SUSTAINABLE TOURSM IN THE WADDEN SEA WORLD HERITAGE DESTINATION ACTION PLAN 2014-17 Consultation Version June 2013 Sustainable Tourism in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination - Proposed Action Plan (June 2013) 2 Introduction The proposed action plan has been prepared by the trilateral Task Group Sustainable Tourism Strategy (TG-STS). It is based on the results of the regional stakeholder workshops in spring 2012 and the objectives of the joint strategy “Sustainable Tourism in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination.” The English version of the strategy for sustainable tourism is available at: Dutch: Danish: The action plan entails activities and projects to be carried for the next 4-year period and beyond to implement the strategy. In many cases, the action plan builds upon existing or planned activities on regional or national level thus creating synergies and a consistent approach for the entire Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination. The stakeholders are invited to comment on the action plan in the framework of the national consultations and to cooperate in jointly implementing the projects. The plan gives on overview of the type of action, priority and costs estimation. It is work plan which will be evaluated annually and complemented if necessary. When implementing the activities, a detailed project plan has to be prepared taking into account what has already been achieved, defining the specific objectives, work planning, budget and responsibilities. The work has been carried in the framework of the PROWAD project “Protect and Prosper – Sustainable Tourism in the Wadden Sea” and co-financed by the Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme and the European Regional Development Fund. More information at Sustainable Tourism in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination - Proposed Action Plan (June 2013) 3 Proposed Action Plan (June 2013) (Costs: Low: below 15,000 Euro, Medium: 15,000 - 75,000 Euro, High: above 75,000 Euro) No. Strategies and Actions Priority When Costs Objective 1 Enhance understanding and appreciation of Wadden Sea World Heritage 1.0 1. Raise awareness and visibility of World Heritage amongst stakeholders of its benefits for conservation and sustainable tourism (create communication strategy and tools) 1.1 Preparation on information packages for various target groups (flyer, presentation, website) on existing and potential economic benefits of nature conservation. High 2014 Medium 1.2 Material for internal marketing (‘WH bible’): establish regular information flow to local entrepreneurs and tourist information (print and website) tailored to the needs of the stakeholders and their marketing activities (e.g. best practice and hands-on examples). High 2014 Medium 1.3 WH tool box for entrepreneurs (WH texts for various communication channels, photos, adverts, stories, WH product catalogue with prices, online catalogue with products) High 2014 Low 1.4 Establish a “Wadden Sea World Heritage Day” with common date, motto and activities. High 2014 Low 1.5 Establish further events for locals and visitors to communicate the world heritage and to create awareness for the OUV, e.g. art and culture in the world heritage region (such as the daily painting idea or the planned Wadden Summer for 2013) Medium 1.6 Continue story campaign in 2014 and improve the utilisation of results for marketing and communication. Medium 2014 Medium 1.7 Extend official WH website as a central hub for WH information of stakeholders High 2014 Medium 1.8 Offer talks on World Heritage for locals, regional clubs, etc. for consistent communication. Medium ongoing Low 1.9 Establish a regular forum for debates on the current activities in the region for touristic service providers and other multipliers. Medium ongoing Low High 2016 Low 1.10 2.0 Enhance the visibility of the Wadden Sea World Heritage by jointly developing a consistent set of eye-catchers e.g. World Heritage traffic signs not only for the highways but also for the coastal towns. 2. Provide stakeholders with the capacity and tools to manage tourism efficiently, responsibly and sustainably based on the local context and needs (qualification and training, best practice examples, education, information sharing, networking), Stakeholders involved Sustainable Tourism in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination - Proposed Action Plan (June 2013) 2.1 Developing of a joint concept for WH qualification and training for stakeholders to ensure a high quality and consistency of training throughout the entire World Heritage ( tailor-made training curriculum / training contents, specification of education needs, depending on the target group). 2.2 4 High 2015 High Provide sufficient resources to enable tourism stakeholder to participate in training and educational programmes. Medium 2015 Medium 2.3 Exchange information on existing training programmes and information events to be published on the World Heritage website. High 2014 Low 2.4 Development of tailor-made English courses for service providers for an active use of English language incl. communication and rhetoric training. Medium 2016 High 2.5 Training courses for education and upgrading of the local labour force to being qualified to meet the (new) job market. Medium 2016 Medium 2.6 Integrate nature conservation, sustainability in tourism and World Heritage in professional training of tourism sector (tourism studies at schools and universities, internal training). Medium 2016 3.0 3. Develop educational resources and to enhance pride and identification in relation to the Wadden Sea World Heritage (info centres, schools, universities, job training). 