October 16, 2014, 2014
Electronic and print media were duly notified in accordance with the State Freedom of Information Act.
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by John Payne. The following board members were
present: Adea Humphries, Stephen Durham, Amy Roberts, Marty Miley, John Payne, and Eve Miller.
Also present was Bob Cook, Head of School. Eve Miller made the motion to go into Executive Session,
and Stephen Durham seconded. The corresponding vote was 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
An Executive Session of the Bridges Preparatory School (BPS) Committee was held at 6:10 p.m. at the
school located at 1100 Boundary Street, Beaufort, South Carolina 29902. The following Board members
were present: Adea Humphries, Stephen Durham, Amy Roberts, Marty Miley, John Payne, and Eve
Miller. Also present was Bob Cook, Head of School.
DISCUSSION: Contractual matters were discussed. Draft of Audit was presented by the Auditor
John Payne asked for a motion to go out of Executive Session and into Public meeting. Eve Miller made
the motion, and Stephen Durham seconded. The corresponding vote was 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
A Public Meeting of the Bridges Preparatory School Board was held at 7:06 p.m. at the school located at
1100 Boundary Street, Beaufort, South Carolina 29902. The following board members were present:
Adea Humphries, Stephen Durham, Amy Roberts, Marty Miley, John Payne and Eve Miller.
John Payne read the mission statement as follows: “The Bridges Preparatory School (BPS) mission is to
provide students equal access to a high quality K-12 whole child education that maximizes academic
excellence and strength of character in a student-centered learning environment created by a faculty of
lifelong learners.”
John Payne asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Adea Humphries made a motion to move public
comment to after the Facilities Update. Eve Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried with 6 in favor,
0 opposed. Eve Miller made the motion to approve the agenda with the motion change, and Stephen
Durham seconded it. The corresponding vote was 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
John Payne stated that the media was notified of the meeting, including the listing on the BPS website.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: John Payne provided the Chairman’s report. He explained that public comment
cards are now available and that if someone from the public wishes to speak during public session, they
should complete the card and bring it to the chair.
John Payne acknowledged Charlie Calvert’s appointment by the Speaker of the House to the SC State
Charter School Board. He informed the public that as a result of this appointment, he resigned from the
BPS school board and withdrew his name from the list to run in the board election. Mr. Payne thanked
Charlie Calvert for his hard work and dedication to BPS and Mr. Calvert was presented with a certificate
of appreciation from the school board.
John Payne explained that the board spoke with our attorney and he advised that new board election
ballots with the removal of Charlie Calvert’s name be reissued. These were mailed out to parents and
should be arriving to families this week. Deadline for turning in ballots is October 31, 2014 by 4 pm.
John Payne recognized that our mayor, Mr. Keyserling is attendance at the board meeting tonight. Mr.
Keyserling was asked by the board chair if he would like to address the board or the public. Mr.
Keyserling offered congratulations to Charlie Calvert for his appointment to his new position.
HOS Report: The report from Bob Cook is attached.
Board member, Eve Miller, asked Mr. Cook who monitors the security cameras at Bridges. Mr. Cook
responded to the board and public that security cameras are monitored by Joan Drury, Tim Drury and
Mike __________. Mr. Cook also reported that he can also access cameras remotely. He added that
Mike ______________ is also the first person called if an alarm goes off in the building.
Board member, Eve Miller, also brought up the complaints that have been received regarding the
cleanliness of the building. Mr. Cook responded to the board and public that he working on putting
together a check list for cleaning the both buildings. The Board requested that Mr. Cook clarify the roles
of who is going to clean and maintain both buildings.
Director’s Report: John Payne explained to the public that new to the agenda is a director’s report.
Tonight, Josefina Blanc will be updating the board and the public regarding Communications. Mrs. Blanc
states that we will begin the process of implementing inventory software and hardware hopefully
before the end of the year. The final quote for the projectors will be coming soon. She also reports that
she will be scheduling a meeting with leadership to discuss revising our WiFi. Mrs. Blanc also
commented that our communication protocol should always build on our Paideia Charter principles and
that we need to make sure that our communication is collaborative and geared toward problem solving
for the children who are in our care.
