5th Periosouth Scientific Group Study Day Final programme Friday 6th March 2015 Robin Smith Suite, Ageas Bowl, Botley Road, West End, Southampton This exciting day provides 5.5 hours of verifiable CPD, the programme is as follows: The morning session will have a restorative theme, with the ProsthodonticPeriodontal interface in multidisciplinary treatment planning, treatment execution, outcomes and maintenance, using examples of original cases carried out by Dr Dina Dedi and Dr Richard Tucker. Our afternoon session will have a medical theme, with a presentation by Professor Mike Cummings on the current management of diabetes, particularly considering the new technologies now available. We shall also have a presentation from Dr Matthew Marsh on Intravenous Sedation in dental practice. 08:45- 09:30 Registration and coffee 09:30- 11:00 Complex anterior aesthetics Dr Konstantina Dina Dedi, a USA trained Prosthodontist, will discuss complex restorations in the aesthetic zone, the multidisciplinary planning, management and outcomes. Konstantina Dina Dedi qualified in 1994. She then spent several years in the USA for fulltime postgraduate specialty training and teaching. She was awarded a Speciality Degree in Prosthodontics in 1997, an MSc in Oral Biology in 1999 and Dental Oncology fellowship degree in 1998. She is currently the Director of Aesthetic Dentistry Programmes at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute, where she teaches postgraduates in the fields of prosthodontics aesthetic and implant dentistry. Dr. Dedi lectures nationally and internationally on aesthetics, implant dentistry and prosthodontics. Prior to her current appointment, she taught for nine years at the University of North Carolina USA as a Clinical Assistant Professor in Prosthodontics, Removable Clinics Director and also director of the ITI Implant Prosthodontic Scholarship Program. She practices in Central London focusing, on aesthetic dentistry, with an emphasis on a customized treatment approach for the needs of each patient. Dr. Dedi is fluent in English French and Greek. 11h00- 11h30 Coffee 11h30- 12h45 Good foundations to aesthetic smiles Dr Richard Tucker, Periodontist and Principal of Periosouth. Richard will discuss the periodontal, implant surgical aspects and maintenance of complex restorations. Richard Tucker qualified with BDS in 1991. He then worked in private general dental practice for 6 years. He completed his specialist training at the Eastman Dental Institute in 2000. Thereafter, he started a part-time specialist referral practice, limited to periodontics and the surgical aspects of implant dentistry, in London, whilst continuing to work and teach at the Eastman. He is now an honorary lecturer at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute and has been the Principal of Periosouth since 2010. 12h45- 13h45 Lunch 13h45- 15h00 Current management of diabetes Professor Mike Cummings, Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology Professor Mike Cummings was appointed as Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology in 1996. He is also Honorary Professor in Diabetes and Endocrinology at Portsmouth University. His major areas of interest in Diabetes are linked to cardiovascular disease and risks (in particular dyslipidaemia and microalbuminuria), diabetes and pregnancy and erectile dysfunction. He also has a specialist endocrine interest in thyroid lumps, endocrine fertility and hypogonadism. His research interests are in endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, dysglycaemia and lipid metabolism. He lectures widely on diabetes and lipid related topics and has published extensively on these areas including lipid metabolism. He is Associate Editor of Practical Diabetes and Sub-Editor of Diabetes Digest. 15h00- 16h15 Conscious Intravenous Sedation Dr Matthew Marsh, Consultant Anaesthetist and Co-director of 3H Matt qualified from Southampton University School of Medicine in 1996. Initially pursuing a career in general medicine gaining his Membership of the Royal College of Physicians. He subsequently undertook his specialist anaesthetic training through the Wessex School of Anaesthesia becoming a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. He has worked as a Consultant Anaesthetist in Southampton since 2008 and provides anaesthetic care for patients having a wide variety of surgical procedures. In recent years Matt has developed a particular interest in providing sedation care for patients undergoing dental, ophthalmic, endoscopic and radiological procedures. 16h15- 16h20 Closing remarks ENROLMENT FORM 6th March 2015 (9-5pm) £120 Dentist/£76 Hygienist/£76 Dental Nurse (Annual All Day Meeting) Venue: The Robin Smith Suite, Ageas Bowl, Botley Road, West End, Southampton “5th Anniversary” I have enclosed a cheque for £ made payable to Periosouth. Email: ____________________________________________ Tel: _______________________ FUTURE DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: If you are interested in attending one of the events listed below then please register your interest via email to info@periosouth.co.uk or telephone Debbie Clark, Practice Manager, on 01962 767900. Periosouth Scientific Group Meetings (Speakers, topics and venues are to be confirmed) Wednesday 30th September 2015 6-8pm Wednesday 25th November 2015 6-8pm Friday 4th March 2016 All day