3.1 IWSS as coordinator of World Heritage education and to bundle existing programmes and activities on regional level. Continuation of existing successful cooperation with infor centers, education programmes, annual workshops, and integration of World Heritage. High 2013 Medium 3.2 Develop educational material in cooperation with info centres to provide multipliers and educational sector with adequate material about Wadden Sea World Heritage. Medium 2013 Medium 3.3 Integration of World Heritage into existing educational programmes on regional and national level (e.g. Junior Ranger, My Wadden Sea) Medium 2015 Low 3.4 Develop a concept for a cooperation with educational sector (kindergarten, schools, universities) and development of curricula with Wadden Sea themes. Medium 2016 Medium 3.5 Establish a Wadden Sea World Heritage Identity (pride and identification of stakeholders) and emotional access to World Heritage amongst children and adults, visitors and locals. High 2014 Medium Objective 2 Involving stakeholders in tourism management and product development 4.0 4. Prepare a tourism management and planning scheme for the entire World Heritage that is in line with the OUV of the property (visitor management and guidance, monitoring and assessment of tourism impacts on nature values, infrastructure and sustainable transport), 4.0 Tourism and Visitor management Sustainable Tourism in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination - Proposed Action Plan (June 2013) 4.1 4.2 4.3 Involve tourism sector in planning, implementation and communication of regional / local conservation / management projects to minimize/maintain low level of impacts from recreational activities on OUV. Setting up a consistent visitor management plan for the entire World Heritage defining visitor monitoring instruments (see 4.3) , visitor guidance and information (see 4.6, 4.7) to avoid/minimze impacts of tourism on OUV. Development of a monitoring and reporting system to assess impact of tourism on nature values and socio-economy (e.g. monitoring visitor numbers at hot-spots, info centres, sensitive areas, employment and income). 5 Medium ongoing Low Medium 2017 High High 2017 High 4.4 Harmonization of basic tourism indicator (no. visitors, overnight,) to assess and compare trends in tourism developments in the Wadden Sea regions (taking into account Eurostat developements) High 2017 Medium 4.5 Develop a code of conduct on tourism activities at a World Heritage Site for communication to tourism stakeholders and tourists. High 2015 Low 4.6 Consistent integration of World Heritage in existing Wadden Sea exhibitions and visitor information systems, and their improvement and further development. High 2017 Medium 4.7 Development of new visitor information system in cooperation with stakeholders to ensure a consistent approach for the entire Wadden Sea (use experiences from Germany) Medium 2017 High 4.8 Develop proposal for a WH wide visitor survey concept based on a PROWAD pilot survey in Germany in 2013. Medium 2014 Medium 4.9 Compile data for a bi-annual tourism barometer / quality monitor for tourism service providers. Medium 2017 Medium 4.10 Create local (long-term) development strategies for existing and new tourism facilities in the coastal zone and adjacent areas in order to contribute to optimize the tourism flows in relation to sensitive Wadden Sea locations Medium 2015 Medium 4.11 Sustainable Transport Medium 2014 Low High 2014 Low 4.11 4.12 Establish regional forums to coordinate and promote sustainable transport and improve public traffic infrastructure for tourism with the aim to improve access to the destination and to contribute to a climate friendly Wadden Sea (e.g. sustainable transport & mobility masterplan) Engage transport companies (ferries, trains, busses) in planning and management of sustainable transport to and within the World Heritage destination (e.g. Fahrtziel Natur, Urlauberbus) and to enhance guest satisfaction (e.g. as national park partners) 4.13 Provide, offer and promote (well-proced) travelling to and from destination by train (e.g. Fahrtziel Natur, RIT Tickets) combined with pick up/drop off service by accommodation High 2014 low 4.14 Enhance communication of existing public transport offers to tourism stakeholders and their guest. Share best practice examples from other regions. High 2014 Low Sustainable Tourism in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination - Proposed Action Plan (June 2013) 6 4.15 Develop and promote cross-border hiking and biking facilities along Wadden Sea coast (e.g. improve sign posts, develop theme routes, transport facilities to and in the area, integrate North Sea cycle route). Medium 2015 Medium 4.16 Develop a concept to improve the maritime infrastructure across the entire World Heritage site. Medium 2017 High 5.0 5. Provide a strong World Heritage brand as starting point for development of quality products, services and facilities (with common standards and quality schemes), 5.1 Prepare a description of the brand “Wadden Sea World Heritage” to ensure an understanding and a consistent use of brand by stakeholders. High 2013 Low 5.2 Develop a trilateral brand strategy how World Heritage can be applied by the stakeholders for marketing and communication (consistent use on websites) including a feasibility study for commercial use. High 2014 Medium 5.3 Update / amend existing guidelines for the usage of the WH logo by the stakeholders High 2013 Low 5.4 Development of a consistent approach for a Wadden Sea wide quality standards for the use of the World Heritage brand in tourism in accommodation, catering and regional products, public transportation and tour-operation, information and interpretation - based on equal high standards and taking into account existing quality labels and certification. High 2014 High 5.5 Enlarge the National Park Partnership initiative (promotion and information, new sectors), integration of World Heritage, and ensure a consistent approach in the entire WH. High 2014 Medium 5.6 Introduction of Public-Private Partnership