty Mgr, AD (HDR) 3.9 Review restrictions on end of year rollover of staff research funds Exec Dean, AD (R) from early 2010, a teaching advisory program and a research mentoring program have been instituted from Semester 2, 2010. Further a series of communication workshop has been conducted in 2010 to help younger staff members in their roles. Successfully obtained the approval of 4 VISA applications for 4 international visitors in 2011. In 2010 there were 5 international visitors from Italy, Malaysia, Japan, the USA, and Scotland. The periods of visit ranged from 3 weeks to 6 months. Since moving to E4A the Faculty has been successful in converting one undergraduate PC lab to an HDR Lab. Two more such conversions are in progress or planned for 2011. This will add an additional 32 spaces for full time HDR students. The Faculty Research Incentive Scheme (RIS) is funded from the Operating Allocation and no part of the OA can be carried over to subsequent financial years. The RIS is being constantly reviewed to introduce flexibility so that staff is able to access funds as needed. 4. Alignment of academic, professional and student profile Rec No. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Recommendation Improve academic staffing profile through recruitment of more staff Implement service level agreement between Macquarie University North Ryde and SIBT and MCQ The University to improve communication with all faculties and solicit input into issues affecting academic programs Need to address high failure rates in some accounting units Responsibility HOD DVC (Provost), Exec Dean Response and Status This is an ongoing exercise. HOD devises strategy to take into account students’ needs, research capabilities and the direction of the Dept, staff who are completing or have completed PhDs, market conditions, mentoring needs, and other support. The Dept is unique in the sense that there were over 20 staff members who are in various stages of their PhDs (not uncommon in accounting departments). Not progressed in formal terms although classification of expectations and work attribution progressing through Advisory committee DVC (Provost) Exec Dean HOD Changes are still being implemented regarding program changes, policies and procedures in relation to student advising and student progress issues. There is still the need of ensuring that all policy and program changes are properly discussed and understood by staff and implementation is facilitated. Implementation and communication must be supported by a process of mutual input and review. AD (L&T), HOD, FSQC High failure rates have been and are still being addressed through clearer unit outlines, setting clearer expectations and the application of pedagogies that maintain student engagement. The standards of the units are reviewed (externally and internally) and a consistent grading process is implemented. Students’ performance has improved in some areas. However student performance is also impacted by other uncontrollable factors such as their initial entry standard. There are examples during student advising sessions in January 2011 that students with a GPA of 0.3 (or thereabout) asking for special approvals. Thus a lot of work still has to be done to improve standard s and quality of MQ graduates. 4.5 4.6 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 Diversify student population Improve English language and soft skills in overseas students Increase transfer requirement for SIBT students from 1.5 to 2.0 Greater interaction between international and local students Improve response time for student enquiries about marks and other requests for information Greater engagement by international students in tutorials IO, DVC (Provost) DVC (International & Development) IO, CME, BESS Peer assisted learning and conversation groups are continuing. Exec Dean, HOD, Faculty L&T Ctee IO, BESS Dept welcomes this. Continuous discussion with SIBT held to ensure consistency of standards of unit content and delivery. HOD, Unit Coordinators This has been improved with better communication channel and a system of unit co-ordination (with the roles of unit coordinators, deputy unit coordinators and teaching administrators better defined). IO, BESS, Faculty L&T Ctee Teaching Induction program (TIP) for all new staff – 150 staff completed in 2010 Other professional development to teach skills in student engagement poorly attended by accounting staff Further PD offered in 2011 – perhaps need incentives for staff to attend? The Student Experience Committee continues to be a place that international students can express their views. The student clubs, financially supported by the faculty, offer considerable opportunities for interaction between local and international students. The Student Experience Committee suggested a FBE Bash as a social event. We will consider this for 2011. 4.11 4.12 4.14 Engage students with low understanding of English in small group teaching situations to complement generic skill development Consideration of alternative funding mix between undergraduate and postgraduate enrolment Review pricing and increase fees on postgraduate programs to be in line with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and University of Sydney (USyd) IO, BESS, Faculty L&T Ctee Tutorial sizes now all 25. Staff did not attend professional development that could have improved their skills in teaching students from non-English speaking background. Further PD in teaching EAL students will be offered in 2011. DVC (Provost), Exec Dean, HOD New postgraduate programs are being developed and will replace some unsatisfactory postgraduate programs. VC, DVC (Provost), Exec Dean, Faculty Manager Completed 5. Scale, Scope and Quality of industry engagement Rec No. 5.1 5.2 Recommendation Responsibility Strengthen relationship with Deloitte and other industry partners through ARC Linkage grants Development of databases to capture external engagement relationships AD (R), Business Development Mgr, HOD Exec Dean, Faculty Marketing Mgr, Faculty Business Devt Mgr Response and Status Done; Deloitte and other industry partners have been actively involved in relevant departmental strategies. On-going 6. Future Development Opportunities Rec No. 6.1 Recommendation Payment of superannuable loadings Responsibility VC, DVC (Provost), Exec Response and Status Not progressed 6.2 6.4 6.6 Develop strategies to retain academic staff at all levels Introduction of staff induction program Consider capping enrolment intake which affects quality of teaching Dean Exec Dean, HOD Exec Dean, HOD VC, DVC (Provost), Exec Dean Clearer supportive mechanisms and consultative approach used. Done in consultation and with Faculty HR. No formal process feasible within current student management system environment