Treasurer’s Report: Eve Miller provided the Treasurer’s report. She stated that we met with the auditor
today and that our audit report was good. She explained that the audit weighs heavily on keeping our
charter school open and that it is extremely important that charter schools have healthy financial
evaluations since charter schools operate more like corporate organizations. She stated that this is one
difference between charter schools and traditional public schools. She further explained that this report
will help us with our USDA loan that we are planning to acquire after the first of the year. Mrs. Miller
reviewed with the public again the particulars involving the USDA loan and how this will benefit our
John Payne and Even Miller spoke for the board in congratulated Jessie Mullen for her work with the
auditor and stated that the auditor complimented Jessie Mullen on her organization, promptness and
willingness to work so efficiently with them.
Mrs. Miller announced that the CPA is unavailable for the meeting tonight.
Facilities Committee: Marty Miley provided the Facilities report. Mr. Miley states that the architect will
be submitting the plans for the modulars to OSF on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Once they have
been submitted and approved, BPS will begin the process of placing the modulars on the property.
Public Comments:
Fran Calvert addressed the board and Head of School on the status of the lunch room tables and chairs.
The Head of School responded to this. He states that he has been looking on line for the last two days
for lunch room tables. Fran Calvert offered the assistance of parent volunteers that are willing to help
load and deliver furniture to the school.
Michelle Mariano suggested that until lunch room tables are located, the school should consider
purchasing 6 foot portable tables and chairs for use as lunch room tables. Bob Cook will follow up on
Charlie Calvert suggested that the board consider printing a 3-D picture of our school building plans and
placing that picture in the front lobby of both buildings so that parents will be able to see what the
school will look like once it is completed.
Outreach: Amy Roberts addressed the public regarding outreach. She states that every 4th Friday of the
month, BPS provides outreach to the community at the park. She has requested that parents help or
donate items for this outreach. She provided a sign up page for parents to volunteer. She suggests that
this be placed on our web page.
Consultant update: Adea Humphries shared with the public that Brandi Kenner will be visiting the school
tomorrow and Saturday to begin the on-site needs assessment. She reminded parents to complete the
stakeholder survey as quickly as possible in order to provide the data needed for the consultant to
provide the feedback needed for the board and administration to begin the strategic plans for the
school. Mrs. Humphries is hoping or 100% feedback from the stakeholders. Explained to the public that
parents should have received an e-mail from Josefina Blanc with the link to the survey. The survey takes
about 15 minutes to complete and is crucial for this project.
Eve Miller made the motion to approve the Communication Policy. Adea Humphries seconded the
motion. Motion carried 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
Eve Miller made the motion to approve the Administrator Disciplinary Action Policy. Adea Humphries
seconded the motion. Motion carried 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
Eve Miller discussed changing the BPS application deadline to be January 1-January 31. This was
discussed openly in public session. Joan Drury explained that the application process has already begun
for the next school year but that she has no objection to the change. Administration agreeable as well.
Board members felt that since the application process has already begun that this should be looked at
more closely next year. Eve Miller made the motion to extend the deadline for accepting enrollment
applications to January 31, 2015 pending the approval from the state charter school district. The motion
was seconded by Amy Roberts. Motion carried 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
Approval of the Consent Agenda and Minutes
A motion by Adea Humphries to approve the minutes from the October 2, 2014 meeting was seconded
Stephen Durham. The meetings minutes were approved by a vote of 5 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstained
and will be posted to the school website.
Amy Roberts made the motion to move from the Public Meeting into Executive Session. Stephen
Durham seconded the motion. Motion carried 6 in favor, 0 opposed.
An Executive Session of the Bridges Preparatory School (BPS) Committee was held at 7:56 p.m. at the
school located at 1100 Boundary Street, Beaufort, South Carolina 29902. The following Board members
were present: Adea Humphries, Stephen Durham, Amy Roberts, Marty Miley, John Payne, and Eve
Miller. Also present was Bob Cook, Head of School.
DISCUSSION: Contractual matters were discussed. Personnel matter also discussed
Stephen Durham made the motion to adjourn, and Marty Miley seconded it. The corresponding vote
was 6 in favor, 0 opposed. The time of adjournment was 8:53 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Adea Humphries
Acting Secretary