Vaccine schedule

Cherry Hill Animal Clinic
211 Newburgh Road
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 326-6699
Welcome to Cherry Hill Animal Clinic
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW KITTEN!!! We’d like to help you take good care of
him/her. Your new kitten needs to be protected with a series of vaccines given every 3 weeks
starting at 8 weeks of age and ending around 17 weeks of age. He/She will be routinely dewormed for the most common intestinal worms and we will also check a stool sample for any
additional intestinal parasites. Your kitten’s growth and individual needs will be discussed at
these exams.
The doctors may modify this schedule to fit your kitten’s specific needs. Kittens need to be
healthy in order to get vaccinated.
1st Visit:
8-10 weeks old
Feline Upper Respiratory combination vaccine
The FVRCP contains: Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia
Fecal sample – bring a fresh (less than 12 hours old) stool sample to the
2nd Visit:
11-13 weeks old
Feline Upper Respiratory combination vaccine
Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FeLV/FIV) test
3rd Visit:
14-16 weeks old
Feline Upper Respiratory combination vaccine
Recheck fecal sample – bring a fresh stool sample to the appointment
Deworming if needed
6 months of age:
Spay or neuter and
Rabies vaccine