Specifics - The Town of Nipawin

Request for Proposal
Scope of Work
Town of Nipawin
Industrial Park
1. Project Understanding
The Town of Nipawin has expressed an interest in developing an industrial park subdivision.
Town personnel have identified a potential location for the development. Descriptions of the
sites, as well as the ISC Parcel pictures are included in this package (see attached).
The Town is requesting a review of the site in terms of its suitability for the development into
an industrial park. The review is to include;
A conceptual layout of each parcel,
Estimated development costs,
Site suitability in terms of geotechnical factors, environmental impacts, site
serviceability, access, zoning, etc., and,
Recommendations regarding the location.
The project goal is the preparation of a planning study which will help the Town to develop its
first industrial park.
2. Project Considerations
The letter request identifies some considerations for the site and also identifies analysis
components specific to zoning and engineering analysis. The Town would like a work plan
prepared which identifies the level of work that is needed to achieve the stated objectives but
we would also like suggestions of additional components the Town could consider doing either
part of this process or before planning the site development. This is explained below.
2.1 Intended Uses for the Site – One of the key inputs for this study will be the intended uses
for the site which in turn will be used to determine size, type and density of uses. The
suggested types of sources for this information can be attained from town personnel, local
businesses who have an interest in locating to the industrial park, a market demand study or an
economic development plan. The Town would like a visioning exercise included into the
Planning Study which the Town and/or local stakeholders would identify the intended uses for
the site. Additionally, the Town could consider the commissioning of a market demand study or
could add an industrial sales advisor to the planning study team.
2.2 Best Practices from Other Industrial Parks – The Town of Nipawin is searching for a
company which has been involved in the planning and development of different
commercial/industrial parks. This would assist with different options for layouts and sizes for
light industrial uses such as warehouses, office space and ancillary businesses. The Town hopes
that those working on the Planning Study will have engineering and planning personnel who
have Saskatchewan experience and will develop the lots from an engineering perspective.
2.3 Risk Mitigation – Saskatchewan’s economy is doing very well and in order to compete with
the attraction of businesses the Town needs to develop commercial/industrial lands. During the
Planning Study, discussion should be held regarding the risks and identifying strategies or
studies that may be needed to evaluate risk and develop a plan to reduce risk.
2.4 Decision Analysis – The process for the planning study was designed so that a number of
criteria could be evaluated to determine the preferred parcel to develop industrial uses.
Options will need to be developed and comparatively evaluated in a structure framework that
allows asking the question, “Which option is most favourable for implementation given the
environmental, social, and economic attributes?” Ultimately the process will produce the
information required by decision-makers to make informed decisions. Selection of the
preferred options will involve consideration of several subjective and objective criteria including
suitability to meet the user’s needs, cost, geotechnical impact and zoning. Part of the Planning
Study will hopefully recommend a structured approach to the decision making process which
will include generalized decision frameworks and stakeholder visits.
3. Work Plan
3.1 Start Up Meeting and Background Data Collection - A start-up meeting will be held
between the consultants and the Town of Nipawin to discuss scope of work, data needs and
identify which stakeholders would be invited to participate in the Planning Study.
The Town will tender out the Planning Study to various engineering consultant firms. As part of
this task the Town will provide information related to the study, any additional information
required by the consultants, and maps of the site of the industrial park.
Deliverables: compiled background data and base maps for use in the study.
3.2 Planning Meeting #1
Planning Meeting # 1 will include a visioning exercise to identify potential uses of the site,
amenities that would be provided within the industrial park, and where expansion of the
industrial park could occur. The Town is looking at the consultant to provide a brief overview of
the decision analysis framework that will be used to evaluate the expansion and brainstorm to
identify decision criteria. During the consultants visit, the Town is hoping the consultant can
utilize their time here by completing a field review of the industrial park’s potential site.
Deliverable: meeting minutes
3.3 Geotechnical Investigation
In order for development to occur on the industrial park a geotechnical analysis would need to
be completed. This is usually tendered out by the consultant to another firm who specializes in
this type of work.
Deliverable: geotechnical report
3.4 Review of Town of Nipawin Zoning Bylaw 763/2000
The intent of the review will be to confirm that development of various sorts can occur on the
industrial park location and to make sure that it does not conflict with any other current uses
around that location. Alternatively, if certain requirements/amendments are needed for the
development to occur, these would be identified.
Deliverable: text for inclusion in the final report.
3.5 Preliminary Layouts
The Town would like an overall layout for the proposed industrial park expansion.
Deliverable: a preliminary layout for the proposed expansion of the industrial park
3.6 Municipal Servicing Options
The Town needs the study to indicate the existing infrastructure and identify existing
constraints which may affect the serviceability or development of the industrial park. From this,
the Town would like options to develop preliminary service options for roads, water, sewer,
storm water retention, drainage, and maintenance of the infrastructure which would be
Considerations for servicing options:
Optimum locations for primary water mains, storage and booster pumping stations (if
required) and potential impact on existing water distribution network.
Optimum locations for trunk sanitary sewer mains, sewage pumping stations and
forcemains and the potential impact on the existing sanitary sewage system.
Optimum locations for trunk storm mains and storm water retention basins and the
potential impacts on the existing storm water management system.
Access into the proposed industrial park, as well as the major arterials within the site.
Other utilities (i.e. power, gas, and telephone).
Deliverable: servicing layouts and text, including cost estimates, outlining servicing options, for
inclusion in the final report.
3.7 Evaluation
The consultant will provide the Town with a detailed draft decision analysis which will include a
matrix based on decision criteria established at the Planning Meeting # 1.
Deliverable: draft evaluation matrix
3.8 Planning Meeting # 2
At planning meeting # 2, the consultant will provide options, review and refine the decision
analysis results, identify the preferred option based on group discussion and facilitate a
discussion on risk with developing the industrial park.
Deliverable: meeting minutes
3.9 Report Development
The consultant will compile the information gathered throughout the course of the study into
one final document. The report will include:
Results of the geotechnical investigation;
A review of the Town of Nipawin Zoning Bylaw 763/2000 and the suitability of the
development location considering other uses in the proximity;
11 x 17 fold-out drawings providing conceptual layouts for the development of the
industrial park;
An explanation of municipal servicing options;
Cost estimates for the development;
A summary of the decision analysis; and
A recommendation on the process that is most suitable for the development of the
industrial park.
4 Schedule
The Town of Nipawin would like to begin the project July 2013 and have a completed document
November 2013.
5 Fees
The Town of Nipawin would like your Company to provide a cost estimate to do the study
mentioned above and a profile on your Company’s background.
The Town of Nipawin would like to thank you for your interest and would like to wish you the
best of luck in the bidding process.
Attached is a map of the industrial park’s location.