schemes in the Wadden Sea on quality labels and certifications with a consistent approach in the entire World Heritage. High 2015 High 5.7 Compile a catalogue of sustainable tourism offers and regional products (based on common quality criteria) Medium 2015 Medium 5.8 Develop nature experience offers related to World Heritage themes and contents to enable visitors' "magic experience" considering balance between accessibility and vulnerability of places. High 2015 Medium 5.9 Develop and promote a programme for climate-friendly accommodations, gastronomy services and leisure activities within the destination. Medium 2016 Medium 5.10 Developing of an integrated service for visitors of the entire World Heritage, covering sustainable transport, accommodation, gastronomy products, information and interpretation (for example service packages) Medium 2017 High 6.0 6. Develop a sustainable "Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination" in transboundary cooperation as an added value of the World Heritage status 6.1 Investigate the feasibility of a “Wadden Sea World Heritage Tourism Destination” which contributes to World Heritage protection. High 2014 Medium Sustainable Tourism in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination - Proposed Action Plan (June 2013) 7 6.2 Develop and implement a concept for a “Wadden Sea World Heritage Tourism Destination” Medium 2015 High 6.3 Carry out joint market research (international/national) for the destination. Medium 2016 high Objective 3 Consistent communication and promotion of high quality tourism 7.0 7. Development of a joint marketing approach for the destination 7.1 Develop and implement a joint marketing strategy for products, services and facilities (including market research) High 2015 High 7.2 Joint marketing of existing sustainable products and offers which convey the OUV (concrete themes: bird watching, hiking tours, tidal flats) High 2014 Low 7.3 Develop a World Heritage internet portal with connection to bookable offers in cooperation with other distribution partners (online portals, tour operators, regional booking systems) Low 2017 medium 7.4 B2B marketing, promote WH offers towards tour operators and travel agencies Low 2015 Low 7.5 Cooperate with national tourist organization (e.g in Germany DZT) to integrate Wadden Sea WH themes in international marketing. High 2014 Low 8. Integration of World Heritage marketing in existing regional and national marketing activities 8.1 Integration of appropriate information about World Heritage and relevance for economic development in all existing communication channels of the stakeholders. High 2014 – 2015 Low 8.2 Integration of information about conservation issues and World Heritage in communication and marketing in a consistent approach High 2014 2015 Low 8.3 Quality monitoring of existing stakeholders' World Heritage communication and presentation and alignment with joint WH brand to ensure a consistent approach for the entire destination. High 2014 Low 9. Continuation of joint communication and information activities to raise profile and visibility of the Wadden Sea World Heritage (locally, nationally and international) 9.1 Develop and implement a WH information campaign in cooperation with stakeholders High 20142017 Medium 9.2 Develop and implement merchandising concept including business model (based on feasibility study by PROWAD in 2013) High 2014 Medium Sustainable Tourism in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination - Proposed Action Plan (June 2013) 8 9.3 Develop and implement concept of an Official WH Guide (App, website, brochure) in four languages. High 2014 Medium 9.4 Provide multilingual information on WH on websites of stakeholders High 2015 Low 9.5 Enhance cooperation with media on World Heritage regionally, nationally, and internationally High 214 Medium 9.6 Coordinate the use of new media and social media to enhance engagement and information about WH Medium 2014 Medium 9.7 Promote existing Wadden Sea events with link to the WH site at the common website / a joint event calendar in four languages. Medium 2014 Low 9.8 Development of local WH-flyers in order to strengthen a concrete local visibility and understanding of WH and identification with WH for touristic stakeholders and visitors (in progress 2013 by PROWAD) Medium 2014 Medium Objective 4 Derive benefits for Word Heritage and stakeholders 10.0 10. Increase engagement of stakeholders in trilateral and international activities on World Heritage 10.1 Participation and commitment of stakeholders in trilateral activities and programmes. High ongoing Low 10.2 Engagement in UNESCO World Heritage Marine Programme and Tourism Programme (e.g. international workshop on European WH sites, Tönning, 15 - 17 April 2013). High ongoing Low 10.3 Integration of trilateral and international activities in stakeholder communication. High ongoing Low 11.0 11. Promote WH and sustainable tourism as an instrument to maintain and enhance life quality of local communities and sustainable regional development 11.1 Integrate World Heritage and Wadden Sea Plan in relevant legislation and management plans on all governmental levels. High 2012 Medium 11.2 Investigate impact of World Heritage status on economy, society and culture in the Wadden Sea. Medium 2017 Medium 12.0 12. Providing financial revenues from high quality tourism for stakeholders as well as for the protection of the World Heritage Sustainable Tourism in the Wadden Sea World Heritage Destination - Proposed Action Plan (June 2013) 9 12.1 Investigate possibilities of donations/funding of nature and educational projects from tourism sector. Medium 2014 Medium 12.2 Investigate possibilities of (co)-funding of projects by tourism sector or visitors (see also Rebanks study). Medium 2014 Low 12.3 Investigate cooperation with companies in the regions as donators and multipliers. Medium 2015 High