the most important legacy of ancient Greece.

Ancient Greece: Research Project
Your Task: From the list provided, you will choose a topic about Ancient Greece and conduct
research. You will need to prove to the class that your topic is the most important legacy of
ancient Greece. At the end of your research, you will have five requirements:
 A written paper (4-5 paragraphs) about your topic with proper in-text citation.
 A visual display of your topic via GoogleSlides, Prezi or Powtoon with proper citation. It
must be shared with Ms. Klaslo (
 Bibliography – A collection of all of your sources.
 Oral presentation – a 3-5 minute presentation of your topic to your class.
 Judging Evaluation – you will evaluate the other students’ projects during presentation.
Ancient Greece Topics:
From the list below, choose a topic that you believe is the most important legacy in ancient
Greece. You will be given several questions to guide your research. The answers to these
questions must be included in both your paper and your oral report.
Gods and Goddesses
Theater and Literature
Art and Architecture
City-states (Military/Government)
Conducting Your Research:
Along with the textbook, you can use any of the websites listed below. If you find
information from another source, you need to check with Ms. Klaslo to make sure that
your source is reliable.
You are also REQUIRED to use the Infobase Learning Database that you have used
previously in Social Studies.
Username: learningccs
Password: charter
Databases to access: Ancient and Medieval History Online
Great Empires of the Past Online
Taking Notes on Noodletools/Creating your Bibliography
Create a new project in Noodletools. Title it with whatever you choose as your topic.
Share your topic in Ms. Klaslo’s Dropbox: ________________________________
Create notecards about your topic. Each notecard should be linked to the source used for those notes.
Add sources in the “Bibliography” or “Works Cited” section of Noodletools.
Put your notecards into “piles” to make it easier. Piles should be made up of information about one topic of
your assignment (example: Characteristics of my god/goddess)
At the end of your research, make sure only the sources that you actively used for your written/visual/oral
reports are included in your bibliography.
Once you have gone through all of your sources, export your bibliography to a Google Document, title it as
“Last Name-Topic Bibliography” and share it with Ms. Klaslo. (Example: Klaslo-Greek Gods and Goddesses
Creating your Visual Presentation
Create the visual aspect of your presentation on either GoogleSlides, Prezi, or Powtoon.
It must be shared with Ms. Klaslo -
The visual presentation should include at least 5 images about your topic.
It should be creatively put together with animation, easy-to-read fonts and background colors, etc.
Words should be used sparingly – you should be saying your information in your oral report, not reading from
the visual.
At the end of your presentation, you must include a slide with any sources used for the images/information
Writing the Written Report
This project requires you to have a 4-5 paragraph report about how your topic is the most important legacy
in ancient Greece.
This report should be completed as a GoogleDoc and shared with Ms. Klaslo.
You must include in-text citation for all of your information and sources. Refer to the in-text citation guide
provided to you by Ms. Klaslo.
The written report should have your name, date and section at the top of your paper. Your title should be the
topic that you chose.
It should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt font, and double-spaced.
It should be proof-read for any grammatical and spelling errors.
Oral Report: Preparing, Giving and Judging
You are required to give a 3-5 minute report, proving how your topic is the most important legacy of ancient
Notecards are allowed, but you should not read directly from your visual presentation. Your visual
presentation should focus on visuals and captions.
Most of your information should be relayed to the audience through your oral report. Do not rely on the
visual presentation.
Speak clearly and at an appropriate pace for the audience to understand and follow your presentation.
You should address your audience, NOT the teacher.
You will be grouped with several other students when giving presentations. Within your group, judges will
decide who did the best job proving that their topic is the most important legacy of ancient Greece.
AS A JUDGE: You will be assigned a group of students that you are the judge for. You must listen to each
presentation, use your own background knowledge of the topic, and make an informed decision on who you
think did the best job proving that their topic was the most important legacy of ancient Greece. This
evaluation will be graded.