November 6, 2014
Electronic and print media were duly notified in accordance with the State Freedom of Information Act.
The meeting was called to order at 6:09 p.m. by John Payne. The following board members were
present: Stephen Durham, Amy Roberts, John Payne, Eve Miller and Marty Miley. Adea Humphries
arrived at 6:35 pm. Marty Miley made the motion to go into Executive Session, and Amy Roberts
seconded. The corresponding vote was 5 in favor, 0 opposed.
An Executive Session of the Bridges Preparatory School (BPS) Committee was held at 6:10 p.m. at
Technical College of the Low Country located at Technical College of the Lowcountry Board Room. The
following Board members were present: Stephen Durham, Amy Roberts, John Payne, Eve Miller and
Marty Miley with Adea Humphries arriving at 6:35 pm.
DISCUSSION: Personnel and contractual matters were discussed.
John Payne asked for a motion to go out of Executive Session and into Public meeting. Stephen Durham
made the motion, and Amy Roberts seconded. The corresponding vote was 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
A Public Meeting of the Bridges Preparatory School Board was held at 7:12 p.m. at Technical College of
the Low Country located at Technical College of the Lowcountry Auditorium. The following board
members were present: Adea Humphries, Stephen Durham, Amy Roberts, John Payne, Eve Miller and
Marty Miley.
John Payne read the mission statement as follows: “The Bridges Preparatory School (BPS) mission is to
provide students equal access to a high quality K-12 whole child education that maximizes academic
excellence and strength of character in a student-centered learning environment created by a faculty of
lifelong learners.”
John Payne asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Adea Humphries made the motion to approve
the agenda, Eve Miller seconded it. The corresponding vote was 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
John Payne stated that the media was notified of the meeting, including the listing on the BPS website.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: John Payne stated that the blue ballots will be counted tonight.
Eve Miller made the motion to adopt the Enrollment Policy. Motion seconded Stephen Durham. The
motion carried, 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
Eve Miller made the motion to adopt the 2014-2015 Employee Handbook with the updates made by
HOS Bob Cook and Eve Miller. Motion seconded by Amy Roberts. Motion carried, 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
Eve Miller made the motion to empower the Communications Director to place standing ads for general
faculty, staff and administration positions on the District and other resource websites and publications
that are low or no cost to the school. Motion seconded by Marty Miley. Motion carried, 6 in favor, 0
Eve Miller made the motion to adopt the Legal Consultant Policy. Motion seconded by Amy Roberts.
Motion carried, 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
Adea Humphries stated that the Needs Assessment was completed and received today at 3:00 pm. This
assessment was sent to the board at that time and will be reviewed by them. The Consultant Committee
will receive a copy of the needs assessment to begin the process of interviewing and recommending a
consultant for the school. Mrs. Humphries also explained that the Bridges School Board met with the
needs consultant while she was here and she recommended that several things needed immediate
attention. The Board is working to address these issues currently. The board will review the needs
assessment and begin working with administration on solving any problems within the school. The
School Needs Assessment will be shared with the public once it has been reviewed by the Board and the
Consultant Committee.
Eve Miller made the motion to adopt the school leadership model as put forth in Bridges Bylaws Article
IV, Section 4.2, Item Y and employ an Executive Director to lead Heads of the elementary and secondary
schools with a shared leadership structure underneath. An organizational chart will be developed and
posted publicly with detailed job descriptions attached and a full internal school evaluation completed
prior to conducting an external search for open positions. The motion was seconded by Adea
Humphries. Motion carried, 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
Kay Keeler stated that the committee has interviewed a possible candidate for the Curriculum Specialist
position. This person is coming for a tour of the school next week. This position will be responsible for
the curriculum development, research to find cutting edge strategies for academic achievement in line
with the charter requirements and working one on one with teachers.
Eve Miller made a motion to accept the recommendation from the Curriculum Committee for the
Curriculum Specialist position. Stephen Durham seconded the motion. Motion carried, 6 in favor, 0
HOS REPORT: Kay Keeler gave the HOS report tonight. She states that the school will be participating in
the Veterans Day Parade on 11/11/14 and encourages that students and families participate.
John Payne made a motion to amend the agenda to include a Facilities report to the agenda as Item #8.
Marty Miley seconded this motion. Motion carried, 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
Marty Miley reported that there is now a landscaping plan to the new facility. He suggested that Fran
Calvert head up a landscaping committee that would be responsible for getting donations of plants for
the landscaping project. Mr. Miley also updated the public regarding the modulars. He states that
currently OSF and the City of Beaufort are approving the required permits needed in order to put the
modulars in place on the property. As soon as these are approved, the modular placement can begin.
Kelly Lesesne PTO Parent and Events Coordinator states that the PTO is moving forward with the Block
Party and that a contract is in place with Plums. The date of the event will be May 16, 2015. She is
requesting that the board reimburse the PTO for the money it gives for the Block Party and she also asks
that the board work with the PTO to help with media sponsors and partnerships. The board agreed to do
Jeff Matthews, parent, stated his concerns about our facilities accommodating the growth of Bridges.
Charlie Calvert, parent, stated that more people are needed on the Facilities committee to assist with
looking or property for the school and suggested that Jeff Matthews become a part of the Facilities
Cathy Emmert, parent, questioned if the Teen Center was available for school consideration. The Board
and Charlie Calvert reported to her that the Teen Center has been sold.
John Payne introduced Mayor Keyserling to the public and thanked him for his willingness to count the
ballots for board elections. Counting of ballots was performed in the public forum. Results were: Kelli
Franklin received 71 votes; Caroline Lovell received 112 votes; Deborah Matthews received 95 votes;
Marty Miley received 86 votes.
Approval of the Consent Agenda and Minutes
A motion by Adea Humphries to approve the minutes from the 10/16/14 and 10/27/14 meeting was
seconded Stephen Durham. The meetings minutes were approved by a vote of 6 in favor, 0 opposed,
and will be posted to the school website. A motion was made to approve the consent agenda as
amended by Adea Humphries. Motion seconded by Amy Roberts. Motion carried 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
Stephen Durham made the motion to adjourn, and Marty Miley seconded it. The corresponding vote
was 6 in favor, 0 opposed. The time of adjournment was 8:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Adea Humphries, Acting Secretary