Priority: Involved and engage parents and families who are supported through training and education opportunities. Location Asheville Recommendation All first-time parents receive early childhood development information and ongoing support promoting interactional styles that enhance brain development Individual Utilize information and support Parents create social network outlets for creating support groups Support friends and family and neighbors – let them know about resources Parents will attend and apply knowledge learned in parenting program Each individual aware of the importance of brain development will take the initiative to educate one person about the programs available and importance of brain development Community All new parents will receive child development information, a list of local child and family resources and parenting tools Parent reads materials provided If you need help, follow through by accessing local resources Engage in activities that are listed in the resources First-ime parents identified through a community resource (hospital, OB/GYN, etc.) Identify existing programs and identify gaps Ensure that all programs provide fidelity to model and maintain quality Utilize research-based model in place – Early #s, DAZ NPO/Government develop and offer family support programs that are research-based with measurable outcomes Transit authority/medic will provide promotion and info on infant brain development Community groups will identify local barriers to receiving services and provide a way to address the need Government Provide financial incentives to attend parenting class (coupons for diapers) Create an environment to encourage parent-to-parent support Provide easy access to services in a non-threatening environment Government departments to incent collaboration between agencies to develop support and programs NC State Legislature create policies that include financial incentives (tax credit/stipend) for those who complete family support program Provide financial support to researchbased programs across the state Community partners contribute materials for new moms packet Community groups take on responsibility of providing services, resources and programming to new parents Community & business partners work together to develop a community awareness campaign that can include workshops, Provide additional state funds and mandate a percentage of state funding towards implementing evidence-based family education and support programs to model fidelity Fund a community awareness campaign about child development and food parenting to enhance Page 1 of 3 Location Recommendation Individual Community Government vouchers for family night activities, forums, surveys and assessments, info fairs, activities for families, etc. to promote awareness of child development, parenting knowledge and family support Greenville Family education curriculum in NC Standard course of study Durham Provide a variety of networking opportunities for parents to share & support each other including mentoring, support groups and family nights Expand evidence-based education programs to reinforce parenting skills and collaborate with existing community systems Petition school board/superintendent/county commissioners/legislatures Public awareness (i.e., billboards, newspaper, social media, TV) Lobby; become advocates for funding Individuals may volunteer to become mentors Parents may join parent support groups Acknowledge parent leaders and successes Recruit participants Identify parent leaders in existing programs to promote benefits and lessen stigmas on families Recognize existing needs using positive parent coaching models Provide additional resources to parents to stay connected and informed Parents volunteer to mentor Parents request information about child families Community forums Create a network of agencies for resources Establish parent leadership groups Research best practices mentoring programs in curricula Train volunteers to be mentors Match mentors to mentees Support incentives for participation Provide funding through state legislature for local programs Physician referral to expand needed information for evidence-based parenting education Parent-to-parent match to establish a mentoring relationship Enhance collaboration with families, medical homes, and existing specialized resources Create awareness of agencies offering parenting programs by promoting through Advocate with the NC insurance lobbyists to support reimbursement of evidence-based parented education series of children birth to age 5 Advocate with the NC Division of Medical Assistance to reimburse for parenting education series for young children 0-5 Provide funding to create and/or Page 2 of 3 Location Recommendation Individual development and resources for parents from healthcare providers Parents advocate for parenting programs Parents have information and access to evidence-based programs for education Advocate and participate in evidencebased programs Teach and provide how to properly access existing programs Provide a core group/informative system, etc. that can access all programs in the county Community faith-based community, public schools and business community and other public/private agencies Work collaboratively with other community events to offer parenting classes/information Establish family resource centers Public and private agencies will collaborate to provide training for service providers in evidence-based education programs Public and private agencies will collaborate to transition existing community programs to evidence-based programs Strengthen parenting resource centers Strengthen pediatricians to utilize and refer to resources for 0-3 children Provide a “county resource guide” (printed/online; in Spanish) Government expand evidence-based parenting education programs Local government leaders will establish monthly meetings to encourage collaboration Local government leaders will provide incentives for agencies to adopt evidence-based programs Court ordered parenting treatment programs must be evidence-based Establish funding for expanded programs Augment Medicaid’s program for developmental screenings Ensure educators support, advocate and secure Smart Start funds for parenting and early education Page 3 of 3