AP PHYSICS C (Mechanics) ANALYSIS OF HOOKE’S LAW ORBITAL MOTION DATA RUN SUMMARY ANALYSIS BY: ______________ RUN CONFIGURATION FLIGHT #___ RUN #___ LARGER MASS = _____kg SMALLER MASS = _____kg SPRING ID _____ UNSTRETCHED LENGTH = _____m TARGET ωo = _____RPM initial distance from axis = _____m initial distance from axis = _____m SPRING CONSTANT = _____N/m VIDEO FILENAME: AT THE MOMENT OF RELEASE... ACTUAL ωo = _____ RPM ACTUAL To = _____ sec COM is _____ m from the larger mass INITIAL LENGTH OF SPRING = _____ m CRITICAL RPM, ωc = _____ RPM. Since the ωo ωc , the masses, when first released, moved ___________. The initial KEtrans of the larger mass was _____ J, and the initial KEtrans of the smaller mass was _____ J. The initial elastic PE of the spring was _____ J. The initial moment of inertia was ___________, and initial angular momentum was _____________. AT THE MOMENT OF MINIMUM SEPARATION... SIMULATION OBSERVED % difference* distance of larger mass from COM distance of smaller mass from COM minimum separation of masses length of spring PEelastic KEtrans of larger mass KEtrans of smaller mass ω I L *Percentage difference of the simulation relative to the observed values. AT THE MOMENT OF MAXIMUM SEPARATION... SIMULATION OBSERVED % difference* distance of larger mass from COM distance of smaller mass from COM minimum separation of masses length of spring PEelastic KEtrans of larger mass KEtrans of smaller mass ω I L *Percentage difference of the simulation relative to the observed values. PASTE SIMULATION TRAJECTORY PLOT HERE PASTE VIDEO STILL IMAGE HERE, with points marked and axes shown, oriented as simulation trajectory plot is. PASTE SIMULATION ENERGY PLOT HERE PASTE TRACKER ENERGY KE of mass A PASTE TRACKER ENERGY KE of mass B AP PHYSICS C (Mechanics) LAB: Hooke’s Law Orbital Motion NAME:______________________________ Analysis Process 1. Go to the HLOM Data Archive (http://academic.greensboroday.org/~regesterj/data/rgo-HLOM/) and save the video of your assigned run to a folder on your computer. 2. Start Tracker, open the video, and determine the start frame (when the masses are released) and the end frame (when either of the masses hits a wall). Fill in that information in the Clip Settings dialog. Also fill in the frame rate (300 frames/sec) and the step size (5 frames). 3. Fill in the Run Configuration section of the Run Summary. 4. Set the coordinate axes, with the origin at the turntable axis and the x-axis parallel to the massspring-mass system at the moment of release. 5. Set the scale. The rotating apparatus is 0.507 m long. 6. Create a point mass. Rename the point mass appropriately: the 1 kg mass is A, 0.5 kg is B, 0.2 kg is C, and 0.1 kg is D. 7. Set the accurate mass in the mass box on the toolbar. The precise masses are 0.991 kg (A), 0.494 kg (B), 0.196 kg (C), and 0.094 kg (D). 8. Shift-click to mark the positions of the mass throughout the video. Yes, it’s tedious, but do it as carefully as you can. 9. Repeat steps 6-8 for the other mass. 10. Create a new “center of mass” track. 11. Set the track display so all the mass positions are marked, connected by lines, but without numbers. 12. DOCUMENT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CALCULATIONS... Watch the video just prior to the release of the masses. Determine how many frames it takes the apparatus to turn the last full or half turn, and use that information to calculate the initial period and initial angular velocity of the system. Fill in these result, as well as the other items in the At the Moment of Release section of the Run Summary. The “Critical RPM” is the angular velocity that results in circular motion. To calculate it, set the centripetal force equal to the spring force. 13. Set up the Excel spreadsheet numerical model sim4b.xlsm with the parameters of your run. Cut-n-paste (or screen snip) the trajectory plot from the simulation, and paste it into the indicated spot of the Run Summary. Do the same with the trajectory overlay of the video. Rotate the video frame so the x-axis points to the right. Paste the other indicated plots, from the numerical model as well as Tracker, into the Run Summary. 14. Fill in the Minimum Separation and Maximum Separation sections of the Run Summary. CLEARLY DOCUMENT ANY AND ALL CALCULATIONS. FOLLOWUP QUESTIONS 1. Do you think the numerical model did a good job predicting what actually happened? Discuss, including references to your qualitative impresions as well as specific numerical comparisons. DELETE THIS LINE & TYPE RESPONSE HERE 2. What happens to the angular velocity of the system as the masses come closer to each other? Explain why, using physics concepts. DELETE THIS LINE & TYPE RESPONSE HERE 3. What happens to the kinetic energy of the system as the masses come closer together? Explain why, using physics concepts. DELETE THIS LINE & TYPE RESPONSE HERE 4. Describe what happens to the center of mass of the system, and why? DELETE THIS LINE & TYPE RESPONSE HERE WHAT TO TURN IN... Print out this document, including your (typed) responses to the Followup Questions. Use a color printer so the video screenshots look good. Also include all your calculations. These can be handwritten, but must be neatly and logically arranged. Email me your TRK file, as well as this document. Your TRK file should be named FlightXRunY.trk (with X and Y being your flight and run numbers) and the Word doc should likewise be FlightXRunY.doc.