Nicole Schertell, ND, CCT Andrew Chevalier, ND New Patient Intake Form Personal Information________________________________________________________________________________ Today’s Date __________________ Name ___________________________________________________________Age _______ DOB:___________________ Phone: H (_____)______________________ W (_____)___________________ Cell (_____)_______________________ Preferred ______ Home ______ Work ______ Mobile Is it OK to leave messages? _____ yes _____no Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:______________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about our office? _____________________________________________________________________ If you were referred to us, who may we thank? ___________________________________________________________ Are you interested in receiving email notifications of classes and lectures? _____ yes _____ no Emergency Contact__________________________________________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________________________ Relationship: ________________________ Phone # H ( )___________________ W ( )__________________ Cell ( )_______________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Have you been to a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine before? _______ If yes, when? _____________________________ What were you being treated for? ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Were you satisfied with your care? _________ If not, please explain: _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ When was the last time you had medical care and for what reason? ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name & Phone # of PCP: ______________________________________________________________________________ What are your primary health concerns? List them in order of importance to you: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the primary expectation you have for your visit at our clinic today?_____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Health History______________________________________________________________________________________ Please list any known allergies (environmental, drug, food, animals, chemicals/perfumes): _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you take any of the following over-the-counter medications? Please check any that apply: ___Aspirin ___Ibuprofen or acetaminophen ___Antihistamine ___ Sleeping pills ___Laxatives ___Appetite Depressants ___Antacid ___Medicine to stay awake Please list any pharmaceutical and/or natural medications (including vitamins) that you are taking or have taken in the last year. Medication Dosage Which diagnostic studies have you had? Please indicate dates: Hospitalization _____________________________ Surgery ___________________________________ X-ray _____________________________________ MRI ______________________________________ Rectal Exam _______________________________ Electrocardiogram __________________________ Dates Reason for taking Endoscopy __________________________________ Colonoscopy _________________________________ Mammogram ________________________________ CT Scan _____________________________________ Bone Scan ___________________________________ Other _______________________________________ For the following conditions and symptoms, please indicate any that apply to you by marking a “C” for current or “P” for past: ___ Skin rash ___ Chronic pain ___ Difficulty breathing ___ Anemia ___ Fatigue ___ Chest pain ___ Easy bleeding or bruising ___ Weakness ___ Heart palpitations ___ Varicose veins or hemorrhoids ___ Dizziness or fainting ___ Atherosclerosis ___ Bone or joint disease ___ Numbness/tingling/paralysis ___ Gastrointestinal paralysis ___ Mood swings ___ Neurological disease ___ Heartburn ___ Anxiety or nervousness ___ Seizures ___ Gastritis or ulcers ___ Difficulty sleeping ___ Memory loss ___ Excessive thirst/hunger ___ Feel unsafe at home ___ Headaches ___ Hypoglycemia ___ Physical abuse ___ Head injury ___ Eating disorder ___ Frequent antibiotic use ___ Dental problems ___ Parasites ___ Frequent colds or flu ___ Cold sores ___ Liver disease ___ HIV or AIDS ___ Ear infections ___ Gallbladder disease ___ Lyme disease ___ Impaired hearing/vision ___ Kidney disease ___ Rheumatic Fever ___ Sinus problems ___ Problems with urination ___ Vaccinations ___ Thyroid problems ___ Sexual difficulties When are your symptoms worse? ___ Morning ___ Afternoon ___ At home ___ At work ___ Upon waking ___ Evening ___ Overnight ___ No pattern ___ Other: _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family History______________________________________________________________________________________ If you or anyone in your immediate family has had any of the following conditions, please indicate who was affected (self, mother, father, sister, brother, child): Cancer ______________________________________ Diabetes ______________________________________ Heart Disease ________________________________ Asthma, hay fever, rashes ________________________ Stroke ______________________________________ Osteoporosis __________________________________ High blood pressure ___________________________ Depression ____________________________________ Alcoholism or substance abuse __________________ Autoimmune disease ____________________________ Attempted suicide ____________________________ Other ________________________________________ For Men Only_______________________________________________________________________________________ Please check all that apply to you: ___ Prostate exam _____/_____/_____ ___ Abnormal discharge from penis ___ Regular self-testicular exam ___ Pain or lump in scrotum ___ Impaired fertility ___ Prostate problem ___ Sexual abuse ___ Sexually transmitted infection For Women Only____________________________________________________________________________________ Last menses _____/_____/_____ Please check all that apply to you: Last pap smear _____/_____/_____ ___ Hysterectomy _____/_____/_____ Age menses began ________ ___ Abnormal pap smear Number of pregnancies ________ ___ Breast pain/lump/nipple discharge Number of live births ________ ___ Sexual difficulties ___ Frequent vaginitis/chronic yeast infections If you are still having periods: ___ Abnormal vaginal discharge Average number of days of bleeding ________ ___ Endometriosis Average number of days in cycle ________ ___ Polycystic ovary syndrome Bleeding is: ___ Regular ___ Irregular ___ Sexually transmitted infection ___ Light ___ Medium ___ Heavy ___ Pelvic inflammatory disease Symptoms: ___ Bleeding between periods ___ Uterine fibroids ___ Mood swings ___ PMS ___ Impaired fertility ___ Painful menses ___ Breast tenderness ___ Sexual abuse ___ Regular self-breast exam If you are no longer having periods: ___ Sexually active ___ Hot flashes ___ Vaginal dryness ___ Use methods to prevent pregnancy and/or sexually ___ Dry skin ___ Changes in memory transmitted infections: ___ Spotting ___ Changes in libido Current: ______________________________________ ___ Facial hair ___ Changes in mood Past: _________________________________________ ___ Hair loss ___ Hormone replacement therapy ___ Incontinence ___ Urinary tract infections Lifestyle History_____________________________________________________________________________________ Please check any that apply to you and fill in corresponding details: ___ Exercise ______ hours per week Height _________________________________ Activities __________________________________________ Weight _________________________________ ___ Watch TV ______ hours per week Weight one year ago ______________________ ___ Tobacco use ______ packs per day Maximum weight ________________________ ___ Alcohol ______ drinks per day ______ per week When? _________________________________ ___ Recreational drug use Sleep __________ hours per night ___ Mercury amalgam fillings Is this enough? ___ yes ___ no ___ Employed outside the home # of Meals per day________________________ Occupation ____________________________________ Bowel movements per day _________________ Hours per week ________________________________ Dietary restrictions _______________________ Employer _____________________________________ _______________________________________ Do you enjoy your work? ___ yes ___ no Level of stress ___ Low ___ Average ___ High ___ Toxic exposure __________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Major life change in last year _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Nicole Schertell ND, CCT & Dr. Andy Chevalier HIPAA CONSENT FORM I give this practice/clinic my consent to use or disclose my protected health information to carry out my treatment, to obtain payment from insurance companies, and for health care operations like quality reviews. I have been informed that I may review the practice/clinic’s Notice of Privacy Practices (for a more complete description of uses and disclosures) before signing this consent. I understand that this practice/clinic has the right to change their privacy practices and that I may obtain any revised notices at the practice/clinic. I understand that I have the right to request a restriction of how my protected health information is used. However, I also understand that the practice/clinic is not required to agree to the request. If the practice/clinic agrees to my requested restriction, they must follow the restriction(s). I also understand that I may revoke this consent at any time, by making a request in writing, except for information already used or disclosed. Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________ Patient, parent or legal guardian If signed by patient representative, state relationship to patient: ________________________