Spanish 3 Review Red Book Review Introductions and Greetings on

Spanish 3 Review
Red Book
1. Review Introductions and Greetings on pages 6 & 7. Do activity 6 on page 9.
2. Working in pairs, ask each other the questions from activity 4 on page 47.
3. Questions words page 52. What are all the questions words and what do they mean?
4. Activity 18 page 53
5. The verb Gustar, Tocar, and Parecer. Pages 62 and 178. How are these verbs used? What makes them different?
Activity 29 page 62.
6. Using the verb gustar and the correct pronoun, state whether or not you like each item listed in activity 30 on page 63.
7. Activity 4 page 85.
8. Present tense of querer page 90. What is different about querer and the way you conjugate it?
9. Activities 15 and 16 on page 90.
10. Present tense of ar,er and ir verbs. Draw three boxes and give the endings for the 3 verbs in the present tense. Then pick
an ar, er and ir verb and conjugate all three in the present tense (draw a box again for each verb).
11. Present tense of ir and jugar. Page 100. Conjugate ir and jugar. Activity 32 page 101.
12. Weather expressions page 102. Draw 6 pictures that depict 6 different weather expressions.
13. School supplies pages 120-121. Activity 2 and 3 page 122.
14. Indefinite and definite articles page 124 and 60. Make the chart for masculine, feminine, singular, and plural definite
articles. Place at least 4 examples of each one under each article. Your chart will look something like this.
15. Present tense of tener and tener idioms. Page 126. What is different about tener? Conjugate it in a t-chart. List the
tener idioms and what they mean.
16. Ir a with infinitives page 136. What is ir a plus an infinitive used for?
17. Activity 30 page 137.
18. Er and ir verbs with irregular “yo” meanings page 140. What are the six verbs with the irregular “yo” meanings?
19. Activity 36 page 140.
20. Family vocabulary pages 158-159. Make a short family tree with an imaginary, immediate family. Include one set of
grandparents, your parents, one set of aunts and uncles, one set of cousins, and siblings.
21. Explain stem changing verbs and give 3 examples of them, including their conjugations.
22. When do you use ser and when do you use estar? Page 200 Write one sentence for each verb.
23. How do you form affirmative informal commands? Page 214
24. How do you form negative informal commands? Page 252
Blue Book
25. How do you form affirmative formal commands? Page 102
26. What are 3 irregular formal commands? Page 104
27. How do you form negative formal commands? Page 102
28. Activity 26 on page 103
29. What does the preterite show?
30. What are the endings for ar verbs in the preterite? Page 66
31. What are the endings for er verbs in the preterite? Page 66
32. What are the endings for ir verbs in the preterite Page 66
33. What are the conjugations for ir and hacer in the preterite? Page 66
34. When do you use the subjunctive? Page 342
35. How do you form the subjunctive for ar, er and ir verbs? Page 342
36. List 3 words that trigger the subjunctive. Page 342
37. Activity 26, page 342
38. How do you conjugate stem changing verbs in the subjunctive? Page 344
39. When do you use the future tense?
40. How do you form the future tense of ar, er and ir verbs? Page 346
41. List the 9 verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense. Page 346
42. Write a sentence in the future and translate it.
43. Draw a body and label its parts in Spanish.