Reaching Higher Reading Targets Y5

‘Reaching Higher’ Reading Targets
Band 5
Working within the Exceeding band
Begin at the bottom of the page.
My higher reading skills
I fluently and effortlessly read a wide range of texts, including modern
fiction, well-known texts from our literary heritage, books from other
cultures, myths, traditional stories, poetry, plays, non-fiction, reference
books and text books. I recommend books to other people, giving reasons
based on those texts.
I think carefully about my predictions, which shows that I have a deep
understanding of the text. I come up with good ideas.
I recognise and comment on the features and conventions of a wide range of
texts, including poetry, fiction and non-fiction.
I confidently recite challenging poems which I have learned by heart.
I explain what challenging words and phrases mean within the text.
I independently spot figurative language in texts, like simile, metaphor and
imagery; I know this means words and phrases which are not literal. I talk
about the effect it has on the reader, and discuss the author’s intentions.
I use a dictionary independently and regularly, to look up new words.
I find hidden meanings or hidden information in quite challenging texts,
without much help. For example, I discuss how a character’s feelings might
change and how I know this. I refer to the text to justify my opinion.
During discussion about texts, I often ask sensible, searching questions
which help me understand the text even better.
I sort out fact from opinion. I’m aware of times when it is difficult to
distinguish between the two.
I find, record and present information from non-fiction texts, including
reference books and text books. I explain how the structure (the way it is
organised) and language (the words chosen) make the meaning clear.
I summarise the main ideas across more than one paragraph of a text; I find
the key details which back up my ideas.
With little guidance, I read or recite texts aloud to an audience, using the
right tone and volume, and varying my expression.
I confidently join in discussion about books, expressing my opinion and
building on the ideas of other people by making new suggestions or
questioning them. I justify my viewpoint by using information from the text.
I explain what I’ve read and what I know, through debates or presentations.
I work out the meaning of new words by using my knowledge of root words
and affixes e.g. obedient/obedience. I know how the affix changes the
I read fluently and confidently, understanding as I read. When I come
across a challenging word, I use a variety of reading skills to help me.