EAGLE NEWS Imagine Lincoln PCS 4207 Norcross Road Temple Hills, MD 20748 (301) 808-5600 Principal Goddard’s Email daniell.goddard@pgcps.org Mission: ILPCS is to provide students with a worldclass learning opportunity by creating a caring learning environment, developing the intellect and morality of our students and preparing children for a life of leadership in a rapidly changing world. Vision: ILPCS is to develop world-class leaders for tomorrow. Mark your Calendar: 01/06 and 01/09Student Code of Conduct Assembly Refreshers (K-8) 01/12Imagine Lincoln Board Meeting @ 4:30pm 01/15PTO Meeting @ 6:00pm 01/19MLK Day: Schools and offices closed 01/23End of 2nd quarter 01/26Schools closed for Students , Grading for Teachers 01/30 JIF It Up activities and College and Spirit Wear Day (Cheer Performances for A/B Squad) 01/05 Elementary Basketball season has started!! (Gr. 4-6); Dates TBA Monthly Newsletter January 2015 From the Administration Team of Imagine Lincoln: The Administrative team at ILPCS would like to wish a Happy New Year to all of our students, parents and staff. This past year has been a year of change, welcomed increased expectations and academic growth and development for our students at ILPCS. We look forward to a successful 2015 for ALL!! Also, as always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the administration team and we will be more than happy to assist you. We truly appreciate your partnership in the education of your child. Please read and adhere to the following reminders: As we continue within the winter season, please remind your student to wear their coats, hats, gloves and scarves on a daily. In addition, students must be in complete uniform each day. Please ensure students are wearing their red uniform sweaters, as it gets chilly in the classrooms. Daily Dismissal for students is 3:10pm. Please ensure that your child is picked up on time. All students who are repeat late pick-up offenders will initially be provided warnings, and then students will be referred to our After Care program (Springboard) for a nominal fee. Parents are responsible for paying all After Care fees accumulated due to late pick-ups. With repeat non-compliance PG local authorities will be contacted. * Springboard rates and hours: AM daily rate $6.99 (6:30-8:15am) and PM daily rate $14.99 (3:106:30pm); annual registration fees will apply for each family Intervention Supports and Reminders RTI (Response to Intervention) consent forms are overdue for participating families and intervention teacher support to students and teachers is in progress. However, participating families will need to continue to supplement our intervention support at home with daily practice of foundation skills (i.e. flashcard reviews, participation in ARC (Advanced Reading Challenge for 3-8), A-Z Reading Challenge for K-2, and online academic support programming like Kahn Academy). Saturday School Updates Parents we are still looking for students to support our Saturday school intervention for students in grades K-8. All students who participate must pay the $50 tuition fee to absorb the cost for student participation. Next session: Saturday, January 24, and January 31, 2015 from 9-12pm. Seats are still available!! Please contact Mrs. Elkins or Mr. Johnson for additional questions or concerns. Character Corner The character trait for the month of December is responsibility. "Once a child has fulfilled the obligation that comes with responsibility, he or she gains a sense of satisfaction.... It's these positive feelings that help motivate the child to continue taking on responsibilities in the future." --Lawrence Balter, professor of Applied Psychology, New York University Performance Character Trait for January-May is curiosity. This character trait supports the focus to build literacy across the curriculum. “Curiosity: The Fuel of Development” by Dr. Bruce Perry on Scholastic.com Children are such curious creatures. They explore, question, and wonder, and by doing so, learn. From the moment of birth, likely even before, humans are drawn to new things. When we are curious about something new, we want to explore it. And while exploring we discover. Read the full article at: http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/bruceperry/curiosity.htm