Entry Form - University of Kent

Big Ideas Competition 2016 - Entry Form
Only students registered at the University of Kent are eligible to participate in the Big Ideas
Competition. Students can submit entries individually or work in teams. Although there is no limit to
the size of the team only one student will be able to travel to the USA.
Business ideas may come from any sector, including social enterprises. More than one entry can be
submitted by a team or individual. You can seek advice and support from the HIVE team before and
throughout the application process, this includes business advice sessions.
Make sure you put these following dates in your diary:
Round One
Monday 18th
Big ideas Competition Opens Business advice sessions and feedback on the
business idea is available throughout the competition.
Thursday 28 April
Please email your complete entry form and pitch video to hive@kent.ac.uk
Entries must be received by midnight. All entries are confidential. All
participants are welcome to submit entries prior to Thursday 28th April to
receive feedback and an opportunity to resubmit.
Round Two
Friday 6th May 5pm Shortlisted entries will be emailed and invited to present their business idea
to a panel of judges.
Wednesday 11
Opportunity for shortlisted entries to prepare for the panel with a business
Wednesday 18th
Opportunity for shortlisted entries to prepare for the panel with a business
23rd-27th May
Shortlisted entries will present their ideas to a panel of business judges. In
the second stage of the competition, the top ideas from stage one will be
asked to present their ideas to a panel of judges for a maximum 15 minute
Monday 30 May
Winner notified
August 2016
The ‘Global Business Concept Challenge’ will take place in August, so the
winning student must be available and eligible to travel to the USA.
All entrants will receive 15 Employability Points per entry.
Win: - A trip to USA to represent the University of Kent in the 'Global Business Concept Challenge'
- all expenses paid for!
One winning team will be selected to represent the University of Kent in the prestigious 'Global
Business Concept Challenge' in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, during August 2016 with the chance to win
up to $25,000! In addition to taking home the VT KnowledgeWorks Challenge Trophy, the winning
team will be awarded a $25,000 cash prize! The top two runners-up will receive $5,000 cash awards.
The contest finals are part of a week-long celebration of student entrepreneurship.
Note: The team selected to travel the USA must ensure that a team member is eligible to travel to the USA.
The winning individual or team will also receive access to your own working space at HIVE, all rents
paid for one year, as well as having access to a business mentor from Santander Bank.
Application Form
The judges will be looking for you to demonstrate the following:
 Good understanding of the market for your idea and potential for profitability and high
 Products or services that will have a sustainable competitive advantage
 A viable plan for launching the idea and an individual or team that has the potential to
Please highlight as applicable:
Lead applicant
Individual Entry or
Team Entry
Team member 2
Team member 3
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
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Click to enter text.
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Click to enter text.
Click to enter text.
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Kent IT Login/Email
Telephone Number
Name of
Outline of Business Idea
The Pitch
Write a pitch which includes your business concept and the following points:
1) The product description (and the problem it solves).
2) The market for your product (who will buy it).
3) Your marketing strategy (how you will market it).
4) The ‘raise’ (how much financing you need, how you will get it and the expected return).
Click to enter text.
The Market
How big is the market for your product or service? Who is your target customer? How will you sell
your product or service to them?
Click to enter text.
The Product or Service
Describe your new product or service - how is it unique or different?
Click to enter text.
What competition exists for your new product or service? What gives your product or service an
Click to enter text.
Profit Potential
A brief description of your set up costs, prices, sales projections. How will you be able to supply
the product or service profitably?
Click to enter text.
Unique Selling Point (USP)
Why will the judges be convinced by your idea and enthusiasm – judges should hopefully read
your summary and think ‘why hasn’t someone thought of this before?’
Click to enter text.
International Market Place
Explain how your business concept has considered the challenges presented by the international
marketplace and the needs of intended consumers from cultures other than your own.
Click to enter text.
Elevator Pitch Video
Please include a link to a YouTube pitch video, or include a video attachment in your email
Click to enter text.
Please email your completed entry form to hive@kent.ac.uk by no later than midnight 28th April
Late entries will not be accepted.